Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 174: War on the Top (15)

"No, there are so many people..."

Ace looked at the scene below and frowned.

He has calmed down now. At this critical moment, Ace, who couldn't care less about his sorrow, grew up extremely fast.

He looked at Kizaru, Akainu and Mari who were approaching rapidly, and immediately realized something was wrong.

"Senior Golden Lion alone cannot stop them... Senior Golden Lion is not good at defense."

From the previous battle, everyone could see that the Golden Lion was not good at pure defense. He usually uses offense instead of defense, but when faced with the pursuit of so many people, the Golden Lion's fighting style can't stop him at all.

Just when Ace was gritting his teeth and thinking about what to do, he was suddenly hit hard on the back of his neck.

The unprepared Ace felt dizzy and looked back with difficulty, only to see Marco's determined eyes.


Ace could only finish saying his name with difficulty, his eyes darkened, and he fell down.

"Marco, what are you..." Jozi stared at this scene, his eyes widening.

Marco supported the limp Ace, and after a moment of silence, he handed Ace to Jozi to hold.

"Ace has a rather impulsive personality, so I knocked him out."

Marco shrugged with difficulty and smiled, then suddenly became serious.

"Jozi, it won't be long before Ace wakes up. Remember...don't let him do anything irrational."

Hearing Marco say this, Jozi suddenly understood something.

"you want……"

Jozy looked up at Marco.

I saw Marco's hands slowly turning into the wings of a phoenix.

"This is my duty as captain of the First Division, Jozi."

Marco fluttered his wings: "Goodbye, everyone."

After saying that, he flew out from the railing and jumped down.


! "

The three people below were approaching quickly.

The golden lion's lion power was crushed by Warring States, and he frowned fiercely.

"Damn, these guys..."

The golden lion's eyelids twitched, and just as he was about to slash downward with his sword energy, a burst of blue flames flashed by his side.

"I'll stop them!"

Marco flapped his wings and stood in front of the golden lion.

"Senior Golden Lion, my family... depends on you!"


The golden lion stared blankly at Marco who didn't look back.

After a long time, the golden lion nodded solemnly, turned and left.

The fleet behind him quickly moved away, and Marco no longer had any worries.

He looked at the bloody figure approaching rapidly below and the golden light flickering in the distance, and smiled resolutely.


"This road is blocked!"

"Don't even think about leaving..."

Seeing Ace and others quickly moving away, Mary's speed further increased.

Suddenly, a ball of blue flames hit in front of her.

Mary's eyes narrowed, and she slashed out with her sword. The sword was placed on Qing Yan, but she couldn't cut even half of it.

"Ah..." Marco sneered twice, "It turns out that your strength is so weak, which is a bit surprising."

Then, looking at the flickering golden light, Marco moved his fingers.

A ball of green flames suddenly expanded and hit Kizaru directly.

"Green Flame Bird!"


A huge ball of fire enveloped the beam, forcing Kizaru to act.

Then, Kizaru cut off Qing Yan with a wave of Tian Cong Yun Sword.

He looked up and saw Marco grinning, green flames exploding behind him, smiling confidently.

"...Hoho, sacrifice yourself to save others?"

Kizaru said in a somewhat uncertain tone.

Mary did not speak, but glanced at the fleet flying away in the distance from time to time.

"Don't look any further, Mary."

Marco's sharp shout drew her attention back.

"I have roughly figured out your transfer ability. Your transfer requires blood as a medium to activate. Although I don't know what the distance conditions are, I have cleaned up your blood on those ships before I left."

"Without that weird bloody sky, you wouldn't be able to create blood out of thin air, right?"

After saying that, Marco hit Mary with a green flame bird.

"In that case, at your speed—"

"Don't even think about getting past me!"

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

While Marco was attacking Marie, Kizaru fired an eight-foot magatama, and the magatama shot out quickly in an extremely wide range.

"Don't even think about taking a step beyond this!" Marco's wings fluttered, "Pineapple Release!"

A huge blue flame fell from the sky, covering the sky nearly a hundred meters in radius, and slowly pressed down on Kizaru and Mari.

Without pulling, all Kizaru's magatama were blocked.


Marco chuckled.

"..." Mary looked gloomy and sighed.

Marco is best at defense and protracted combat, and the properties of his fruit make Mary not sure that the poison will be useful to him.

Moreover, Marco is fast enough, and I am afraid it will not be easy for me to escape from his entanglement.

Being blocked by him in mid-air, it was difficult for Mary to continue chasing him.

After taking a look at Kizaru beside her, some of Mary's thoughts were dismissed.

never mind……

Kizaru, this guy, is eager to take advantage of this situation, right?

Expecting him to hold Marco back or break through Marco to catch Ace and the Golden Lion alone... is a bit embarrassing.

With this thought in her mind, Mary could only sigh.

Then, the look he looked at Marco became more intense.

"In that case..."

Mary said coldly: "Then you stay here!"

"Just what I wanted."

Marco said disdainfully, and at the same time, his green flames turned into sparks, crashing down like the sea falling.

"Pineapple Jade!"

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

Kizaru also released light jade to bombard the sea of ​​blue flames, but the regeneration ability of the green flames was far beyond the normal range, and was not inferior to Mary's.

However, the high-strength and high-intensity eight-foot Qiong Magatama is more than enough to create a large number of cavities, which also creates opportunities for Mary to move forward.

However, when Mary created the blood blade, the huge pain of tearing her flesh once again confused her.


Mary gritted her teeth, controlled the blood and crushed her arms.

Facing the heartbreaking pain, her muscles shattered inch by inch, and beautiful blood flowers bloomed in the air.

Then, fierce demonic flames rose, and Mary's wounds healed quickly, and were quickly torn apart by herself.

In the end, no part of Mary's body was intact, and even the slight breaking sounds could be heard from time to time in her eyes, and blood overflowed from her eyes.

The enchanting and magnificent fire roses bloom in the sky.

"Hey...what's going on?"

Kizaru was dumbfounded. According to his original expectation, according to Mary's character, she would charge at full speed, use the blood sharp blade to protect herself in the blue flames, and then after passing through the blue flames, directly pull out the dusk and give Marco a severe blow.

However, what is happening with this blood flower that suddenly blooms now? Why haven't you taken action yet?

The same doubt haunted Marco.

But he didn't want to fish like Kizaru. When he saw this scene, he immediately realized that this was a good opportunity.

A good chance to shoot Mary down!

If it were just Mary or Kizaru...

He might still be able to leave.

With this thought in his mind, his wings suddenly retracted, and his whole body pierced towards Mary like a shuttle.

At this time, no one knew how much pain Mary was suffering after the broken kiss of Silas.

'That's it...that's it...'

'Heart of Blood Massacre... Kiss of Xiela... Is it this kind of pain that has been isolated all this time...'

Mary was breathing heavily, and cold sweat was forming on her forehead.

Strictly speaking, she had already obtained the Heart of Blood Slaughter since she first traveled through time. Therefore, she has almost never felt the pain of destroying her body and being crushed by others during battle.

Her ability to withstand pain was only at the same level as before the time travel.

But now, on this extremely intense battlefield... the kiss of Sira was broken.

So... I can't achieve the same fighting ability as before...?

At this moment, a fierce attack suddenly penetrated Mary!


This time, Kizaru was really frightened.

Marco's foot fell from the sky without any hindrance, piercing Mary's abdomen directly from top to bottom. And under this blow, Mary barely made any decent evasion!

"Cranefoot!" Marco shouted: "Get off here, Mary!"

After that, he flapped his wings, as if he were taking Mary, who was still in a trance, to the earth and throwing her directly towards the center of the earth!


A pair of hands grabbed his feet.

At this moment, Marco felt an extremely cold chill running through his heart.


He looked at Mary clutching his ankle in confusion.


The sky became quiet, and only Mary's breathing echoed in the air.

The severe pain that instantly penetrated the abdomen, if there was no anesthesia, few people in the original world could bear it, right?

“Drink ah ah ah!

! "

Mary's body suddenly burned with the flames of the devil.

Her eyes became fierce, not towards Marco, but towards herself.


She took a deep breath.

In the past few months, I have played several extreme games, and I have narrowly escaped death two or three times. In order to hone my abilities, I have spent most of my free time training hard, and I have hardly even had a good and normal rest.

For the future development path along the way, there was no idle moment after the training started. I was also training during the night shift, or I was analyzing future plans and analyzing existing intelligence on my notebook.

I have gone through so many hardships and endured so much fatigue...

Knowing what is going to happen in the future, I am the one who holds the string tighter than anyone else! I am the one who tries my best to strengthen myself more than anyone else!

I am no longer the person I used to be...

My name is Mary now, not Ren Wenyue.

At times like this...

Just a little pain...

"I will never compromise..."

Mary let out a low growl.

Kizaru subconsciously made a sound of doubt:


Mary raised her head abruptly, her bright red eyes sending a chill down Marco's back behind Qing Yan.

"This war - I will definitely win!

! "

"Let's fight it out, Marco!

! "

Then, under Marco's shocked eyes, the blood behind her rioted, forming a giant hand that covered the sky and grabbed him!


Marco was about to get away, but Mary's hands tightly clasped his feet in her belly.

Even though the internal organs in the abdomen were pulled out, blood spurted out like a fountain. Originally, this scene had been seen many times on previous battlefields, but looking at Mary's ferocious face at this moment, Marco realized that the meaning this time was completely different from before!

However, seeing that the bloody hand was about to catch him, Mary's strength was far different from Marco's, and willpower alone could not even the gap between the two.

The green flames on Marco's body burst into flames and expanded rapidly. After holding open his bloody hand for a miniscule second, he broke Mary's body by the waist and pulled away.



The sound of breathing and heartbeat sounded simultaneously. At this moment, the snow-white domineering aura was released with Mary as the center!



Bipolar – White King, Overlord, Order and Balance.

Different from the terror and panic caused by violence and chaos, Marco felt as if his body was being watched by a god standing high in the sky, and his brain that was originally running at high speed also went blank at this moment.

And at this moment, Mary's body collapsed and turned into a delicate bloody rose, which was tied to Marco's joints in the shape of a rope!

The next moment, bloody hands grasped it, and black fire burned!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!

! "

Marco let out a scream and broke out of his completely shocked state.

After taking a deep breath, he was about to get out. At this time, in the blood, an eye opened.

Then, Dusk quickly opened a gash on Marco!

Nausea, nausea, dizziness, hallucinations, at this moment, countless strange things rioted in Marco's brain.

The poison spread from Marco's wound, but this time, the poison that had always been invincible failed.

The green flames burned violently around a mass of blackened body tissue, slowly narrowing the area, and finally swept away the poison that invaded the body.

But even if the Phoenix's ability eliminated the poison, Marco still tried his best to rush out of the bloody hand.

When he rushed out the blood, he was already breaking out in a cold sweat.


His face was pale, his lips were purple, and even the way he was floating in the air was a little unsteady.

It can be seen that removing the poison takes an exaggerated amount of his physical strength.

At this time, Mary's figure also emerged from the sea of ​​blood.


Her face was no longer pale at this time, and her expression was not as tense as before.

She looked at Marco with a serious face and said slowly:

"A single poison is indeed ineffective on you, Marco."


"How much more can you hold on to?"

At the same time, in Baldigo, who was tens of thousands of miles away, Saint Edved's expression suddenly changed as he looked at the broadcast screen, and he covered his head and fell to his knees on the ground.

"Uh uh uh……"

He roared like a madman, his face was pale, his expression was ferocious, veins popped out on his forehead, and his saliva was uncontrollably flowing down.

This horrifying change frightened Saint Magik, and he subconsciously went to help Saint Edved.

But he didn't panic too much. The reason was simple. He had already seen such a situation once.

About half a year ago...

After a while, Saint Edved gasped and let out a ghost-like chuckle.

"Changed...the future has changed..."

"The proud madman fell under the sword of the old king..."

"The immortal heroic spirit rises on the eve of the lightless night..."

"Last time...the glory of the liberated warriors faded, and the sins of the bloodthirsty demons were overwhelming."


"In just one year, fate has changed twice!"

He raised his head and looked at Saint Magik, which made Saint Magik shiver all over.

"It's still a long time...it's still a long time before everything ends!"

"Things are getting interesting, hahaha!..."

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