Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 271: Vengeance

"How many days? I didn't expect it to be longer than I thought."

Mary laughed and said without changing her expression:

"But strictly speaking, I have always stayed in the Sea Forest and have never left here."

"But I didn't observe you."

Renesmee's snake boy said, almost in front of Mary's eyes.

"Of course I have my own methods. Of course, this is a secret."

Mary said with a smile. At the same time, the flying snow and white flakes returned to Mary's hands, turned into a blade again, and was sheathed by her.

The scabbard of the Zanpakutō will appear together with the Zanpakutō, except for some particularly special ones such as Zangetsu.

And Mary's appearance returned to her original dark appearance.

Renesmee ignored the scene completely.

The two looked at each other in silence, and within a few seconds, a burst of applause sounded from behind Renesmee.


Renesmee turned her body sideways, and in Mary's field of vision, two blond men walked towards her one after the other.

The two figures looked quite familiar.

"...Saint Edwide, it's really surprising that you would appear here."

Mary said in surprise.

With the addition of the original owner's memory, Mary's impression of Saint Edved was much clearer than before.

Therefore, he is the most familiar stranger to him.

"I'm also curious about how he got here." Renesmee paused as she spoke, "But since you made such a big noise, it saved me a lot of trouble."

"This guy's here for you, Mary."

"Don't waste too much time, Draco."

After saying that, Renesmee turned and left without any delay.

"Your Majesty Poseidon, aren't you curious about the topic of our conversation?"

Saint Edved suddenly asked at this time.

Renesmee replied without looking back:

"No, not interested."

"In fact, I am not interested in you, you, or any of the three of you."

"The only thing I'm interested in is Mary's ability. As for you personally, I don't care."

"Mary, don't forget what I want you to do."

"Don't worry, I won't forget it."

Mary shrugged and laughed.

The voices gradually faded away, and only three people were left in the forest of the sea.

"The Poseidon is indeed the Poseidon, and he is really dismissive of ordinary people."

Saint Edwyd looked at Renesmee's retreating back and chuckled.

"What did she ask you to do?"

"A win-win for me and her."

Mary was unwilling to say anything more on this matter. She shook her head and turned to look at Saint Edwin.

"So, why did you come to me?"

"I haven't seen you in ten years...Nissan."


Hearing Mary say this word so naturally and smoothly, Saint Edwyd and Saint Magik looked startled at the same time.

Saint Edweide reacted immediately, and Mary could see that his hand holding the saber suddenly tightened.

"Have you...recovered your memory?"

he asked in a low voice.

"So be it."


"You guys chat, I won't interrupt, I'm leaving."

Saint Magik felt that the atmosphere was a bit unspeakably depressing, and he immediately opened his mouth knowingly.

Saint Edwin didn't stop him either.

Only Mary and Edved Saint were left in the Sea Forest.

"... Let's talk about it later. Maybe you will have a lot to ask."

Saint Edved smiled bitterly and shook his head, then took out an agreement from his sleeve and handed it to Mary.

"To tell you the truth, even if you haven't recovered your memory now, I will tell you everything."

"Otherwise you wouldn't be able to sign this agreement."

"How can I say it, it saves me a lot of effort."

Without saying a word, Mary took the agreement from Saint Edved, opened it and browsed it quickly.

Saint Edwin crossed his arms and looked at Mary calmly.

After a few minutes, Mary, who had thoroughly understood all the terms, raised her head and accepted the agreement.

"You want me to be a witness, right? No problem, I accept it."

"...You're quite happy."

Saint Edwin raised his eyebrows: "I have already prepared to explain to you why we are in contact with the revolutionary army and why we want to resist the world government..."

"Aren't you a navy? Why didn't you react at all?"

"...Do you have to tell me?"

Mary rolled her eyes, "I also have a cooperative relationship with the Revolutionary Army. In addition, I am also unhappy with the World Government. Is that okay?"

"Aren't you asking questions knowingly? I think you have some idea of ​​these things, otherwise I can't think of a reason why you would find me as a third party."

"As expected of my sister, she is indeed smart."

Edved Saint immediately clapped and said, praising Mary while not forgetting to give himself some gold.

Then, he felt a sharp gaze locked on him.

His smile gradually faded and the movements in his hands stopped.



"Okay, now that we've finished talking about business, it's time to talk about some personal stuff."

Mary closed her eyes slightly and nodded. After taking a deep breath, she looked up at Saint Edwin and met his eyes.

"Didn't you say you planned to tell me everything? Just in time, although I have recovered my memory, I do have some things I want to ask you."

"Okay, just ask."

Saint Edved said with a blank expression.

“Where’s Yin Wan?”


"Yin Wan finally looked back. Where did he go?"

"he died."

Saint Edved said without changing his expression.

"How did you die?"

"Fight to the death without retreating."

"Killed by whom."




Seeing Mary's vagina shrinking and then enlarging rapidly, Saint Edwine immediately spoke:

"But there is a reason..."

"I don't want to hear it now."

Mary suddenly spoke, interrupting Saint Edwin's words.

Edward Saint immediately closed his mouth and looked at Mary silently.

Mary twisted her neck and said in a low voice:

"I know you certainly have a reason. In fact, even if you don't have a reason, you can make up a lot of it. And I believe you won't hurt me, but I don't want to hear it now."

Mary took a deep breath, and suddenly, a huge sense of pressure came from her body.

This feeling of pressure was not particularly strong, but a gust of wind pressure appeared in the air.

At the same time, countless flying dust swept up on the flat ground.

Saint Edved stood motionless amid the wind pressure.

"Come and fight me, Livingston Edwyd."


"I don't know why, maybe because I'm angry."

Mary suddenly put down her military cap and grinned.

"Because there was a little girl who had been suffering for ten years, but her two spiritual supports passed away ten years ago."

"Since those two people are no longer here, there must be someone to talk to after ten years of grievance, right?"


A snow-white long sword was unsheathed and pointed directly at Saint Edved.

She suddenly raised her head, her eyes flashing with red brilliance.

"I know you are not the culprit, but killing Yin Wan is your own admission."

"I don't care why you killed him, but your hands are indeed stained with his blood."

"Besides, I still remember very clearly how you treated [me] back then."

"Although now I understand what big chess you were probably playing at that time, I don't like being treated as a chess piece."

"You may have your own difficulties, but I also have my own feelings!"

"Pull out your sword, genius. The culprit will not be able to do anything about him for a while, so I will trouble you to suffer all these years."

"This is to relieve the anger of a fool who has endured it for ten years."

"Don't worry, I will hold back my strength and won't kill you."


"So that's it, are you venting your anger..."

Seeing Mary's undisguised anger and very clear reason, Saint Edwin also understood Mary's thoughts.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and grinned.

"That's fine..."

After saying that, he held the handle of the knife with his hand and the blade was slightly unsheathed.

A powerful and overbearing domineering energy suddenly came out, and Mary felt as if a huge wave was surrounding her.

"I've wanted to try it for a long time."

"The cute little sister who was so weak back then showed her brilliance in the war..."

"My hands have been itching for a long time."

Saint Edved's voice became calmer and colder, until finally, his sword was completely unsheathed.

The snow-white cold light flashed, and its sharp blade sliced ​​through the air, and Mary could keenly feel a slight tingling sensation floating on her face.

"There is no need to hold back and vent your anger freely. Attack me with all your strength, and I will not hold back, Vinicius."

"If you can kill me in one breath, it doesn't matter. If you can kill me... haha, then there is really no need for me to exist!"

After saying that, Edwide slashed his long sword on the ground with great force.

A fierce sword wind swept up, and both of them flew out in tacit agreement.

After landing lightly, Saint Edved pointed the tip of the sword in his hand directly at Mary.

"Give it your all."


Mary said, throwing out the long white jade knife in her hand.

"The five aggregates are empty, the six roots are pure, [Yu Ru is perfect]!"

As the chant is chanted, the Zanpakutō begins to unravel.

New abilities do require more battles to be exercised.

Mary's hair and clothes turned snow-white, and at the same time, the surrounding ground turned gray, and the debris formed by the blade wandered around Mary's body like flying snow.

"Interesting knife, I wanted to ask about it when I saw it before."

St. Edwide stood generously and shouted loudly.

"Among the supreme and fast swords, I have never heard of any sword that has such a special ability."

"It would be better to say that this is not a knife at all, right?"

"Indeed, this is indeed not a knife."

Mary admitted quite naturally: "Rather than a knife, this is actually the carrier of my soul in reality."

"It just looks like a knife from the outside."

"My real weapon..."


Mary pulled out the dusk from her waist.

"This is it."

"I see, it's such a pity. I thought I could give it a try with Erdado Ryu."

"The knife is not..."

Before she finished speaking, Mary's figure had already appeared in front of Saint Edved.

"The more, the better!"


Mary's speed was exaggeratedly fast, and she had already appeared in front of the Holy Body of Edweed in less than a blink of an eye.

At the same time, the blade was approaching Saint Edved's throat.

However, for such an exaggerated speed, Saint Edwin just raised the knife lightly and easily blocked Mary's slash.

"What's wrong, Mary? This speed doesn't look like it can kill Kaido at all."

"It would be better to say..."

"You can't even touch Kaido's side!"

After saying that, Saint Edwin's figure suddenly flashed, his whole body turned into an afterimage, and he quickly knocked away Mary's blade.

At this time, Mary's energy had not been exhausted, and her body was still stiff and unable to move.

By the time her body recovered, Saint Edved's sword had already thrown out a flower.


With a flash of cold sword wind, the figure of Saint Edved appeared behind Mary, and Mary's body was divided into three parts.

"...Haha, are you so cruel to your own sister?"

Mary's teasing voice came from behind Saint Edved, who smiled disdainfully.

"Your regeneration ability has long been world-famous. This injury should be nothing to you, right?"


"A mere fatal injury."

A strong gust of wind came from behind him, and he immediately turned around to resist it.

The sword in his hand moved left and right, flew up and down, fought and retreated, perfectly blocking all Mary's attacks, without leaking, and with ease.

It was normal for him to be able to block Mary's attack so easily. After all, he could feel that Mary's physical fitness was far behind his.

Even the practice of domineering is far inferior to his own.

Logically speaking, this is normal. After all, Saint Edwin himself is a unique genius. Even though his sister is as talented as him, she has practiced a few years less than him. It's normal that he can suppress her in all aspects.

But to be fair, Saint Edved doesn't think that the strength Mary is showing now is full strength. With such strength, how could he possibly kill Kaido?

Of course he didn't know that Mary was useless now. Her physical fitness is only that of a lieutenant general.

"You said you were venting your anger, but you still stopped!?"

Saint Edwin shouted loudly and asked: "How much effort have you made now? Ten points? Five points? Or three points?"


Mary suddenly blocked Saint Edved's sword, pressed her face against it, pressed her forehead and said:

"That's impossible to say, Mr. Genius."

"Maybe it's just a part of it?"

"Huh, who are you kidding, you freak."

Saint Edved sneered, and a burst of red and purple aura suddenly wrapped around the sword blade.

His original attitude of fighting and retreating was instantly reversed, and he pressed against Mary.

One sword, two swords, three swords.

"Qiang! Qiang! Qiang!"

Three extremely fast swords flashed past, and the swift and accurate sword force struck Mary, knocking her away far away.

And Saint Edved's footsteps were fixed there, not even moving an inch.

"Be serious, my sister. Since you are going to vent your anger, don't restrain yourself anymore."

"With your current strength, you won't be my opponent even if I let you down."

"Is it okay to vent your anger after being suppressed and beaten all the time!?"

Saint Edwin stopped his smile and shouted coldly.

Mary received three consecutive heavy blows, but was not seriously injured. She lightly tapped her toes on the ground, and after a few times of releasing her strength, she stabilized on the ground.

Seeing the astonishingly rich overlord-colored domineering energy wrapped around Edweed's holy blade, she subconsciously compared it with Kaido.

Why do you feel that the overlord-colored domineering energy wrapped around the blade in front of you is more pure?

This thought flashed through her mind, and she straightened up.

"Don't worry, my stupid brother."

"It was just a warm-up. I also want to see if you, a little-known guy on the sea, have the ability to make me get serious."

"Oh? So how do you feel now?"

Saint Edved gently raised the tip of his sword and asked with a smile.

"How are you feeling? Can I make you get serious?"

"Huh? Haha, haha!"

Mary twisted her neck and smiled, leaned down, and slowly pressed her hands to the ground.

"How I feel now -"




The snow-white ground stirred up, and the violent overlord-colored domineering energy caused substantial ripples on the earth.

At the same time, the bloody veins surrounding Mary's snow-white clothes became brighter red.

Her white hair and eyes instantly turned red, and red lightning exploded in the surrounding air.

"--very nice!

! "

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