Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 246: Meeting Attila for the first time


When I opened the door of the Mermaid Cafe, it was dark inside.

Surprisingly, Mary didn't see anyone in this cafe, let alone a customer, not even the front desk.

There is no light inside, so it is difficult to illuminate the entire cafe with only external light.

How is this going……

Mary was wondering in her heart when a graceful voice like a lady suddenly came from a room deep in the room.

"Who is so rude? Didn't you see that there is a sign saying "Closed to thank customers" at the door of the coffee shop today?"

A dissatisfied voice came, and the door opened. A mermaid wearing a dark purple hooded top and holding a crystal ball in her arms sat on a soft cushion, leaning out a little to look outside.

"Thank you behind closed doors..."

When Mary heard what Mrs. Charlie said, she was stunned for a moment. When she looked back, she saw that there was indeed a sign hanging at the door of the Mermaid Cafe.

But she didn't pay much attention to this kind of brand before, and in broad daylight, who would realize that a coffee shop is closed at this time? So she stepped right in without thinking.

As a result, as soon as I stepped in, I made an own mistake.


Feeling Mrs. Charlie's eyes scanning her up and down, Mary felt quite uncomfortable. She scratched her head, shrugged and said:

"Ah, sorry, I didn't pay attention to this."

"I'll leave now."

Mary is a very talkative person when she is not fighting. Although she is very interested in Mrs. Charlie now, if she is resting, Mary cannot disturb her too much.

Anyway, I have plenty of time on Fish-Man Island, so I can come back later when I have free time. It was not necessary for her to see Mrs. Charlie. She was just curious.

And just when she was about to turn around and leave out of politeness, Mrs. Charlie, who had looked at her for a long time, suddenly asked:

"Are you human?"

"...Isn't it hard to see?"

After Mary looked at herself up and down, she complained a little depressedly.

Why, it doesn’t matter that she looks scary, but now ordinary people don’t think she looks like a person when they see her?

Mrs. Charlie, who realized that her question was very impolite, smiled at the right time to ease the awkward atmosphere and explained:

"No...it's just that I haven't seen a human for a long time, so it's a bit strange."

"Ever since Lord Poseidon came to Fish-Man Island, humans have never been seen on Fish-Man Island."

"Lord Poseidon..."

The word caught Mary's attention as soon as it came out of her mouth.

After walking on the Fishman Island for a long time, the existence of Renesmee was unknown to most of the fishmen. Renesmee and Mary would be pointed out together when they walked on the street. Now that Mrs. Charlie spoke it was Lord Poseidon, which made Mary stunned for a moment.

"Oh haha, I'm just kidding. It seems you don't know what Lord Poseidon is."

Charlie smiled, but had no intention of explaining to Mary.

A person like her who is tainted with a lot of mysticism is extremely sensitive to things that ordinary people don't know.

She just continued:

"Since Lord Poseidon came, there are no people of other races on Fish-Man Island. The business of the Fish-Man Cafe has suddenly become much deserted, and many of the people who come here are asking me to tell fortunes, which makes me extremely annoyed. ""

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have closed my doors."

Hearing what Mrs. Charlie said, Mary's movements were slightly uncomfortable.

Hmm...I also came to see Mrs. Charlie for divination...

Mrs. Charlie didn't notice Mary's subtle expressions, but continued to talk to herself:

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen a human being in a few months. It's a bit of a surprise to see you now."

"come over."

Mrs. Charlie smiled kindly and waved to Mary.

Mary didn't know why. After hesitating for a moment, she walked into Mrs. Charlie's room.

As soon as she entered the room, Mary was shocked.

There are all kinds of strange symbols painted on the walls of her room, and the decorations in the room are all in a dark purple mysterious style. Although Mrs. Charlie herself regards her divination talent as a burden, it is obvious that Mrs. Charlie, who has not divined Luffy before and caused misunderstandings, is still attached to her divination ability.

"Why, have you never seen such a decoration?"

Mrs. Charlie smiled: "That's right. How could you, a child like you, have seen this?"

"Is your family here? Did you come here alone? Has Lord Poseidon relaxed the blockade of Fish-Man Island?"

"Well, I'm alone... As for how I got here..."

Mary struggled for a moment, then followed Mrs. Charlie's words and said, "I was brought in by your Lord Poseidon...probably?"


Mrs. Charlie's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she asked in surprise: "Is she a woman with snow-white skin and eight arms?"

"Yes." Mary nodded honestly, feeling slightly trembling in her heart.

Sure enough, Madam Charlie knew about Renesmee's existence...but she didn't know how.

After saying this, Mrs. Charlie suddenly became interested.

She had no doubt about the truth of what Mary said. In her opinion, how could such a young girl lie? After all, there is no need to lie now.

So she then asked curiously:

"Then you're not afraid? Being taken to a strange place alone by a stranger."

"My family is no longer in this world, and I got used to being alone a long time ago."

Mary replied.

What she said was true. Her relatives were in another world.

Of course, this sounds like another story to Mrs. Charlie.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Charlie frowned slightly, feeling that she had asked a very inappropriate question, and covered her mouth slightly.


"It doesn't matter, I won't be angry about this."

Mary shook her head seriously.

This simple action aroused Mrs. Charlie's motherly nature even more, and her pity for the little girl suddenly took over in her heart.

Curiosity mixed with sympathy for Mary, Mrs. Charlie touched the crystal ball in her arms.

She was just taking care of the crystal ball she used for divination, and at this moment Mary walked in.

Thinking of Mary's special status brought in by Poseidon, Mrs. Charlie immediately felt that it was fate to meet her, and she should perform a divination for her. After all, anything involving [God] will never be a simple figure.

So, she leaned down slightly, looked at Mary face to face, and asked softly:

"Little girl...do you want to see your future?"


Mary felt a little baffled. She had already planned to leave, but after a casual chat, Mrs. Charlie actually brought up the matter herself.

No, in the original novel, didn’t Mrs. Charlie reject her own abilities? Why are you so active now?

What Mary didn't know was that no matter how dissatisfied she was with her divination ability, it was because her divination was all bad. But the divination rate is 100% correct. As a fortune teller, until this success rate is shattered, Mrs. Charlie still relies on her own ability.

Of course, just because Mary doesn't know doesn't mean she doesn't want to. Although she couldn't understand Mrs. Charlie's psychological changes, she still nodded quickly.

After hearing this, Mrs. Charlie stood up gracefully and gently pressed her hands on the crystal ball.

She closed her eyes and was silent for a long time.

Mary stared closely at the crystal ball in Mrs. Charlie's arms, waiting for the image in the crystal ball to appear.

Finally, when Mrs. Charlie opened her eyes, the colors in the crystal ball changed.

"so amazing……"

Mary's knowledge had already spread quietly, but she didn't notice any special fluctuations in the room.

But the crystal ball began to play images. This bizarre phenomenon puzzled Mary.

Seeing Mary's surprised expression, Mrs. Charlie also nodded gently: "Divination requires talent, but if you want to learn, I can teach you some basics."

"No, I don't want to learn." Mary shook her head decisively.

Mrs. Charlie didn't have much to say about this, but smiled and looked at the scene playing in the crystal ball with Mary.

Violent fire, ruined island, dark sky.

Thunderstorms flashed in the cloudy sky, and Mary stood on a high tower, looking into the distance. Behind her, two figures were unclear.

It can only be seen that one of them has black hair and the other has gray hair.

(Both of them are characters who have already appeared)

At this time, Mary looked extremely embarrassed. There was a huge gap in the left waist of her body. The wound was full of granulation, but it could not be recovered. The purple that spread from this gap dyed half of Mary's body flesh and blood, and even half of Mary's face turned an unhealthy deep purple.

But Mary's eyes remained firm and unwavering.

Even... unstoppable.

The sea of ​​​​blood surged on the ground, and behind them, a huge steel column that was larger than the tower Mary stood on and reached into the clouds stood.

And somewhere in front of them who didn't know how far away, a man with red power emitting from his whole body and long white hair flying freely was floating in the sky.

His body was full of divine aura, and there seemed to be thunder streaks in the pure white holes.

"This is……"

The scene in front of her was obviously beyond Mrs. Charlie's cognition. Although she often predicts big scenes, Mrs. Charlie, who has never left Fish-Man Island in her life, has never seen such a posture before.

The prophecy in the original work that Luffy stood in the fire even frightened Madam Charlie. The huge scene that could be called the end of the world before her made Madam Charlie not know how to react.

Mary's brain was working rapidly, and all kinds of information collided fiercely in her mind. It only took a few breaths to realize who the guy standing opposite them was.

Long white hair, full of destructive aura, a presence that can oppress her with a strong posture...

There can be no mistake, this guy should be the monster I saw in the Devil's Triangle before.

Will you face him one day? Who are the two people behind me, black hair and gray hair, I have no idea at all...

She's not one to identify people by their hair color.

At this time, the scene in Mrs. Charlie's crystal ball stopped abruptly.

Although Mrs. Charlie's prophecy level is very high, it also has limitations. First of all, you cannot predict the exact time when an event will occur, you only know that it will definitely happen. Secondly, Mrs. Charlie has no way to control the duration of the projection of her prediction screen.

Seeing this horrific scene stop, Mrs. Charlie also let out a long breath, and before she knew it, her forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Even though she wasn't there, the terrifying momentum of that battlefield already made her a little breathless.

At this time, she didn't care to think about the scene just now, but immediately looked at Mary.

Mary's expression is a little confused, which is actually the information that appears in the picture when Mary is thinking about it. From Mrs. Charlie's point of view, Mary was frightened by the scene just now.

Mrs. Charlie couldn't help but feel nervous.

Although I don’t know what exactly happened and why the little girl appeared in that place, the appearance of the little girl shown in the picture is obviously not ideal.

The state where half of the body was purple and the wounds were huge was quite frightening.

As expected, I couldn’t predict anything good…

Mrs. Charlie scolded herself secretly. Just as she was about to say something, Mary suddenly asked:

"Sister, can you use divination to see what others are doing now?"

"Uh... maybe."

Mrs. Charlie was stunned for a moment and replied.

Mary said quickly:

"Then can you help me divine the man who just appeared? He's the one with white hair."

"That person is..."

Mary bit her lip, her expression obviously troubled.

However, after struggling for a moment, Mary still said with a very difficult expression:

"my father……"

Hearing this, Mrs. Xia Li suddenly realized.

It turns out that Mary's confusion just now was not because she was frightened.

Mrs. Charlie still remembers Mary [saying] at the beginning that everyone in her family has passed away. Suddenly seeing [the father] who was thought to be dead in the prophecy, of course he would be shocked for a moment.

So, out of sympathy for Mary and a little guilt, Mrs. Charlie nodded and said:

"Then let me try..."

After saying that, Mrs. Charlie pressed her hands on the crystal ball again and closed her eyes. But this time, her brows furrowed tightly.

Mary, on the other hand, was a little confused.

I'm so sorry, Dad...it's a big deal.

Mary mentally apologized to her father, the drug police officer who died in the line of duty, and scratched her head.

Not to mention the untouchable state in the prophecy just now, Mary felt incredibly powerful even in her previous state of fighting Lunaria.

This also piqued Mary's curiosity. The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy means you can fight a hundred battles without danger. It is clear from the prophecy that this man was Mary's enemy. Then Mary also has to find a way to figure out what this person is and what his abilities are.

In fact, Mary already had some guesses in her mind.


She narrowed her eyes slightly.

Apart from this person, Mary could not think of anyone else in the pirate world who could have such ability.

At that time, he appeared with Lunalia and Renesmee. As the saying goes, people are divided into groups. Only people like Nika, Qiao Yin Boyin, and Yin Mu can have this kind of status.

Therefore, within the scope of Mary's knowledge, the most likely person is Yin Mu.

Of course, there are no absolutes. Although she was extremely confident, Mary still had to test her thoughts. After all, things like Renesmee and Lunalia that she had never known about had appeared in the world, and she was not absolutely sure that this guy was someone she knew.

It is extremely important at this time to learn something about the situation with the help of Mrs. Charlie's divination.

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