Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 204: Endgame in Huadu

"Common people cannot understand Christie's ideals."

"Whether it's world peace or the utopia she talks about, they are all too illusory for civilians."

"Civilians will not understand, nor are they willing to understand."

"After all, 'Who cares about you if you can't live anymore?', isn't it?"

Yin Mu used words of approval, but his tone was full of ridicule.

“In order to build her utopia, Christie wanted freedom for all people.”

"Qiao Yin Boyin is also fighting for people's freedom."

"But there are only mortals in this world who don't deserve freedom."

“They don’t deserve high ideals, and they don’t deserve freedom.”

"Can you understand me, old man?"


"Mr. Marshal of a huge kingdom?"

"Having witnessed the rise and fall of a huge kingdom with your own eyes, there is no way you don't know what I mean."

Yin Mu asked in a deep voice. But this was not questioning the old man, but simply reminding him of past memories.

"You should know better than me what the consequences of giving freedom to everyone will be."


The old man was silent, his expression became a little painful, but also full of helplessness.


"Yes, war."

"The great war that engulfs the world."

Yin Mu grinned, not knowing what he was laughing at.

"Freedom means no restraint. Everyone wants to live a better life, gain more benefits, or have more people identify with and believe in themselves. This is why wars will happen."

"Bringing freedom to everyone will cause huge turmoil. Whether it is the destruction of the huge kingdom eight hundred years ago or the chaos of the great pirate era today, this has been fully proven."

"Civilians do not deserve freedom, they only deserve to be ruled and suppressed."

"The Celestial Dragons are above the world government, the world government is above the nations, and the nations are above the civilians."

"Create a sense of superiority and a sense of satisfaction in oppressing others. In this way, the strong will become stronger and the weak will become weaker. Only when the relationship between people is separated can the structure of the world be stabilized."

"It is up to the ruler to distribute the benefits that everyone deserves, and it is up to the ruler to decide how other people should live."

"Without a ruler, everyone will simply burn up in their own greedy selfishness."

"Even if a country is ruled and exploited, there are always people who can survive in a country that has survived to this day, right?"

Yin Mu sighed, turned around, and walked towards the depths among the flowers.

The old man also shook his head, stood up, and pulled out his spear.

Just as the two were walking away, Yin Mu's last words came from behind the old man:

"The huge kingdom fell in a hundred years, but the World Government has existed for eight hundred years."

"A giant kingdom can be far more powerful than a world government."

“It’s clear which one is better between the two.”


Deep among the flowers, while walking, Yin Mu's footsteps suddenly stopped.

His eyes were a little dark.


"Livingston Palace of Vinicius."

"Mary Vinicius."

"Is there really such a coincidence in the world?"

In the Flower Capital of Wano Country, with Yamato's roar, Elio Hiiragisawa unlocked the protective cover of the [Mirror].


He said softly, raising the staff in his hand high.

The clouds in the sky began to slowly gather again.

Enkidu did not stay in Huadu. After Elio Hiiragizawa released the [Mirror], he turned around and flew away.

The divine strike has just been released, and the huge energy fluctuation may attract some uninvited guests. Now that Mary and Yamato are in a relatively weak state, Enkidu plans to patrol around Wano Country and use his detection ability to simply guard Wano Country.

To avoid being taken advantage of.

After shouting this sentence, Yamato took a few steps forward.

Withstanding the high temperature of the magma, a black fragment was fished out from the magma.

"...Have you ever regretted it? Kaido?"

Yamato looked at the fragment and murmured softly.

However, Kaido was destined to be unable to answer her question.

All the hatred, as well as the countless entanglements between Kaido and Yamato, have been burned out at this time.

At this point, Yamato doesn't care anymore.

"You said you wanted to destroy the country of Wano, but now you are dead. How ironic."

Yamato said softly.

Then, he sat down on the ground and gasped for air.

Mary looked at her for a long time, until she finally regained her composure, and then stepped forward.

"Thank you, comrade."

Mary smiled and put her hat on Yamato's head.

Although Yamato was held back several times later, we have to admit that without Yamato's frontal combat, it would be difficult for Mary to cause Kaido to suffer in the early stage. Moreover, before Mary arrived, it was indeed Yamato who protected the people of Wano.

It's fun to say that Yamato is now sitting down, just as tall as Mary.

"..." Yamato took a few breaths and covered his face with one hand.

"Why, are you sad about killing your own father?"

"No...not sad."

Hearing this, Yamato subconsciously replied:

"He was supposed to die, but...sigh."

"Well, no need to explain, I don't understand anyway."

Mary shrugged and laughed.

"Hey, you guy!..."

Yamato raised his head dissatisfiedly, but saw Mary's playful expression.

For some reason, the dissatisfaction in her heart was still suppressed.

After a while, she shook her head and said:

"Thank you very much."

"The duty lies."

Mary said, pulling her cloak from behind to the front.

"I'm a navy, isn't it natural to kill pirates?"


After hearing this, Yamato took off Mary's hat and placed it in front of him to look at it.

"By the way...what is the Navy?"

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked you who you are and where you are from."

Yamato asked as if waking up from a dream.

Mary folded her arms and said naturally:

"I am Mary Vinicius, from the East Sea, or Malinfando."

"Well...you may not know where these two places are."

"I know where the East China Sea is!"

Yamato suddenly became excited and violently held Mary's hands.

She quickly asked:

"Do you know Ace?"


"Ace is my friend, he is also from the East China Sea."

"He also has a younger brother named Luffy, who is also from the East China Sea. Do you know him?"


Mary was a little embarrassed.

Would it ruin the atmosphere if he said that he killed Ace's father at this time?

But he and Luffy haven't had any problems yet...

At this time, Morgans came over.

"Of course, Lady Mary and Ace can be said to have a close friendship."


Yamato suddenly perked up.

After the righteous annihilation of the family, when the mood has reached rock bottom, it is undoubtedly worth mentioning a little excitement to be able to meet an old friend and fight side by side with her.

Mary's expression was not so comfortable. She frowned and looked at Morgans.

This guy doesn't have a big mouth...

"In Alabasta, there is a guy similar to Kaido, named Crocodile."

Morgans gave Mary a "Don't worry, I'll do the work" look in his eyes, and said eloquently to Yamato:

"Mary, out of righteous indignation, took the initiative to challenge Crocodile. And Ace, inspired by Mary's actions, took the initiative to go to Alabasta, and the two teamed up to defeat Crocodile."

Poor Smoker was ignored once again.

"In Marineland, the two of them even had a fight because of their relationship with each other. They can be regarded as close friends who cherish each other!"

"Oh, I understand!"

Yamato immediately said excitedly: "I also had a fight with Ace!"


Looking at the two people who were inexplicably facing each other in the radio wave, Mary felt a little nervous.

Morgause's mouth is a liar. As expected, the news guy always talks nonsense, so you have to be more careful when chatting with him in the future.

To be fair, Morgans told the truth - except for the last sentence. Mary couldn't fault it either.

But it sounds very problematic to say that. In fact, the relationship between Mary and Ace is almost like enemies.

It can only be said that it is the art of speaking, which someone with Mary's personality cannot master.

No longer looking at Morgans who was chatting animatedly, Mary jumped up and flew to the edge of the flower capital.

Elio Hiiragisawa still held up the staff in his hand, and the blue light on the staff flashed.

"Hey, Elliot, what are you doing?"

Mary asked casually as she landed next to him.

Maybe it was because they were both adults but looked like children at heart, so Mary felt that she and Elio Hiiragisawa should have a good conversation.

Of course, it is not clear what Elio Hiiragisawa thinks about Kuro Rido, who has lived several lifetimes of Mary.

But Elio Hiiragisawa's emotional intelligence is frighteningly high, and no one can see through him. He always had a smile that was confusing.

"I'm going to let the flowers cool down."

Elio Hiiragisawa said with a smile: "Mary, the power of your blow just now was too much."

"Now, I'm afraid thousands of meters of Huadu's underground have been melted."

"If the temperature does not drop and the heat seeps out, there may be no grass growing in this area for decades or even centuries."

"Ha, sorry, blame me." Mary shrugged helplessly, "I never thought that the divine strike would be so powerful."

"Divine Strike?... It is indeed worthy of the name."

Elio Hiiragisawa said with emotion: "Which god is it?"

"The God of War [Artosh], well, a god from another world."

"I just borrowed his power... It's more reasonable to say that."

"He must be a very powerful god."

Elio Hiiragisawa said firmly.

Then, he changed the topic:

"What are you going to do next?"

"Kill Kaido, who is reigning terror here, what are you going to do with this country after that?"

"How to deal with it?"

Mary raised her eyebrows: "Let them rule by themselves, as long as they are normal leaders. Wano Country needs a stable environment."

"Oh? Don't you want to rule yourself?"

"I'm kidding, do you think I'm someone who can govern a country?"

Mary laughed playfully: "Besides fighting, I still fight. Fighting is what I'm good at."

"I just hope that a naval base can be established in Wano, just like the islands in the first half of the Grand Line."


After Hiiragizawa Elio was silent for a moment, he asked a question:

"Although I haven't been in this world for long, I have traveled all the way to Wano Country, and I have learned a lot about it myself."

"This country is not a member of the World Government."

"As a marine...are you not a member of the World Government?"

"Just kidding, of course not."

Mary said seriously, "It doesn't matter if Wano doesn't want to belong to the World Government. My navy should be special. What does it have to do with the World Government?"

"If the World Government really wants to intervene, it's as simple as asking Weiwei to come."


Elio Hiiragisawa relaxed his brows.

"Well, you may not know who Weiwei is."

Mary explained to Elio Hiiragisawa: "She is the chairman of the Desert Federation. To put it simply, the Desert Federation is nominally at the same level as the World Government."

"Although it's only in name [the same level]."

"And Weiwei is my good friend, and her country was once the same as Wano Country."

"I see, are you using forces of the same level to contain the World Government?"

Elio Hiiragizawa thought:

"In this way, even if Wano Country does not belong to the Desert Alliance, the World Government will not be able to take action again."

"According to your statement, since the Desert United is a giant on the same level as the World Government, then with the checks and balances of the Desert United, the World Government cannot force Wano to exist as its own country..."

Having said this, Elio Hiiragizawa glanced at Mary in surprise.

"Although your ideas are relatively simple and crude... they are unexpectedly feasible."


Mary looked a little embarrassed.

"Actually... I mean, Weiwei is better at politics than me, and she also has more political capital."

"Her country used to be in a similar situation to Wano Country, so it is more familiar to deal with it..."

"To put it simply, I just want to call Weiwei to help me make a decision."

Mary looked at Elio Hiiragisawa with a strange look:

"I don't think as much as you think."


Elio Hiiragisawa still looked at Mary with a smile.

After a while, he nodded.

"That's it~"

"I always feel your tone is a bit strange."

Mary scratched her nose.

"This is just your illusion."

Elio Hiiragisawa still has the same smile.

I can't talk anymore today.

The personalities and experiences of the two people are not on the same level.

Shaking her head, Mary simply stopped talking about this topic and asked instead:

"By the way, you just said that you need to cool down the flowers..."

"How to cool down?"

Mary asked concerned.

After all, the man in front of him was a great magician who could rival the God of Creation in his previous life, so it was reasonable to look forward to his methods.


Elio Hiiragisawa did not answer directly, but looked at the sky.

Mary saw this, followed his gaze upwards, and then froze.

After a while, she sighed with emotion:


The sky gradually became gloomy.

The feather-like flying snow in the sky is like cherry blossoms in the wind, spinning and falling gently.

The people taking refuge at the foot of the mountain stared blankly at the sky. Some of the children didn't know what was happening and watched the snowflakes jumping around.

The snow is falling, and the air is filled with a crisp smell. Gradually, the field of vision turned white and the sky became higher.

Mary stretched out her hands, and snowflakes fell like butterflies on her fingertips.

Even though she was wearing gloves and could not feel the temperature of the snowflakes, Mary still watched the snowflakes turn into snow water in an instant and merge into the palm of her hand.

The white snowflakes and red magma slowly merged into one, and the original red and white turned into an impenetrable black.


Mary was stunned for a moment.

"...You should have a lot of ways to cool down the flowers, right? [Freeze], [Water], etc..."

Hearing this, Elio Hiiragisawa smiled slightly.

Putting down his staff, he put his hand away restrainedly.

"Use this kind of snow to end this battle and say goodbye to all those who lost their lives in this battle..."

"That's romantic, isn't it?"

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