Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 225: Roar of God

Yin Mu suddenly took a breath.

Even though he had been standing at the highest point in the world for eight hundred years... Yin Mu still felt a sense of oppression under the intense gaze.

"Hoho... you are indeed the prototype of the Devil Fruit, Lunaria."

Yin Mu sneered and said, "Having been asleep for eight hundred years, is your aura still so terrifying?"

"This aura full of hostility, do you feel that the battle between you and me was not finished before, which made you unhappy?"

After saying that, Yin Mu slowly took a stance and narrowed his eyes.

"If you want to try...it's okay with me."

"Just in time, I also...want to stretch my muscles!"

"Hey, Victoria!"

Renesmee shrank suddenly and shouted sharply. Just as he was about to say something, a low groan that could be heard all over the world came from the huge "giant mountain" in the distance.

In an instant, the black fog covering more than ten kilometers nearby was swept away, and the entire rough sea surface was smoothed out in an instant.

The black night is dotted with stars, and the moonlight shines onto the sea without any hindrance, illuminating the true appearance of [Lunalia].

"What it is!?"

In the distance, Mary, who was lingering behind Yin Mu, felt a strong soreness and numbness in her body and almost fell into the sea. Just when she regained her composure, she looked up and saw a huge creature towering over the sky.

A huge monster in the shape of a "mountain". I don't know how tall it is, but looking at the reference object, Mary can clearly see that this guy's head is...much higher than the clouds.

Not too much, but a lot more!

If the height of the cloud layer is 1, then the height of this guy... is at least 5 or more.

This monster seemed to have no eyes, but the two scarlet rays of light at the very top made people feel chilly in their hearts.

Under the sea, it doesn't know how huge a body is lurking in it...

"There is such a monster lurking in the Devil's Triangle... Is this why the Devil's Triangle was formed?"

Mary took a breath and murmured: "Has anything like this appeared in the original novel?..."

"No, wait..." As soon as she finished speaking, a flash of memory flashed through Mary's mind, "It seems there really is..."

"When the Straw Hat Pirates left the Devil's Triangle, they once appeared in the mist and then slowly disappeared..."

After saying that, Mary looked up and saw two white figures standing out in front of the dark [Mountain] under the moonlight.


Seeing this scene, Mary was stunned for a moment.

She had always thought that she was tracking only one person, but in the end there were actually two people...

So does her previous speculation that she was following Yoon Mu still hold true? Currently in this world...who is qualified to walk with Yoon Mu?

At this moment, she suddenly felt a chill.

This kind of chill was extremely familiar, and Mary immediately realized that her orc physique was warning her.

Mary's emotions immediately turned on, but the surrounding sea surface and even the bottom of the sea were calm as usual.

Instead of becoming relieved, Mary's face became even darker.


She knew that her physical intuition was not wrong. Every time she sensed danger, she almost never made a mistake.

This time... she also knew the real threat.

She looked towards the distance and the two opposite mountains.

"...Two barbarians."

Renesmee grinned, and although her words were full of contempt, excitement appeared in her tone for the first time.

Even a ghostly smile appeared on his face that could hardly show any decent expression.

"The king of men who has carried this world for eight hundred years, and the elves of the sky who have dominated the celestial phenomena since the formation of the blue sea..."

"Will the ancient battlefield briefly reappear at this time?"

"You don't seem to object to me having a fight with him."

Yoon Mu said with a sneer.

"It's just a game, of course I won't have any objections."

"To be honest, I kind of want to take action."

After Renesmee chuckled twice, the giant flowers, which were even larger than many small islands, slowly surfaced from the sea again.

She didn't expect that her subconscious action would make another person stunned.

"What the hell is this!?" Mary gulped, "Neptune type? The size is not particularly exaggerated... Who called it out? He is Neptune? Isn't Neptune Shirahoshi?"

Mary's position was too far away, and she could only barely make out what two people seemed to be doing there, but the specific details were completely invisible.

Although this place will not be discovered, the information available is extremely limited.


Mary swallowed, and the omen of crisis in her heart became stronger and stronger.

But she still took a deep breath and quietly wanted to move forward.

"Would you like to stretch your muscles too? Renesmee, the sea elf who created the Grand Line, the Windless Belt and the Four Seas today?"

Yoom stood condescendingly in the air, overlooking Renesmee.

At this moment, the aura of the king of eight hundred years truly emerged from his body, completely different from the gloomy politician who had been hiding among the flowers before.

"No, I'm not that interested."

Renesmee shook her head and said: "My attitude has been very clear from the beginning. I don't want too many changes to happen before the prophecy day arrives, but you two are just having a taste of fighting, and I will not refuse."

"I showed up in my true form just to control the scale of the battle between you two monsters."

"In today's world, the only ones who can stop you two crazy murderers are me, the old immortal soldier, and the Destiny, which is still rusting somewhere, right?"

"Okay, let's not get down to business yet. You two, if you want to fight, start the fight as soon as possible!"

Renesmee gently touched her palm, and the sea began to boil.

The ocean currents in the surrounding sea suddenly strangely formed a ring, rotating around the huge flower, and Renesmee stood in the center of the flower, slowly sinking into the sea with it.


Yinmu looked at Renesmee who was retreating, shook her head, put away the remaining calmness, and completely showed that proud smile.


"The boundless black mist, the empty tide, this is Lunaria."

"Ahhhh - 'Lunalia is the best'! - This should be the slogan from nine hundred years ago, right!?"

"Lunalia, the Sky Spirit!"

"Nine hundred years ago, Nika defeated you and established a huge kingdom!"

"Eight hundred years ago, Qiao Yin Boyin controlled you and created Raff Drew and the Devil's Triangle!"

"Now, facing me, the person who has witnessed everything - what should you say?"

"The soulless [Ship Spirit] who controls the giant ship [Sky]!"


In response to Yin Mu, Lunaria roared loudly and unconsciously.

Lunaria has no consciousness of her own, but the size of her soul is astonishingly large.

A navy blue figure emerged from the [Mountain]. His body was only a dozen meters tall, but he lay on the [Mountain] as if he was the body of the [Mountain].

The huge roar even caused Mary, who was several kilometers away, to temporarily fall into a daze. Although she recovered in the blink of an eye, Mary couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

‘This kind of power is similar to Overlord Color… but it is very different from Overlord Color! ’

‘If Overlord Sex is to use the oppression of the soul to suppress, then what just happened... was to use the soul to directly hit others! ’

Thinking of this, Mary looked at the [mountain] in disbelief.

"Such a huge soul...who is this?"

The next moment, she saw how sacred this was.

The sea surface tens of thousands of miles around was frozen instantly, and even Mary's own body was frozen into ice slag in the blink of an eye without any precautions.

Then, there was a sound of ice cracking, and Mary's body regenerated again, standing firmly on the ice.

At this time, behind her, the ice field spread out with no end in sight.

Mary glanced back, and before she could express any emotion, she felt red light irradiating the earth.

Looking at the place where the [mountain] was before, an asteroid fell from the sky.

That's right, it has to be described as an asteroid, not a meteorite. Mary didn't need to get close. Based on the proportions, she could see that the diameter of those falling spherical objects, whether they were rocks or magma, was more than a kilometer.

Moreover, what surprised her the most was that it was not just one, but five or six pellets that were thrown at the white figure together.

Um? Why is there only one left?

Mary suddenly noticed this problem. Without her noticing at all, only one of the two white figures remained.

Did the other one sink with the flower just as it fell into the sea? Well that's at least certain. The other person is not a devil fruit user.

Just as Mary was thinking about it, a huge horizontal force came from her, and her body suddenly became unstable and flew into the air.

In the air, Mary faced an unexpected situation. She exhausted all her strength, spread her blood wings and struggled for a long time before she could barely stabilize her body.

"What a fierce hurricane..."

She couldn't help but sigh, and then turned to look at the scene where the man was fighting with [Mountain].



She could no longer see the person, and could only see the endless blue surrounding the [mountain].

It was as if the wind was so high that the impurities in the air could block people's sight.

At the same time, dark clouds gathered in the sky in just ten seconds, completely blocking the moonlight. As soon as Mary could clearly see the intensity of the wind, the world fell into darkness.

The rain fell like the ocean crashing down. Mary had seen this scene once before. This time it was even more extreme than last time. Due to the plummeting temperature near the ground, the sea fell halfway and turned into a vast glacier falling from the sky.

Well, yes, although the moonlight was completely blocked, Mary could still see everything that happened.

The reason is simple - the thunder snakes like huge waves moved through the air, and even formed a thunder and lightning net in the rain that covered several kilometers behind Mary.

The brilliant thunder light illuminated everything.

"Rock Berry Fruit, Wind Wind Fruit, Frozen Fruit, Thunder Fruit...and is this Water Fruit?"

When Mary came to this world, for the first time, she showed a dazed look because the abilities displayed by the other party were too incredible.

Am I dreaming?

This scene made Mary's ears seem to echo with a sentence——

"Weak people, why don't you surrender quickly?"


Mary couldn't help but gasp.

I originally thought that the Four Emperors were already the top power in the world, and not even Roger, Rocks or even Yinmu would be much stronger. Originally, Mary had enough confidence in her own strength and full confidence in the future.

However, seeing this scene, she realized that she still had little experience.

Ha, it seems that it is not that easy to win step by step...


"It's getting more and more interesting and challenging. I like it."

Unlike Mary, who watched everything from a distance, Yin Mu, who faced all natural disasters, looked at the tightening hurricane around him, the glaciers crashing in the sky, the flashing lightning behind the ice, and the huge rocks burning with raging flames under the glaciers. panic.

His wild smile was still piercing, and he said as if chanting:

"The Lunaria tribe did not perish overnight. When they were at their peak, humans were still surviving, the murloc tribe was still surviving, and the giant tribe was still surviving..."

"All races exist outside the eyes of gods."

"And later, the tyrant who coveted the world was overthrown by the god of the sun, and the wings that symbolized the sky were cut off and turned into a medal for the liberation fighters."

"The gentle Christie used her life to protect the kingdom of God so that disaster would not happen. It was independent of the world and even future generations could not find its place."

"Qiao Yin Boyin rose from hardships and disappeared from hardships. His will and great achievements are engraved in the letter [D]."

"From now on, it's my world, Yinmu."

"But Lunaria disappeared?"



Yin Mu said this, and at the same time, he put his hands together, and a red crystal stone appeared in his palm.

If you look closely, you can see a lot of brown-red rocks continuously covering the surface of the lens, which are then continuously compressed, compressed, and crystallized.

"Early in the era that history has not recorded, before the huge kingdom, before the Lunaria family ruled the world, I don't know how long ago, you already existed, and then lived until now."

"How many countries like huge kingdoms have you witnessed the destruction, how many races that worshiped you have died? How many sacrifices of Nika and Qiao Yin Boyin have you witnessed?"

"You hide in history after history."

"Waiting for the final outcome."

"Now are you thinking about seeing my ending? Hahahahahaha!"

After saying that, Yin Mu raised the crystal in his hand and held it in his palm, as if he was worshiping something supreme.

"But this time it's different, [God]."

"The power of the devil has flowed into the world, and your power is no longer unique!"

"These celestial phenomena of yours have no effect on me!"

"Let everything—"

"Be annihilated in the heat of light!"

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