Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 243: Christie


Mary was stunned for a moment, and then she became excited as if she was enlightened.

"Wait a minute...if weapon color is the order of vitality..."

"Then what about the return of life!?"

Mary couldn't help but think of a saying in her previous life that the iron block among the six forms was the prototype of armed domineering.

The principle of iron blocks is to accelerate blood flow and speed up muscle movement. Mary often uses blood as a means to expand the radiation range of the Life Fruit.

So among the six postures, will the order of vitality also be used as the main means of influence? And will the return of life, which can only be mastered after mastering the six postures, be related to the order of vitality?

Mary suddenly realized that she might gain a lot from this practice. While helping Lunalia shape up, she will take her life force control to a higher level. Moreover, her Armed Color Haki, Six Styles and even Life Return will be further improved.

Thinking about this, Mary released her armed domineering energy from her palms, rolled it into a ball, looked at the ball thoughtfully, and then raised it high.

The black aura on the armed domination filled the air and spread in the air.

Mary looked at this scene and suddenly had a flash of inspiration. She looked at Renesmee, who had a pair of arms folded across her chest, and the other three pairs of arms spread out behind her like lotuses, and asked:

"So does the ordering of life force have something to do with the connection between life force and the world?"

Mary has not forgotten the words Renesmee shouted when she and Renesmee were fighting.

As long as she is in the sea, she will not die.

Renesmee herself admitted that as a symbol of life and the ocean, she could draw life force from the ocean. And Mary is very envious of this. If she can one day draw life force from the world, then she will be directly invincible.

After all, Renesmee said that in a sense, the world is alive.

However, Renesmee denied Mary's suspicion with one sentence.

"Think too much. Whether you can feel the vitality of the world has nothing to do with how proficient you are in controlling the vitality."

Renesmee said expressionlessly: "Being connected to the world means that you have to completely understand the world. In fact, it is very simple. Elves are born to be such creatures."

"Elves have an absolute understanding of the parts they belong to. To do this, you, as a person with fruit abilities, must have a sufficient understanding of your own abilities, and at the same time, have a sufficient understanding of the world and environment you are in. .”

"Let me think about it...this state should be called [Awakening] among the people in Infinite Land, right?"

"Devil fruit power awakening?"

Hearing another familiar term, Mary suddenly became energetic.

Renesmee nodded and said:

"Yes, I said before that the essence of the devil fruit's ability is to control the spirits through [waves] to affect the world. And the ultimate form is to fully understand the spirits you can control and deeply understand the distribution in the world. The elves, and then use the elves that they can control to assimilate other elves through [Wave]."

"For example, there once was a guy named Nika, and his fruit was called the rubber fruit. His original basic ability was to turn himself into rubber. After awakening, his influence spread, and he could touch himself Everything that arrived turned into rubber.”

"There are also those who control natural elements, such as ice, fire, etc. They can develop these things to the extreme and find certain characteristics of these things to spread out. This can be regarded as a qualitative change."

"The awakening effects of different types of fruits are also different. For example, the superhuman fruits you currently classify, the rubber fruits and the surgical fruits change in completely different directions after awakening."

"But one thing they have in common is that the scope of their abilities can greatly exceed their original scope of influence. This is awakening."

"To feel the life of the world, this cannot be compensated by technology. For you, this is the so-called fruit awakening, which requires sufficient understanding and understanding. For a guy like you now, you have to be reminded that your vitality can be sorted. Said, I’m afraid you are still far away from fruit awakening.”

After saying that, Renesmee gave him a look of contempt.

Mary waved her hand awkwardly, the armed color returning to her skin.

Seeing Mary once again begin to swallow her armed domineering energy into her body, Renesmee suddenly said:

"But there is one thing that I find quite incredible. Your understanding of vitality seems to be quite superficial, but your grasp of Kurosawa is pretty good. The foundation is very solid."

"It seems you have a good teacher."

"Oh, this."

Mary nodded with deep understanding: "Indeed, my armed color and knowledge color were all brought in by a teacher named Zefa. Although I don't have much advanced training, I am good at hardening the basics and the like. Quite confident.”

"Although my knowledge is not advanced, it is difficult to be disturbed."

"It's a good thing to have a famous teacher. Christie's two students are very good, and you seem to have a bright future, although I haven't heard of who Zefa is."

Renesmee said thoughtfully.

Mary tried to see if she could mix the armed color and the domineering color into a domineering one, and asked:

"Christie?...I remember you mentioned this person just now. She seems to have summarized Kurosawa and Tiansheng? She turned these two things into systematic technology. She is indeed a very powerful person."

"Would you mind telling me about this person?"

"Of course I don't mind," Renesmee tilted her head, "It's a story about a dead person anyway."

"...I feel like you have a bit of a bad character."

"Really? I don't feel it."

Renesmee responded casually and then said:

"Speaking of Christie...this guy didn't actually do any great feats in history, but her influence was really big."

"Do you know who Nika is?"

"I probably know a little bit."

Mary answered honestly.

"That's good, otherwise I have to explain the history of Nika to you."

Renesmee didn't care why Mary knew about Nica.

But Mary felt a little anxious. Her knowledge of Nika was limited to knowing that Nika was the sun god who liberated enslaved people and established a huge kingdom. He was the first rubber fruit user and a Lunaria. Clan people.

Nothing else is known about who he overthrew or how.

If I had known earlier, I might have said I didn't know. In this case, Renesmee might have told herself a little more...

Without giving Mary any time to worry, Renesmee began to ramble on about Christie's story.

"Nika is a very powerful guy. His rubber fruit is not a particularly powerful fruit, but he used this fruit to defeat the Lunaria tribe that ruled the world at that time."

"Moreover, his charisma and depth of thought were extremely exaggerated. At that time, the giants, the little humans, the murlocs who worshiped me, and even the strangers from the infinite land were all willing to follow in his footsteps."

"Wait..." At the beginning, Mary couldn't help but interrupt Renesmee: "Nika defeated the Lunaria tribe?"

"Yes, that's why I say he is a great person."

Renesmee said seriously: "The power of the Lunaria family back then, even without the Devil Fruit, was still shocking. But Nika overthrew their rule."

"But isn't Nika herself a Lunarian?"

"Don't you have anyone who wants to kill the leader of your country now?"

Renesmee frowned and looked at Mary and asked:

"I don't know what the current world situation is like. Why, is there no more turmoil from below?"

"...Okay, looking at your expression, I know what's going on."

Mary's expression was a little heavy, and she immediately understood what Renesmee meant.

For people like Xiang Nika, whether he wants to overthrow the ruler has nothing to do with race, but only with the rule itself.

As Marx and Lenin said, there are classes but no races in the world.

Even if they are of the same race, they still need to be liberated.

So, Mary could only nod her head and signal Renesmee to continue.

Renesmee stared at Mary for a moment. She couldn't understand what Mary was thinking.

But she could feel that Mary could understand something similar to her. This is very strange, because obviously there are many things she has experienced that Mary at her age would never have experienced.

But Renesmee didn't think much about it, and she didn't care about it.

"Nika's thoughts will inevitably be inherited. Among the first friends who followed Nika back then, there was a descendant of the Lunaria tribe."

"That's Christie. She admires Nika very much. She completely inherits Nika's ideas while adding her own understanding."

"She is very smart. Not only has she summarized the technologies of Kurosawa and Tiansheng, but she will also help strangers in the infinite land to create some weird technological products from time to time. She knows a lot, and she can often know things unexpectedly. Sometimes You can even know what is happening around the world - even if it just happened in a hidden place."

"This seems to be related to her fruit ability."

"At that time, the huge kingdom established by Nika was managed by her. People called her the Great Sage, and she was one of the top wise men in the world at that time."

"It's a pity that the good times don't last long."

Renesmee said, her expression becoming a little sad.

"The Lunaria clan came back almost a few decades later and fought against the huge kingdom."

"I have almost forgotten the specific situation, but one thing is for sure. She was killed by the Lunarians in the end, and was she killed by people from the huge kingdom?...No, maybe just some ordinary people. , sent to the Lunarians."

"In short, this guy's ending is quite tragic."

"Is this so..." Mary frowned, always feeling that the ending was a bit too hasty.

For a person who can inherit Nika's ideas and sum up the domineering power of armed forces and the domineering power of knowledge, such an ending always feels a bit too aggrieved, and being given to the enemy by one of your own people also feels like dying in peace.

Out of her own intuition, Mary asked subconsciously:

"Then is she related to the Will of D?"

The will of D is an idea passed down eight hundred years ago. Maybe it has something to do with Christie?

"The Will of D..." Renesmee thought for a moment and then said: "This thing has nothing to do with Christie. It has something to do with one of her students, no, two students."

"Christie has two students, just like Nika taught her. Christie believes that this idea should be passed on continuously, so she also taught Nika's ideas to her two students. It's just like Christie's Just as Nika has her own ideas, her two students’ paths are a little different from hers.”

"After Christie's death, two students took over the banner of fighting against the Lunaria tribe. These two students were both amazing and talented people, and they gained the upper hand after a few battles."

"But the two also had a dispute because of their differences in ideas, and it eventually turned into a three-way melee."

"In the end, Christie's eldest apprentice won, and the failed student was never killed from beginning to end. He sought shelter from the fish-men, and later disappeared with the strangers."

"Before disappearing, he summarized his philosophy into a word D and passed it down. This should be the will of D you mentioned..."

"Oh, by the way, let me ask you a question."

Renesmee suddenly asked curiously: "Is there anyone alive in the Lunaria tribe now? I know that the Lunaria tribe has suffered a devastating blow, but is there anyone alive in the Lunaria tribe now?" It’s not clear yet.”

"There is... uh..."

Mary was about to say that there was another Jin, but she immediately realized that Jin had already died in Impel Down.

Therefore, she quickly changed her words and said:

"There may be none left now..."

"That's it...it's a pity. The talent of this race is quite good."

Renesmee looked quite regretful.

Then, she stretched herself quite comfortably.

"Ah, it's the first time since I woke up that I told someone about the past. It feels like it hasn't been long yet."

"The world has changed."

"It's been eight hundred years...how long have you been sleeping?"

Mary thought about the Destiny and felt that Renesmee probably looked similar.

"I don't know, I don't know. I also woke up in the middle, but Lunalia didn't move much anyway, and I was too lazy to come out of the sea and bother."

Renesmee let out a breath, stretched her waist, and turned around to leave, giving Mary space to practice.

Seeing this, Mary quickly said:

"Wait a minute, you haven't finished speaking yet."

"Not finished yet?"

"Yes," Mary clasped her hands in front of her chest, "Who are those two students? Isn't this a very important question?"

"You already know Nika, don't you know who these two people are?"

Renesmee turned her head slightly, looked at Mary and said:

"These two people are Qiao Yin Boyin and Yin Mu. It's strange. Shouldn't they be the same well-known figures as Nika?"

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