Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 197: Battle of Huadu (11)

Ten minutes later.


Yamato was a little shocked and touched her waist. She no longer felt any pain or discomfort.

"Amazing abilities."

Yamato summed it up simply and clearly.

"It's just a little trick of a wither insect, nothing worth mentioning." Elio Hiiragisawa smiled slightly and retracted his hand.

Yamato nodded and picked up his Takeru.

"Very good - then I'll go help!"


Just when Yamato was about to rush out, Elio Hiiragizawa stopped her again.

She stopped the car suddenly and looked at Elio Hiiragizawa suspiciously.

"Anything else?"

"Of course."

Elio Hiiragisawa smiled, gently tapped Yamato's head with his staff, and muttered something.

Then, Yamato felt a power that did not come from him pour into his body.

"This is……"

Yamato's eyes narrowed slightly.

After a long while, Elio Hiiragisawa took his staff away from Yamato's head.

Then, dot it on Yamato’s thighs.

After sweeping both thighs once, Elio Hiiragisawa looked at Yamato's whole body, thought for a moment, and then pointed his staff on Yamato's chest.

Yamato felt a chill seep into his heart.

"What on earth is this..."

Yamato was a little confused.

After this time, Elio Hiiragisawa took back his staff.

"Okay, you can go."

"What did you do to me?"

Yamato asked, a little confused.

Elio Hiiragisawa smiled and did not hide it. He explained openly:

"I just strengthened your power a little."

"I gave your body the magic of [Force], the magic of [Exorcism] for your explosive power, and the magic of [Freeze] for your ability to control ice and snow."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. It's just some fancy tricks. You'll understand when you start fighting."

Elio Hiiragisawa still has that enigmatic smile that makes people puzzled.

I don’t even understand Yamato’s straight temperament.

She just scratched her head and said with some distress:

"Why are today's kids so awesome..."

Then, he turned around and walked away.

Listening to Yamato's low voice, Elio Hiiragisawa couldn't help but laugh.

"This little guy is quite interesting..."

Then, look at the blood-red dome.

"Well... with Mary and Yamato in this state, that guy named Kaido probably won't choose to fight hard anymore."

"Maybe we should put something in the sky..."

"This war is coming to an end..."

Enkidu looked at the little figure flying slowly in the distance and said thoughtfully.

Enkidu had just separated from Elio Hiiragizawa not long ago, so he naturally knew what he was going to do.

Now that he was free to fly, although he didn't know what he was going to do, Enkidu at least understood that the girl named Yamato should have been cured.

"This guy's power is also very strange..."

Enkidu looked at Elio Hiiragisawa and said thoughtfully, then stood up.

He turned to look at Denjiro and said:

"There should be no problem after that. Just stay here and don't leave."

"It's all coming to an end."


Denjiro wanted to say something else, but the words got stuck in his throat.

He stared at Enkidu, who was slowly floating up, with wide eyes, as if he had seen a ghost.

Hmm... to a certain extent, I'm right.

Enkidu, who came to the world as a heroic spirit, said that it was not a big problem for him to be a ghost.

"You seem surprised?"

Enkidu smiled at Denjiro's expression, and then made a mysterious expression.

"You will be even more surprised later, don't worry..."

Then, under Denjiro's even more horrified gaze, Enkidu turned into a ball of light dust and slowly dispersed.

The ability of the heroic spirit to transform into a spiritual body.

Looking at the empty sky in front of him, Denjiro began to wonder if he was awake at all.

Is he still dreaming?



Mary's figure turned into a black light and flashed from Kaido's side.

"Where did you learn this habit of naming basic attacks?"

Kaido grinned in pain and roared.

"I learned it from you and a green algae head." Mary sneered, "It seems that your speed is still not as fast as mine."

"God knows how you, a monster, can achieve such speed. It's completely unreasonable."

Kaido snorted coldly: "It's incredible that such a trashy body won't tear under such wind pressure."

"Thunder gossip!"

Mary blocked it with her sword and was knocked away.

When both parties are not trying their best, it is not difficult for Kaido to play Mary like a golf ball. The gap on the panel is huge.

Of course, it is not difficult for Mary to hurt Kaido.

"The body has gradually begun to adapt to these toxins..."

Kaido tightly grasped the part where he had just been cut, and the spell there began to gradually fade into the shape of ink and slowly dissipate.

"Your methods no longer work."

"Ha, tough guy."

Mary couldn't help but shook her head and said: "I didn't expect that the Phantom Beast Breed could be so strong in withstanding stress. But... who is more powerful, the Phantom Beast Breed, or you, Kaido?"

"Of course it's me!"

Kaido roared angrily and chased after Mary while dancing the Eight Rings.

"Oh, is that so? As expected of you."

Mary replied in a coping manner, and then faced off with Kaido again.

As expected, he was knocked out again.

Although he wasn't injured at all - or it wouldn't be a big deal if he was injured, it was still a bit embarrassing.

"Hmph, without the poison, what can you do against me!?"

Kaido shouted with a cold tone.

"you guess?"

Mary still looked calm, which made Kaido furious.

"Then let me see it!"

"Thunder gossip!"

Kaido hit Mary with a stick.

However, what shocked Kaido was that when faced with this stick, Mary did not dodge and ate it forcefully.

Even the armed color Haki was not used.


Before Kaido could react, Mary's upper body exploded, and Kaido's body was covered in splashing plasma.

Then, Mary's figure emerged from the sea of ​​​​blood not far away and looked at Kaido.

The blood in Kaido's body immediately burned, and the demonic flames acted upon by the fire spirit immediately made Kaido feel an extremely sharp stinging sensation.

Kaido roared angrily, and violently wrapped the overlord's domineering energy around his body, squeezing away the clinging flames.

Then, he looked over and snorted coldly.

"Hmph, after the poison is gone, do you only have these little tricks left?"

"It's really disappointing. Do you think this trick can defeat me?"

"Of course I don't think so..."

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Mary's mouth.

Kaido didn't know what Mary was thinking, but he only thought this smile was extremely ironic.

Therefore, without thinking too much, Kaido strode towards Mary.

"In that case, show me your true abilities."

"Do you still want to keep it now?"

"No, I don't want to hold back."

Mary chuckled, shook her head, and glanced at the sky.

"It's just that now is not the best time."

"If I want to use my trump card, I can't just defeat you."

"You mean your trump card can definitely defeat me!?"

Kaido almost laughed in anger. After becoming the Yonko, he had never been ridiculed like this in terms of his strength.

"If that's the case, then I'll beat you to your best!"

With the roar of filial piety, Kaido jumped up and hit Mary on the head with one move, Yinara.

However, before Mary could react, an air wave attack came from the distance.



Yamato's clear voice came, and a wave of air penetrated the sea of ​​​​blood and hit Kaido hard.


Kaido's childish expression shrank, and he felt something was wrong.

This kind of strength...

Before he could think about it, this strike hit his Ba Zhai Jie.

At this moment, the majestic power coming from Hachijie caused Kaido's expression to change drastically.

"This kind of power...how is it possible!?"

He secretly exclaimed. After Kaido was in a stalemate for a moment, he was still ejected with no support in the air.

Then, Mary felt a white light flash beside her.


Looking at the speeding Yamato, a big question mark appeared above Mary's head.

"When did this guy get so fast?"

"Thunder gossip!"

Yamato hit Kaido, who was still on his feet, and Kaido hit him in the old way.

Then, he was knocked out.

Yes, fly out.

Kaido, Yamato, and Mari were all stunned. Yamato even stood up blankly, weighing Takeru in his hand, and looking at his arm with some suspicion.

Mary took a breath as if she remembered something.

Darling... In the original work, it was Luffy who received such a beating from Yamato. Luffy has awakened, so Yamato has also awakened, right...

Are your methods for awakening animal fruits so wild?

Mary could only express surprise at this.

Kaido, on the other hand, was even more confused. He felt something was wrong from the very beginning when he was hit by Yamato's Thunderous Gossip. When he received Yamato's Thunderous Gossip, he still blocked it as usual.

As a result, he was actually kicked away? ? ?

His brain didn't react for a while, but just a few seconds later, Kaido stood up with a dark face.

No matter what the reason, it is simply a shame and humiliation for a father to be beaten away by his own daughter.

For Kaido, Yamato's sudden increase in strength did make him feel troublesome, but it was not enough to make him helpless.

Although Yamato's power has increased, it is just enough to keep up with his ghost dragon form, and it is far from being able to pose much of a substantial threat to him.

The reason why he was knocked away by Yamato just now was because he didn't pay attention and was caught off guard by the sudden increase in strength.

After all, Kaido knows everything about Yamato's abilities. Unlike the mysterious Mary, Kaido can be chosen casually.

Therefore, he ran towards Yamato with angry steps.

At this time, Yamato also recovered from the shock, looked at Kaido running towards him in a menacing manner, and quickly raised Takeru in his hand.

"Thunder gossip!"

"Thunder gossip!"

The battlefield once again became the home field of the father and daughter.

Mary, on the other hand, continued to control the sea of ​​blood to press forward. She also penetrated Kaido's side and stabbed Kaido from time to time.

Kaido, who had never rested for a moment since the beginning of the battle, finally couldn't stand it any longer. He roared, and Hachijie danced a big windmill around his body, using the simplest and crudest method to force the two of them to stop.

The battle entered a brief lull. Both Yamato and Kaido were breathing heavily, but only Mary remained intact.

Although Mary doesn't know when her demon sword form will end, as long as the demon sword form is maintained, she will not show obvious fatigue.

However, this brief lull did not last long, and none of the three said any more nonsense. Mary felt that her condition was about to be unsustainable, and Kaido also felt that his load was beyond what he could bear.

As for Yamato, she was so stubborn that she never thought about taking a break.

The three people huddled together again.

In the fierce fight with flying light and electricity, the blood flow of the three people became extremely fast, their hearts were pounding, and white steam visible to the naked eye even emerged from Kaido's body.

At first glance, this looks somewhat similar to Luffy's second gear.

Of course, Mary was also eye-opening in terms of durability.

"You can't defeat me..."

Kaido said viciously during the fierce fight:

"Yamato alone is no match for me, and Mary, your limit has almost reached, am I right?"

Mary remained silent, acknowledging Kaido's words.

She knew that there was no use hiding it. You could tell a person's aura by seeing, smelling, and coloring. She still looks strong on the outside, but her weakening vitality cannot be hidden.

Although he doesn't know when this state will end, Kaido is confident that he can hold off.

"At that time, it will be your death!"

Kaido roared angrily, sending the two of them flying once again.


Mary landed on the ground, her feet leaving a long trail.

Kaido gasped for air, then looked at Mary and said coldly:

"Surrender now and I can spare your life. Once your weird state is over, it will be too late to think about the avatar."

Kaido tries to take Mary under his wing.

After all, he is the one who dares to regain Drake, so he is not worried about the navy. In his opinion, Mary's abilities were so mixed, she must be a phantom beast, and therefore not to his liking. In terms of strength, he is also shockingly strong, and now he seems to be a better downline than Yamato.

Therefore, although he knew that it was almost impossible for Mary to accept this proposal, he still asked tentatively.

Finally, he added:

"Don't you want to kill me? In the future, when you have enough strength to kill me, just come and kill me."

Kaido is confident that as long as Mary is willing to surrender, then he can regain Mary.

When the time comes, it’s still a matter of opinion whether to kill him or not.

However, he made a mistake.

At this moment, Mary raised her head and saw Kaido's whole body was red, steam was coming out of his body, and he grinned.

"But, I refuse."

"I could kill you right now."


Kaido frowned.

However, before he could say anything, Mary gradually turned into a ball of blood mist.

"You're careless, Kaido."

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