Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 289: Battle of Kraikana Island (8)


Mihawk's vagina suddenly tightened.

"This is impossible. The source of your immortality is your fruit ability. The fruit ability is ever-changing. It is not difficult to accept that you can become immortal. But if you can create immortal creatures out of thin air..."

"This is not a devil fruit ability at all, but the power of God."

"That's why."

Mary opened her hands: "Face God, Mihawk."

"Tiphous was the first, but he will not be the last."

"This kind of thing..."

Looking at the somewhat incomprehensible Mihawk, Mary smiled and narrowed her eyes.

In fact, Tiphoos is not truly immortal.

Mary's immortality comes from the huge vitality stored in her body. Once her vitality is exhausted and cannot be replenished, it will be her death.

Although the vitality in Tiphoos is majestic, it is not the vitality stored beyond the limits of the body like Mary. In theory, there shouldn't be such immortality.

But here comes the problem. Mary's immortality itself is not [immortality], its essence is super-speed regeneration plus combat continuation. After being fatally injured, as long as she does not lose consciousness, she can still regenerate even if her body functions are completely lost.

This is the biggest difference between Mary and other physically powerful people. Other physically powerful people can sometimes achieve super-speed regeneration, but only Mary can maintain the power of regeneration even when body functions are lost.

The key is [loss of body function].

The most unusual thing about elemental life forms is that they do not rely on body functions to maintain life, but rely on the operating rules of life force itself. These laws are embodied in the organs in the living body, and when Mary shapes the elemental life form, she abstracts these laws.

In other words, the elemental life form itself is equivalent to a ball of life force that can act on its own.

In this case, as long as the shaping is successful, if you want to defeat the elemental life form, you must weaken the vitality in the elemental life form to the point where it cannot maintain regular operation.

Of course... if the carrier that carries these vitalities, that is, the entire giant's body, can be completely eliminated in one breath, of course the vitality that loses the carrier will not be able to be maintained and will naturally collapse.

During this period, elemental life forms can also draw life force from other places like Mary.

Based on the above reasons, the elemental life form has achieved a [pseudo-immortal] effect similar to Mary's.

And before this secret was revealed, Tiphous's sense of oppression was definitely greater than Mary's.

An undead giant tens of thousands of meters tall, with strong armed domineering power (similar to giant sea kings, whose vitality is so rich that it will form a natural layer of armed domineering power to a certain extent.), unable to communicate, and bent on destruction...


Calm as an eagle eye, he couldn't help but click his tongue.

He couldn't think of a way to deal with this guy. His sword blade was as sharp and unstoppable as ever, but fighting against this guy who couldn't be killed by cutting alone... was really bad.

"How about it, Mihawk?"

At this time, Mary spoke again.

As the sea of ​​blood agitated, a figure that looked exactly like Mary emerged from the sea of ​​blood and said in a bubbling voice:

"I didn't want to fight you too ugly from the beginning. It would be decent to surrender now. With Kuzan and Esdeath here, you can't leave. And facing Tiphoos... you really Is there any chance of winning?"

"Face me."

As Mary's words came, Mihawk fell silent.

He relaxed his fighting stance and looked up at the clouds.

"Hey, hey..." Looking at this posture, Blackbeard felt something bad, "Mihawk... you can't really..."

"Shut up, Blackbeard."


Blackbeard's words were forcibly interrupted by Mihawk, and his blood pressure rose again.

But he didn't dare to talk back yet. Among the people present now, except Weibull and the people from the fleet in the distance, Blackbeard felt that he was the one with the worst physical strength.

If Mihawk is offended again... the consequences will be very painful.

After calming down, Mihawk turned to look at the bloody man beside him.

Mary didn't speak anymore, quietly waiting for Mihawk's response.

"...You said, are you a god?"

"The god who created this Tepheus?"

"...Well, what's the problem?"


Mihawk's expression gradually turned gloomy: "Since you are the god who created life, let me ask you, does god love his creation?"


Mary frowned: "What do you mean?"

"I mean, what do you think of this big guy Tiphous?"

"Is this life your child, your apostle, your friend, or... your slave?"

"Do you consider it a life? Do you accept its prayers?"

"You claim to be God, do you have the universal love that God should have?"

"Or do you want your creation to sacrifice everything for its god?"

Mihawk said word by word, his tone becoming more and more intense.

However, both Blackbeard and Mary were a little confused by this series of questions.

"...This has nothing to do with our current situation, right, Mihawk?"

Mary said coldly: "If you want to understand me as a person, you will have a lot of time like this in the future. But now, I don't have time to chat with you so much..."

"answer me!


Mihawk suddenly shouted loudly, with such a strong momentum that Mary could feel Mihawk's nameless anger from her own blood even though she was tens of thousands of meters away.

Mary shut up immediately.

"If you want to make me surrender, then you must answer these questions of mine."

"What is Tepheus to you?"

"Honestly, I can tell if you're lying."

Mihawk said with a cold tone.


After a long silence, Mary slowly spoke:




"Isn't it even considered life?"

Mihawk murmured, and Mary didn't respond.

The next moment, Mihawk raised the black knife in his hand, and his fighting spirit rose again. What was different from before was that this time Mihawk's eyes flashed with determination.

"Then fight to the death, Mary Vinicius."

"We are not from the same place."


Mary didn't know why Mihawk cared so much about Tiphoos, nor did she understand why Mihawk's attitude changed.

But she had already been prepared to fight to the end, so she didn't say anything more after hearing this.

Once a person like Mihawk makes a decision, he will not change it even if he is killed. Therefore, Mary did not want to waste any time.

Since we have to fight...

"Then let's fight! Tepheus!"

As Mary roared, Tiphous went berserk again, raised his fists high, and smashed them down.

"Dark acupoint!"

Blackbeard's eyes widened angrily and he shouted about filial piety.

The black energy exploded, spreading under one of Tiphoos' feet and swallowing it up. Tiphoos, who suddenly lost his balance, tilted his body and fell to the other side.

"Marshall D. Teach..."

Mary's eyes became a little colder again.

"Don't think I don't exist at all!"

Blackbeard roared angrily, venting his anger from being ignored from the beginning and having been suffocated until now.

The war broke out again, and at the same time, on the sea dozens of kilometers away, a large shark-like submarine floated from the sea.

The hatch on the submarine opened, and two people, a man and a woman, walked out of it.

The man is tall and thin, his clothes are simple and clean, and he looks like a scientific researcher. The girl is petite, with blond hair and a rather pale face.

"It looks like something unexpected happened here."

The man frowned and looked at the figure standing in the sky in the distance, "I originally planned to take you to see your kind... Now it seems that our arrival is unlucky, Venus."

"Oh no... Livingstone Vinicius Palace."

"Don't call me by that name...my name is Mary Vinicius."

The girl shook her head and said with a smile.

"If you are called by this name, it is easy to confuse you with another person."

The man said calmly.

Mary, or rather Vinicius, scratched his head.

"Another me... Well... I can't remember exactly what happened before I died, but I vaguely remember seeing a person flying towards me from the sky before I died..."

"Is that me? Or is that me now?"

"Who knows, there has to be an impostor between you two anyway."

The man said with a shrug.

"If there is really an impostor, then I'm afraid it can only be me." Vinicius smiled bitterly, "After all, I was created by you."

"That's not certain."

The man said quietly.

Vinicius shook his head, did not extend too much on this topic, and turned to ask another question:

"Then Bega Punk, you said you wanted to bring me to meet another person of the same kind...who is it?"

"Maybe I still know him."

"After traveling around the sea for so many years, I have some friendships with some people."

Vegapunk looked at the Titan in the distance with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Hearing Vinicius' inquiry, he replied:

"Vinisius, you have been in my base for such a long time, you should also know what a Seraph is, right?"

"I know. Use the genes of strong men and the blood factors of other powerful races to create life, create humans, and then implant virtual consciousness to create powerful war weapons that obey orders. To be honest... I don't like it."

Vinicius said honestly.

Vegapunk nodded.

"No technology can be achieved overnight. In the short process you just mentioned, there are three difficulties that need to be overcome."

"First, blend the bloodline factors and successfully shape the life form."

"Second, create virtual consciousness."

"Third, implant virtual consciousness."

"The first step was basically solved before I joined the World Government, and the second step was basically solved when I joined the pacifists. The key is the third step."

"Implanting virtual consciousness."

"However, I have to make a digression here..."

"If it were you and you wanted to give a life consciousness, what would you do?"

"...Let him generate himself?"

Vinicius asked tentatively.

"Correct, this was also my initial thought. I have long wanted to create powerful artificial humans. It doesn't matter what the power is. This is just an interest as a scientific researcher."

"Creating a body is not difficult, the key lies in consciousness."

"And the consciousness I chose to give to the physical body at the beginning was not virtual consciousness, but I chose to let it generate self-consciousness."

"But I soon discovered that this didn't work. The self-generated consciousness was quite chaotic and could not even recognize things. Moreover, the consciousness generated in this way was not stable and could easily collapse."

"And even if it succeeds, the strong person created in this way cannot control it and has low intelligence. But these shortcomings don't matter. After all, from beginning to end, there is only one successful case of such backward technology."

"I don't think this is backward technology..."

Vinicius said weakly.

Vegapunk shrugged. There must be a gap in understanding between a person of his level and a layman like Vinicius, so he did not correct it.

"Then I found another way."

Vegapunk said, gesturing with his hands:

"I guide the generation of artificial human consciousness by transferring the consciousness implanted in other organisms. Using the existing biological consciousness as the core, the artificial human consciousness relies on it to exist."

"The artificial human created in this way will not only have stable consciousness and normal intelligence, but can even load some data to provide it with knowledge during the generation of consciousness. In this way, I can even create people who know it from birth."

"Logically speaking, this should be a perfect technology, but unfortunately, it still cannot solve the shortcomings of uncontrollable artificial humans."

"After the strongest artificial man broke through the base, this research was stopped. At that time, because the research of artificial man required high funds, I could not provide it myself and had to rely on the world government. The artificial man created by this technology If the human world government cannot control it, it is not needed.”

"After experiencing these two failures, I developed the current Seraph technology based on the research experience of one of my former colleagues, Kaji."

"I see……"

Vinicius nodded thoughtfully and said: "These days, I have always thought that you are capable of everything. Now it seems that you also have a hard side."

"It's not really hard work. It's just that my research results would be denied for such superficial reasons, which makes me a little unhappy."

Vegapunk said indifferently.

Vinicius nodded. However, not long after, she was slightly startled, turned around and asked:

"That's not right, Mr. Vegapunk, are we off topic?"

"Isn't it my kind that I was talking about just now?"

"It's not off topic."

Vegapunk said slowly: "They are also artificial humans who have been given life and consciousness by me. The experimental subjects I just mentioned are your kind."

"Didn't I just say that during my research, there was a failure and a successful product that escaped."

"One of them should live near here."

After saying that, Vegapunk turned around and looked at Vinicius.

"The failed product was an artificial man I made using Whitebeard's genes. His intelligence was too low, so I abandoned him. I gave him the codename Weibull at the time, and I don't know where he is now."

"The one who succeeded but escaped from the base was an artificial human created by me using Yinmu's genes to create a body and using the eagle's consciousness as the core..."

"Code name, Joracol Mihawk."

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