Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 249: The Core of the Tide, Memory Recall

"It doesn't work... I can't find the laws of life's self-operation."

Mary squatted in front of a huge rock in the Forest of the Sea and took back the life force she had forced into the rock.

The reef didn't respond at all... there was indeed something wrong.

Normal bodies can be affected by life force because these bodies already have systems that can support the operation of life force. In dead things, if you want the life force to operate, you must let the life force create its own rules. Mary already felt that she had touched a little bit of the door, but something was missing.

Her control over her vitality reached a bottleneck, just like exercising her armed color Haki, and she began to be unable to further refine her control. An analogy is the feeling of a big boss trying to thread a needle.

Although the thread is in his hands, the smallest details are difficult to control.

And it was this that stuck Mary's progress.

"This can't go on like this..."

Mary sat down on the ground and scratched her head.

"My control has reached its limit... This is not what I am good at."

"We need to think of other ways to strengthen our control capabilities."

Instead of simply and crudely improving the way of controlling life force, Mary can think of many ways to strengthen her control of life force. For example, using tools to assist, applying for Renesmee's off-site support, etc.

But Mary now wanted to try a completely new idea.

"The essence of Haki... The three colors of Haki are fused together. If the Haki of the knowledge color and the Haki of the armed color are combined into one, then with the sensitivity of the Haki of the knowledge color... maybe the mastery of the Haki of the armed color can be further improved. One floor?"

Thinking of this, Mary suddenly became energetic.

If this step can really be achieved, even if life force cannot be used to create life, it is not all without gain.

She had already experienced the feeling of combining the armed color and the domineering color to launch a bombardment. Such moves made her quite envious. If you have experience in combining the knowledge color and the armed color, then the combination of the armed color and the overlord color will not be too difficult.

Just do what you say, Mary has always been a doer for any idea that can be put into action. She immediately cheered up and began to try to infiltrate the color of knowledge into her own weapon color.

Or to put it more bluntly, blending flesh and blood with soul.

She didn't know what she should do. She simply believed that no matter what, if she couldn't find her soul, she could simply and roughly squeeze the sights and sounds into her body.

She even directly chanted the spell of the inherent barrier. Of course, she did not sing about the inherent barriers of the assimilated world.

The movement of that thing was too loud, and the aura was too evil. If Renesmee felt it, it might be a little embarrassing.

It doesn’t end well anyway.

After entering the real world where justice is located, although he will be missing for a while, he will have an excuse to explain to Renesmee when he comes back.

Well, it's just that you were distracted and didn't notice me.

Believe it or not, that's her business.

After making up her mind, Mary's figure disappeared into the forest of the sea.

Opening her eyes, Mary appeared in a calm lake.

The endless lake surface forms a straight horizontal plane with the blue sky.

"It's been a while since I've been here... Well, it's been a while since I've used this trick."

Mary felt a little strange looking at this mental world, and couldn't help scratching her head.

There is no way, this original version of the mental world has no function other than changing the world. In terms of poor practicality, there are too many mental images of Styx. Of course, one of the biggest advantages of this world is that it can perfectly restrain all users with natural fruit abilities.

At least for those with natural fruit abilities who have not cultivated physical skills, it is definitely a fatal move.

However, the only powerful enemy with natural fruit abilities that Mary has encountered since going to sea is Lao Sha. And if you think about it carefully, it seems that among the strong pirates, Lao Sha is really the only one with natural fruit abilities... Ace still needs to grow up, let alone that.

Calculated in this way, the employment opportunities in this inherent world are surprisingly narrow, so Mary is actually not familiar with this trick.

Of course, it is obviously unrealistic to enter a mental world where the soul and flesh can be blended using weapons.

Mary could only try another one if her plan failed.

Seeing that there was no breakthrough in her feelings about armed sex, Mary could only once again think about issues that went deep into her soul.

It was impossible to penetrate deep into the flesh. Mary could tear her flesh apart at any time, which proved useless. Obviously, something as mysterious and inexplicable as the soul is more in-depth and valuable.

Even if the inherent barrier is useless, Mary can go even deeper.

It’s not impossible to enter the world of mental images within the inherent barrier, right? It’s a world anyway.

Layers of nesting dolls.

Mary, who had simple and simple thoughts, closed her eyes directly in the inherent barrier, without thinking about how long she would sleep during this trip.

Opening an inherent barrier requires extremely high mana (life force) consumption...

Mary, who has been to the world of mental images many times, is already familiar with how to enter the world of mental images. As soon as she opened and closed her eyes, she came to the world of mental images.

The overall environment of the mental world has not changed much. It is still extremely clear on one side, with blue clouds and clear water.

The other side is dark, with a lake made of blood, a red sky and almost black clouds.

But some things have changed - such as the once lively and lovely Xi.

Mary sighed as she looked at Xi, who was wrapped in a translucent cocoon by countless crystal-like filaments, surrounded by three white spherical light groups, floating in mid-air as if she was sleeping.

The crystallization of tide began after the war on the top.

Although Mary's psychology defeated Crocodile in Alabasta and never had any problems after untying her knot, Mary still went into the mental world to chat with Xi from time to time.

After all, this was a poor little girl, and Mary was happy to take care of her. Sometimes when she wanted to rest but couldn't completely let down her guard, Mary would come to Xi to chat.

But this life lasted until the war ended. Perhaps it was the impact of the broken Silas Kiss, or perhaps it was the impact of another real mental transformation of Mary herself. As the core of the mental world, Xi began to be slowly entangled by this crystallization.

Xi didn't have any objections. She seemed to have been prepared for these changes. According to her, people's mentality has to go through three stages: the stage of laissez-faire, the stage of independence and tenacity, and the stage of returning to nature.

The stage of laissez-faire shows that Mary's thoughts have not yet been completely finalized and can easily change under the influence of various trends of thought and people. At this stage, Xi, who is the core of the mental image world, is one of the sources of influence and can act normally.

When Mary entered the independent and tenacious stage, Mary's thoughts were fixed and persistent, and she acted firmly for a certain ideal or belief. In this case Mary would not let her beliefs be shaken by what other people thought. In the real world, the direct manifestation of this idea is to have your own school and want to persuade others and spread your own ideas.

But the manifestation in the world of mental images is that the second kind of will cannot be tolerated in the world of mental images. Even if this will does not conflict with Mary. This is the reason why Xi falls asleep, which is not controlled by Mary's own subjective consciousness.

Of course, this is not without solutions. There are two solutions. One is that Mary's Taoist heart is broken and she returns to the first stage. The other is that Mary has developed to the extreme, insisting on independent thought while being able to accept various ideas. To put it bluntly, it is similar to Jacob in France in his later years.

Only those who have experienced strong winds and waves and have truly accumulated time can reach such a state. In this case, Xi can naturally unblock it.

Mary looked at Xi. She fell asleep completely, which was about less than half a month ago. When she was still in the Shampoo Islands, Xi was still awake.

After coming in this time, Xi stopped talking.

"I will try to reach the state of Dao Heart Comprehension you mentioned as soon as possible... Although I don't know what Dao Heart Comprehension is, I think my tolerance is quite high now."

Mary couldn't help but shook her head and touched the surface of the crystal shell.

"But since you said so, I'll give it a try."

"But it's not okay if the Taoist heart is broken. My Taoist heart exists for more talents."

"Well, but you probably don't understand."

Mary said seriously:

"Although there is a suspicion of overstepping my authority, I want to liberate this sea."

"I am generally a person who does not believe in fate. It is difficult for me to identify with this thing since I have not been affected by fate in my entire life."

"But if there is any destiny, then destiny brings me to this sea, maybe in the hope that I can do something that shocks the world."

"——Then I'll go and do it."

Maybe it's because she doesn't usually have the opportunity to talk to others about her thoughts. These thoughts are a bit too shocking in this world. Except for a brief talk with Long Qian, she has no chance to talk about these thoughts with others.

And the usual chats with Xi were about family affairs, and Mary would never lead into such heavy topics.

But maybe as the saying goes, the best person to talk to is the hole in the tree. The sleeping Xi was now the [tree hole] where Mary could confide everything.

Mary, who was addicted to talking, continued:

"This era is a tragic era. In today's world, people without power are enslaved and plundered by cruel and powerful people, while the protectors with the same name as the plunderers are constantly attacking ordinary people who are not being persecuted. which emphasizes the legitimacy of this rubbish title."

"Pirates, navy, CP, all are like this."

"And all disasters have their origin. I don't know how to build a world where everyone can live well. After all, I am not a politician. But I understand one thing."

Mary narrowed her eyes and her tone became harsh.

She pressed her fists together, making a crunching sound.

"If something irregular blocks the road, just smash him."

"You can't beg to get what you deserve. Yin Mu and I will eventually have a battle. Even if I see the kind of future predicted by Mrs. Charlie, I will never escape."

"after all……"

"I am a person who does not believe in fate."

Mary twitched her lips and sneered twice, then coughed lightly.

"Ahem, that's too far off topic..."

"I said a lot without paying attention. Let me think about what I am here to do..."

"Oh, right."

Mary slapped her head.

I came to the mental world to strengthen the connection between body and soul.

Although Mary's body does not exist in the mental image world, there are other ways for Mary to improve the fit between body and soul in the mental image world.

Very simple, strengthen the synchronization of soul and body.

This sentence is simple to say, but it is a big improvement for Mary. You know, there is always an unknown person in her body, maybe called Livingston Vinicius Palace, whose will still remains in her mental world.

Her existence will make it impossible for her synchronization rate to reach 100%.

Of course, even so, Mary had no idea of ​​​​destroying this incomplete will. After all, I have taken possession of someone else's body, so it would be unreasonable to destroy someone else's will.

However, even if the will remains, there are other ways.

It's very simple. It won't be long before you assimilate it.

Assimilation is not integration. The mutual assimilation of two wills is more similar to the mutual recognition of both parties. When the will of two people is highly unified, it is assimilation.

It is not difficult to assimilate a consciousness. Mary, who has been playing with the world of mental images and inherent enchantments for so long, has a similar level of research on the soul and vitality. In her opinion, it would be troublesome to assimilate a consciousness. But it’s not impossible.

What's more, this is still a remaining will.

As for the first step, if you want to assimilate the other party, you must first synchronize the memory with the other party.

Showing someone one's own experience is the fastest way to strengthen one's sense of identity, and in the world of mental images, it is not difficult at all to synchronize memories.

It can even be said to be simple and crude.

"Three light groups, one belongs to the third person and two belong to me."

Mary looked at the three light groups circling around the cocoon beside Xi, touched her chin and said.

The three personalities that used to appear in three human forms are now three light groups, which at least looks a lot more pleasing to the eye.

And Mary's method of memory synchronization is also extremely simple and crude.

She grabbed three light balls and rubbed them together.

Is there anything faster and easier than physical blending?

At this moment, Mary felt a massive amount of information rushing into her mind, causing her vision to go dark and she lost consciousness.

At the same time, besides Mary, another person also lost consciousness.

In the deep-sea base, Vegapunk looked at Venus who suddenly fainted without saying a word, feeling at a loss as never before.

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