Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 180: Night Talk

In the end, Warring States still had no reply to Mary's extremely radical and exaggerated strategy.

This was what Mary had expected. After all, she also understood the style of the Warring States Period and could no longer be conservative. Although this is indeed the reason why the pirate forces on the sea have joined forces to surpass the navy headquarters, but after so many years of planting spies, they have not even tried counterinsurgency work, which makes Mary not sure whether he should be cautious or appeasement. good.

Let’s not talk too much about it. If we can’t defeat the four emperors, can we clear the four seas? Almost all the supernovas are from all over the world, and the generals in that place are all dimension reduction attacks, forcing the corrupt navy to cultivate batches of new pirates...

I don't know where the navy's military power was thrown during the Warring States Period, and what the three generals did every time they went out to perform missions.

However, after Mary argued hard, Warring States finally gave Mary a chance to communicate with Morgans.

As long as Mary can convince Morgans to go with her, Warring States will never stop her - after all, Warring States itself cannot mobilize Morgans.

It's just that Morgans is currently busy filming the battlefield, and Warring States himself is also busy dealing with post-war affairs, so he doesn't have much time to talk to Mary. Therefore, Mary could only return to the headquarters dormitory where she had been away for a long time.

After the incident was over, Akainu also found a place to rest. He had worked so hard in this battle, and he couldn't bear it if he continued like this. Kizaru, on the other hand, took Esdeath to the Navy Personnel Department. Mary abducted a strong man, and it was very important to give him a title.

After returning to the dormitory, Mary did not rest. Instead, she immediately took out two blank notebooks that had accumulated dust from the drawer and started writing furiously.

She wasn't kidding, she was telling the truth and she already had an idea.

The New World is the place where the navy has the weakest control. It is not enough to just let the generals take back the territory of Whitebeard and Big Mom. The pirates changed one after another, and the generals could not always guard the captured islands. She was even worried that those places would be swallowed by Blackbeard if she turned around.

Although until now she didn't know where the Blackbeard Man had gone.

But as she said, if you want to carry out a crushing blow against the pirates in the new world, a forward base that is tough enough is very necessary. Only when the navy has a strong enough foothold can it develop its power in the new world.

This is the first step in the New World Plan.

And Mary already had an idea about this.

Three big words came to her mind——

Wano Country!

Wano Country itself is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so it is perfect as a base. Moreover, it can be said that Kaido's notices over the years have already made people angry. It does not need to be a pirate. No matter what force it is, as long as it can liberate the country of Wano, it will almost never lack the support of the people.

But now that Kaido's gang has been wiped out, only one ghost island remains. And Mary also has a divine strike in her hand, so giving Kaido a hard hit is definitely not a problem.

The key is that she can also find the right manager——


Yamato is a filial son. Mary, who has read the original work, knows Yamato's character very well. She can simply be seen as a girl who has an extreme personality worship. The reason why she admires Oden is nothing more than two points. The first point is the free life on the sea, and the other point is the founding of Wano.

On both these points, Mary is confident that she can do better. Having fought in Alabasta, she has experience.

Not only that, the mentors in her previous life seemed to be giving passionate speeches in her mind, giving her a clearer idea of ​​how to persuade Yamato.

As long as she can convince Yamato to join her in fighting against the enemy, what's the point of allowing Wano to be founded? It would even be more conducive to her subsequent plans to hold a meeting. Moreover, as a sub-top powerhouse with extremely strong talents, Yamato can compete with Kaido. Being able to win her into her camp will also give her more political and military chips.

And Yamato can also be the general of the country of Wano. At this time, Momonosuke still doesn't know where he is, and Mary can completely fool Yamato into becoming the leader of Wano Country.

As for the warriors, Mary would not be embarrassed if they were sensible. Unreasonable...it will depend on the situation at that time.

Still have to deal with different situations differently.

In order to convince Yamato, Mary is already working hard to forge a "diary". Oden's diary can convince Yamato, and Mary is confident that this diary will be convincing enough.

As for why we use diaries as a carrier, it's actually very simple to say - because Yamato likes to read diaries, that's all.

This writing lasted until late at night. When Mary had just turned on the light in her room, there was a knock on the door.


"I am Morgans, my dear Lady Mary."

At the door came the greeting of Gentleman Morgans.

When Mary heard this, she immediately closed the unfinished diary on the table and opened the door.

Morgans stood in the doorway, notebook and quill in hand. When Mary opened the door, he took off his hat and saluted. And Mary took off her hat and returned the favor.

"I heard from Marshal Warring States that you have something to do with me. So, can I enter the room?"

Morgans asked: "Or should we just talk here?"

"come in."

Mary turned sideways, Morgans nodded, walked into the room, and looked around.

"Just sit on the chair in front of the table."

Mary closed the door and a voice came from behind Morgans.

Morgans sat on the chair and turned to look at Mary. Mary jumped down on the bed, sat up cross-legged, and looked at Morgans.


Morgans' hand shook, and the notebook opened. He immediately picked up the pen and looked curiously at this woman whom he had reported many times and personally praised as a top-notch woman.

"So, what kind of news do you want to discuss with me?"

Morgans had no doubt about the reason why Mary was looking for her. The other party must have noticed the World Economic News' publicity about her for such a long time. Naturally, he should also know what he wanted to do, what his personality was like, and what his abilities were. Now that she came to find him in person, she must have come because of some big news.

And Morgans had no doubts about Mary's ability to make big news. For such a long time, Mary has turned the entire sea upside down, and almost every move she makes will make the front page. Although Morgans also had some credit for this, it must be said that Mary's ability to cause trouble was also ridiculously strong.

Before this, Mary had never taken the initiative to contact him, at least she had never shown any tendency to do so. Now that he suddenly came to his door, Morgans was already excitedly thinking about how to draft the next news headline.

"Morgance, don't rush to publish the summary news of the war."

Mary opened her mouth and said something that surprised Morgans. Morgans immediately responded:

"Why? Miss Mary, you should understand that news is timely. Now that the war is over, I will produce the summary draft within today. According to my expectation, within a week, this report will be It must be published, otherwise it will definitely be the result of falling behind others.”

"Now you want to interrupt the press conference, but not if you don't have a good reason."

Mary had expected Morgans's question, so she answered without hesitation:

"Simply because there are a lot of interlocking things going on during the war that you just don't know about."

"For example, you don't know that I killed Katakuri in Alabasta."

"For example, you didn't know that Charlotte Lingling, one of the Four Emperors, died in Impel Down."

"You don't even know what the connection is between the two things."


Before Mary could finish speaking, Morgans jumped up in shock.

"This this……"

Morgans's eyes sparkled like never before.

"Two of the four emperors were killed in a battle, the second in command of the Whitebeard Pirates was arrested, and the second in command of the BIGMOM Pirates was killed..."

"Impel City? What happened to Impel City again!?"

"It turns out that this war involves so many things... Please make it clear to me!"

Morgans excitedly recorded several important pieces of information, and then looked at Mary expectantly.

When Mary saw this, she smiled mysteriously.

"——There's no need to be so anxious now."

"This war is not over yet. I am not talking about the aftermath of the war, but the war itself."


Morgans raised his eyebrows.

Mary clasped her hands together and moved her fingers.

"If you think about it, war on top, war on top, war on top."

"The navy's combat power is out in full force. The Four Emperors—are they missing anyone?"

"Who is missing..."

Morgans thought to himself: "The white beard and red hair of the Navy Headquarters, the aunt of Impel Down..."

"Wait, you mean Kaido?"

Morgans immediately looked up at Mary.

"Exactly." Mary nodded, "How can such a big war go without any news about Kaido?"

In fact, there is. Almost all of Kaido's men in Impel Down City are dead. This can be considered news.

But in comparison, I always feel that the portion is not quite enough. Moreover, Mary was not willing to leave Kaido himself unharmed.

During this trip, she wanted to destroy the ghost island with one move to declare the feasibility of her plan to the Warring States Marshal. In order to enhance her reputation and popularity, Mary invited Morgans.

The two of them were old acquaintances who had never met before, and Mary trusted Morgans's character in the news field. This is a ruthless man who is willing to defeat government agents in order to expose big news, and tells employees to relocate the headquarters immediately to avoid government retaliation.

The reason for increasing her reputation is also very simple. Mary wants to compete for the marshal.

Mary, who is familiar with the world line of the original work, knows very well that she retired after the battle of the Warring States Period. Although the original work also contains the reasons for the total failure of the Dingshang War, the bigger reason is that the Warring States Period itself felt physically and mentally exhausted from the long-term political struggle.

Therefore, even if this war is considered a great victory, Sengoku must have only postponed his retirement. But presumably it could take as little as one year or as many as three years, and Warring States will eventually retire. It can be seen from the fact that he looked a little sluggish and tired when talking to Sengoku during the day.

Mary has never forgotten that her system has a heavy shackle that has always been stuck on her, that is, when she is removed from the navy in any way, all the bonuses brought by the system will be removed and the system will be automatically destroyed. Once the bound system is destroyed, she will be sent back to her original body.

Although Mary believed that she could protect herself with her current reputation, it was still a bit risky to put her life and fortune in the hands of others. What's more, she still has life problems that will suddenly explode at some point, so Mary has the idea of ​​​​grabbing the position of marshal.

After becoming a marshal, among other things, don’t you have the final say on what kind of navy you want to be? My style is compatible with that of the hawks, and my thoughts also have something in common with those of the doves. In this case, once Mary became marshal, she had a lot of options to turn the navy into her own navy.

This is why Mary proposed her plan in public, and why Mary asked Morgans to record her release of the divine strike.

Her qualifications are too low in the navy. Although the navy is not a place based on seniority, it is still a bit shocking for a newly graduated [recruit] to compete for the marshal of the navy. Therefore, if Mary wanted to get the position of navy marshal after Sengoku abdicated, in addition to desperately improving her strength, there were two things she had to do.

The first is to build relationships with Akainu and Aokiji. The position of marshal is competing between these two people, and if he can get the support of both of them at the same time, the position of marshal will be within his grasp.

Of course, this is still somewhat difficult. After all, the two generals are ambitious people. It is not easy to convince them. It requires long-term planning.

The governing philosophies of Aokiji and Akainu are not completely irreconcilable, and Mary is also thinking about what kind of plan can be used to take into account the feelings of both of them.

However, this matter can only be achieved based on the second requirement to a large extent.

The second thing is the huge reputation.

First of all, without enough reputation and having been talking to the generals as a junior, Mary would not have a sufficient position to convince the two of them. Secondly, strength is difficult to directly reflect when competing for marshal, but reputation can.

He now has quite a reputation, but it is not enough for the position of marshal.

Therefore, she wants to "defeat" Kaido alone, liberate Wano Country alone, and let Wano Country "join" the Desert Alliance or the World Government. Support the Wano regime, take the lead in establishing a naval forward base in Wano, recruit troops, and develop naval power in the new world on your own.

Once such a shocking act is successful, Mary's reputation may surpass the current three generals in one fell swoop. Coupled with the fact that he represents the navy and has become one of the honorary presidents of the Desert Alliance, he has enough reputation to compete for the marshal.

At this time, Mary deeply realized the benefits of power. The identity of the honorary chairman of Desert United plays a big role at this time.

Feeling at ease, Mary looked at Morgans seriously and extended an invitation to him:

"Morgance, come with me to Wano Country."

“I’ll give you some super big news—”

Mary grinned and said ambitiously:

"One that you can use for a very, very long time - big news!"

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