Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 169: War on the Top (10)

"I agreed!


He didn't know whether he heard Mary's provocation to him, or whether he had an instinctive reaction when he saw the ability to challenge his flame status. In short, Ace let out an angry roar and dropped his hands to the ground.

White fire burned on the ice, creating a huge cavity beneath it. The flames filled these cavities again and continued to extend.

In this way, this flame spread out at an incredible speed, and both the navy and the pirates were afraid of avoiding it.

Under Marco's treatment, Whitebeard's wounds have basically healed. The two of them looked at this scene with a look of relief in their eyes.

"Ace...has grown up."

"That brat Shanks is right, he is indeed the opponent of that brat from the Navy."

The white sea of ​​fire on the ground swept out a tornado of flames. This magnificent fire tornado gradually gathered together and concentrated on Ace.

Then, the flames turned into a huge ball, which Ace raised high with one hand.

At this moment, a giant ball of flames with dazzling white light floated on the earth, like a white sun.

The black sun falls from the sky, and the white sun rises from the ground!

"Great Flame Ring——"

Ace roared filial piety, his eyes widened, and the muscles and blood vessels on his body bulged.

"Emperor Yan!

! "

With this sound, the white sun flew away, bursting out at lightning-like speed, and collided face-to-face with the black sun that fell like a meteor!




The two suns instantly exploded to pieces at the same time, filled with gunpowder smoke, and violent air convection, creating a huge cyclone reaching the sky and the earth out of thin air on the battlefield. Flames of two extreme colors but inseparable temperatures were mixed with gunpowder smoke in the cyclone. Licking each other, they mixed into a silver-gray flame cloud burning in the air.

The entire sky became dark, and the light flickered, like a scene of the end of the world.

"...The heat is really terrifying. These two brats have already entered the realm of the strong."

Whitebeard squinted his eyes, feeling the erosion of the heat wave and determined not to move.

The bricks and stones surrounding the bay gradually turned into powder and collapsed, and many navy and pirates who could not bear the high temperature fell to the ground. Many people's clothes were set on fire and their skin was burnt to a crisp.

The huge ice wall that Aoki Pheasant finally built melted under the extremely high temperature, and the ice water evaporated directly before it had time to flow to the ground. But this ice wall still played its due role, at least Morgans' bird feathers were still neat and tidy.

In short, this collision did not produce a scene of annihilation of all things like Albana. Perhaps it was because this explosion did not erupt on the ground, but at an altitude of several hundred meters, and the heat wave did not blow over the earth so directly.

It may also be because after Mary screened the personnel involved in the war twice in a row, the remaining ones were not so easy to kill.

Blood spattered onto the ground, and a bloody rain fell from the sky.

"This move... I took it."

Ace looked at the rain of blood and whispered.

Blood splattered on the ice, on the masonry, on... Moby-Dick.

When everyone was looking at the sky, Whitebeard suddenly felt a sense of crisis coming over him.

He immediately turned around, and in the drop of blood that had just spattered behind him, Mary's body had already appeared.

This attack caught everyone by surprise, and no one reacted except Marco and Whitebeard, who were very close.


Marco was about to make a direct move, but Qingyan had almost extended out and was about to stand between the two of them.

The dark armed color of Whitebeard has also begun to appear. He suffered the loss of being entangled by the Overlord Color. This time, although he had no time to use his fruit ability to defend, he also chose to use the Armed Color Haki to resist Mary's slashing attack.

If everything went as normal, this assault would be in vain. Before Mary's sword slashes out, Whitebeard's armed color Haki can cover the muscles, and Mary's Armed Color Haki attainment will never be able to break through that layer of protection.

Moreover, Marco's green flame can also stand between the two of them before Mary slashes out. Under double insurance, Mary's attack seemed to be in vain soon.

However... now that she is preparing to attack, Mary must seize this hard-won opportunity.

Although she will fight even if it is an unprepared battle, this does not mean that Mary is a reckless warrior. Her ability to grasp fighter opportunities has been honed to perfection in several life-and-death battles.

Still the same sentence - intelligence advantage!

She had been hiding in the sky for so long just now, and she was not simply preparing for the Amaterasu God.

Annoyed, her mind was clearer than usual on the battlefield.

When she was just reborn from the blood drop, Mary shouted:

"It's now!

! "

It fell in response, and in just a moment, a burst of ice blue had already soaked the entire world!

At this moment, everything stopped, whether it was the green flames of the Phoenix, the blazing black and white flames, or the armed domineering force of Whitebeard.

Everything is still.

In the outside world, everyone looked at the screen that suddenly went black and exploded.

"What happened to Marinevando!?"

"what happens!?"

"Who took the photo on the battlefield! Hello!?"

Compared with the noisy broadcast screen, there was a completely opposite scene on the battlefield.

There was not a trace of noise, just the sound of clear and regular footsteps step by step.

"Moko Bottommo."

The woman lowered her head, with a cruel smile under her invisible eyes.

"good time."

Esdeath said this and waved the saber in her hand, and an icicle appeared behind Mary.

The icicle pressed against Mary's back, pushing her directly forward.

With just such a slight step back, the tip of Mary's sword touched Whitebeard's chest.

Then, the icicles shattered.

"I won't interfere anymore. It's better for you to do this scene yourself."

After Esdeath said that, the ice blue space melted instantly.

From start to finish, it only takes five seconds.


! "

The moment the freeze lifted, the sound of a blade piercing flesh spread throughout the battlefield.

The battlefield is quiet.

Marco's mouth opened wide, his face turned pale, and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Whitebeard lowered his head gloomily.

An extremely cold chill erupted from the depths of Shanks's bones, and he realized that the war on top was over at this moment.

It ended with the complete defeat of the pirates.

"What a joke! Whitebeard! How could you, an old guy..."

The golden lion's eyes widened, and even Warring States didn't care about dealing with it, and roared filial piety at White Beard.

Sengoku and Garp slowly retracted their fists and looked at Whitebeard in disbelief.

A sea legend who had been fighting with them at sea... came to an end so suddenly! ?

Even though the three generals didn't show anything on their faces, they were all frightened.

No one is sure that they can defeat Whitebeard head-on, and even the three generals are not sure that they can even seriously injure him.

However, Mary first slashed one of Whitebeard's arms, and then another...

Penetrated through Whitebeard's chest! ?


! "

Ace shouted with eyes wide open.

Indeed, there was almost nothing Mary could do against Ace. Under normal circumstances, Mary would have no way to get close to Ace.

However, not everyone is like Ace, surrounded by a high temperature ring.

Mary knew very well that her purpose in this battle was very clear. Even if she wanted to defeat Ace, she also wanted to kill Whitebeard. So, if Whitebeard could be killed directly, it would be none of her business no matter what Ace did.

Once she killed Whitebeard, she would have ended her fight at the top. For the rest, even if she was directly targeted to death, due to the imbalance of combat power between the two sides, the navy side would not be able to fail.

After all, Ace's abilities were developed specifically for her. No one among the three generals would be restrained like Mary.

The attack she just used with Amaterasu Omikami wasn't just for the sake of being powerful enough to force Ace to use his powerful moves to hit waves. When she used this move, she knew that if Ace wanted to confront her head-on, under the rain of blood, it would be difficult for anyone to realize that Mary would suddenly change her target.

And if Ace didn't plan to confront him head-on, Mary wouldn't rush into action, but would continue to wait for the right opportunity and strive for a successful attack.

For this reason, she specially used her blood to escape to the edge of the battlefield and summoned Esdeath.

This is one of her biggest trump cards.

A blood clone and Esdeath were left behind. After urgently explaining the situation to Esdeath using the process that he had just thought of when fighting Ace, Esdeath, a war madman, looked at this scene with the same emotion. My heart is racing.

Although he was on top of the raging war as soon as he appeared, Esdeath not only did not panic, but was completely integrated into the flesh-and-blood atmosphere in the first place.

For her, going to war is like coming home. What was very different from what Mary thought was that Esdeath not only had no objection to Mary's highly utilitarian call, but was actually extremely satisfied with it.

As a general who has been fighting all year round, his favorability is so high that he and Mary are almost on the same page. After she learned about Mary's abilities, her grasp of the timing of battles was infinitely better than Mary's own. Even if Mary doesn't say it clearly, she can still coordinate beautifully with Mary.

Just like now——


Mary's knife, which was covered in armor, sank into Whitebeard's chest. Before Whitebeard's armor had completely hardened, it penetrated completely into the flesh and stabbed out of Whitebeard's back.

It penetrated Whitebeard's entire body!

Suddenly, everyone on the battlefield was stunned, standing still as if taking root, and all looked at Whitebeard.

At this moment, no one noticed even Esdeath who suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

"..." Jozi was stunned, Bista was stunned, Yi Zang was stunned...

"...This time, it's a bit too much."

Doflamingo put his hands back in his pockets, rubbing them a little uneasily.

"Really, really, really, really false!? I'm not dreaming!?"

Moriah held his head and shouted exaggeratedly.

Seeing this scene, he thought of the time when he challenged Kaido.

He failed miserably back then, and looking at Mary now, he felt how ironic it was.


Hawkeye looked at Mary with sharp eyes.

"That girl... is as charming as I am!?"

It was only then that Hancock began to look at Mary, and his focus was as strange as ever.

"...Warring States, after this battle, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you..."

He looked at this scene, and some different expressions finally appeared on Furui Muha's face.

The battlefield fell silent.

Outside the venue, the screen had just returned to normal. Before everyone could stop the discussion, they saw this scene.

At this moment, the noisy reporters also stopped writing in shock.

"...Is this an illusion!?"

"The white beard was pierced!?"

"Wait a minute, is that Mary's knife poisonous?"

"Is Whitebeard going to die here???"

Although they were thousands of miles away, the reactions of Rayleigh and Edved Saint were surprisingly consistent.

Both of them stood up from their seats in shock.

They all exclaimed in unison:

"What just happened!?"

This sentence is also Marco's doubt.

In his eyes, Mary seemed to have suddenly made a leap. She was still a certain distance away from Whitebeard, but in just a blink of an eye, Mary's knife had already pierced Whitebeard's chest.

This is definitely not caused by fast speed!

But now, Marco didn't care to think about this and kicked Mary hard.

But this kick was in vain.

When Mary saw that the assassination was successful, she turned into blood and ran away as soon as possible, never staying behind.

Go away with one click to avoid unnecessary problems.

Naturally, the evacuation must take Dusk away. As soon as the long sword disappeared, Whitebeard leaned on the sword fiercely and knelt on one knee.


Marco immediately joined in, without even having time to get angry. Not far away, Ace also jumped to Whitebeard's side immediately, ignoring his anger towards Mary.

Marco used his own blue flame to burn Whitebeard's wound, but it was too late. The spread of the poison was too fast. In just one breath, the curse had spread from the chest to the neck.


Marco was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, his hands were trembling, and the green inflammation continued to spread towards Whitebeard's body.

But even he knew it would be futile...

The poison was too overbearing. Under normal circumstances, his Qingyan could easily suppress the toxins and viruses, but now it was difficult to even delay the onset of the poison.

"...Ace, Marco, get out of here."

Whitebeard covered his chest and said in a deep voice.


The two of them were still in a daze.

Whitebeard's thunderous roar sounded:

"Don't be stunned!

! "

"Take Jozi and the others and get out of here!"

"I'm here to back you up!

! "

Having said this, White Beard showed a sad and lonely smile.

"Every time I take action, it's so unpredictable..."

"It's really a big loss!"

Leaving aside what's going on with Whitebeard, Mary's figure has already appeared next to Sengoku.

The blood rain just now covered almost the entire battlefield, which meant that Mary could now appear from any direction on the battlefield if she wanted to.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period."

Mary's sudden voice made Sengoku, who was still immersed in the shock that Whitebeard was severely injured by Mary and was about to die, come back to his senses and turned to look at Mary.

Mary's figure is still so delicate and tender, and there is still no sign of growing up on her face, but Sengoku no longer dares to treat her like a rookie who just arrived at the naval base.

Whether it was Mary's sword that penetrated the overlord's entanglement and injured Whitebeard, forcing him to cut off an arm, or the confrontation between Amaterasu and Entei, or the incredible leap of sword that gave Whitebeard a fatal blow -

Every one of them shows that Mary can now truly pose a threat to the top powerhouses.

"Mary...Whitebeard, will he die?"

Warring States asked a little confused.

"Yes, he will soon." Mary said firmly, "There is no way he can survive the curse."

Just kidding, the poison can kill a giant sea king alive. The vitality of that thing is much stronger than that of a sluggish white beard. If the person standing here now is Kaido, Mary is not sure yet. But Whitebeard is infected with the curse, so he can only wait for death.

Marco can only suppress but not remove Quinn's virus. He will never be able to recover from this curse, I'm telling you.

Warring States felt a sense of unreality - Whitebeard, who had been competing with Garp for decades, died like this?

He seemed to see a new era beginning.

However, he suddenly trembled and thought of something.

"Wait a minute, Mary, how does the poison cause death?"

Sengoku asked quickly.

"..." Mary really didn't know this, but after recalling the performance in the anime, Mary replied vaguely: "Stop the heart and stop breathing...probably."


Warring States suddenly said in shock, and his body suddenly turned into a giant Buddha in Mary's blank gaze.

"All troops - retreat!




! ——”

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