Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 154: Rushing to Impel City

Katakuri collapsed.

Mary gasped and finally regained her composure. Her current situation is not optimistic either. The battle with Katakuri almost drained her life force, just like her fight against Crocodile at that time.

However, she lost that time when her life force was exhausted. And this time, she won.

"who is it……"

The giant wave of glutinous rice turned back into rock as Katakuri died. The impact was still there, and the rock collapsed inch by inch after being forcibly held in place.

And the person who stopped the glutinous rice craze at the critical moment was not Mary. Mary was unable to stop the huge wave at that time.

Not to mention Mary who was completely hollowed out now, even Mary in her prime could only avoid Katakuri's fatal blow when she was about to die. Killing Katakuri with one sword was not something that Mary, who lacked strength, could do.

So, what really stopped this wave was...

An old man with long curly hair, a beard on his chin, silver beard and hair, wearing glasses, and a straight scar on his right eye slowly appeared in everyone's sight.

"Silbaz Reilly?"

Seeing the old man in front of her, Mary felt stunned.

Why is he here?

At this time, another man walked out from behind Reilly. He has black hair and wears a slim-fitting black suit.

From a distance, he shouted in the direction of the south gate of the city:

"Sorry, Gorz Kurd, we're late."

"It's better to come early than to come by chance..."

The person who responded to him was the gentleman uncle who had been fighting with Cracker before and successfully bought time for Mary.

That gentleman, that is, Kurd, looked quite embarrassed now, completely lacking the graceful attitude he had at the beginning. Presumably, he was also affected a lot by Katakuri's decisive blow just now.

Sabo immediately went to meet up with Big Bear near Weiwei and others and the people, ready to defend against attacks from unknown AOEs. The Huangliu Nuomi just now scared him so much that he thought that this battle would end with the total destruction of both parties.

Rayleigh, on the other hand, was cleaning his sword on the spot without making any movement. Kurd and the black-haired man walked towards Mary.

The two of them walked up to Mary and looked at her in awe. They glanced at Katakuri's body, and then looked at Mary who was standing next to the body, holding a sword and looking slightly tired.

"Water Dragon Clauren/Black Knight Kurd, I have met Your Majesty."

With the explanations from Lauren and Kurd, Mary probably understood a little bit of the situation.

Saint Edved has three extremely powerful CP0s under his command, whose codenames are [Death Smoke], [Water Dragon] and [Black Knight]. Among them, Death Smoke was Gabriel, who had met Mary several times before, and was also the strongest among the three. The other two are the two guys in front of me.

The three of them are collectively called the Three Imperial Ministers under the God.

If according to the corresponding relationship, these three people correspond to the three disasters and the three generals? Edved Saint himself is the emperor's strength, Gabriel is the emperor's deputy, and the other two are disasters?

Mary thought for a moment and decided to check the favorability panel directly later.

Once you come into contact with the opponent's system, you can directly check the strength. When the time comes, it will be clear at a glance.

And all three of them came to Alabasta on the orders of Saint Edwyd. The Black Knight's purpose is to attend the meeting of the Desert United as a representative of Saint Edwyd, while Laurent's purpose is to secretly protect Mary.

Gabriel was the one who really came to stop Katakuri's massacre. From this point of view, Gabrielle should indeed be the Queen's deputy, so Saint Edwin would have the confidence to send her to fight Katakuri.

But he probably didn't expect that Katakuri would die under his own sword in the end...

Speaking of which, if we wait for Gabriel to arrive, the day lilies will probably be cold.

Of course, as of now, it is clear that Clauren has failed to complete the task. From the beginning of the Seven Waters Capital, Mary almost fought from start to finish on her own. Even when she faced Katakuri's death blow just now, Rayleigh was the one who stopped it.

In addition, Rayleigh has cooperated with Saint Edved, and this time he was entrusted by Saint Edved to protect Mary.

Is my cheap brother actually so powerful?

Thinking of this, Mary couldn't help but feel a little lost.

But after finding out about Rayleigh's origins and Rayleigh's camp, Mary immediately remembered what she should do now.

'Important City...'

She remembered what Katakuri had revealed just now - the BIGMOM pirates were divided into two groups, one going to Impel Castle to rob the prison, and the other going to Alabasta to attract attention and eliminate Marie at the same time.

It's just that the whole process of suppressing Mary was overturned.

Now, Xi can still respond to Mary's perception, which means that Impel Down has not fallen yet. I don't know if it was his unintentional smile and dragon that played a role, or Zefa stopped BIGMOM.

But now that the war on the top has begun, Mary is absolutely worried about letting anyone other than herself guard the impel city. Unless absolutely necessary, it is not Mary's style to place all her hopes on others.

Therefore, since things are done here and Rayleigh's intentions are good, there is no need for Mary to stay here any longer.

She had to rush to Impel Down City non-stop in order to minimize the risk factor.

Thinking of this, Mary was ready to turn around and leave.

"Where are you going, Your Majesty!?"

Seeing Mary turning around and leaving without hesitation, both of them were stunned for a moment and immediately asked her.

"I still have things to do. Since you are all following the orders of Saint Edved, you should stay here to help Weiwei recover after the war."

"If Albana is not defended, the reconstruction work must be done properly."

"That's the matter of the Black Knight. My mission is to protect His Majesty."

Clauren said sonorously and forcefully, and the corner of Kurd's mouth twitched as he listened.

Mary paused and looked back at Reilly in the distance.

Rayleigh walked among the ruins, looking around as if he was observing something.

After a while, Mary shook her head.

After this battle, Mary has clearly understood her strength and positioning. Now the disaster-level strength alone can no longer stand in front of Mary with half-fire power, while Mary with full firepower can even gain the ability to match the general level in a short period of time.

From the positioning point of view, it is estimated that Clauren's strength is probably at the disaster level, so taking him to Impel Down will not be of much use. Moreover, what Mary is good at is speed. If she takes Lauren with her, she might be slowed down.

Even if I have consumed too much now and can no longer generate the power to compete with the General, I have to pass through the windless zone on the way to Impel Down City. I just need to cut down a few smaller Neptune-like creatures and just suck them up. Problem.

As long as she breaks away from the battle, Mary has hundreds of ways to replenish her vitality on the sea.

As for Raleigh...

Although he cooperates with Saint Edved, he is still a pirate in essence.

Mary herself was worried about taking him to Impel Down. This is the second-in-command of the Pirate King. Just by looking at his performance of blocking Katakuri's decisive blow with his sword, you can see that his strength is not simple. Carrying such a time bomb is too dangerous.

Moreover, if I guess correctly, the war on the top will break out soon.

Otherwise, Katakuri wouldn't think that just relying on the massacre in Alabasta could create a gap for BIGMOM to launch a surprise attack. After all, Impel Down is one of the three major fortresses, and under normal circumstances the defensive force is definitely sufficient.

The only situation where a surprise attack would occur is when something extremely important is about to happen, similar to how during the original war, almost all of the navy's active forces were mobilized to the navy headquarters.

And Katakuri probably learned about Ace's arrest from some unknown channel. Knowing Ace's identity (the adopted son of Whitebeard) and anticipating the outbreak of the war on top, he made the decision to attack Alabasta. kind of decision.

Therefore, even without any intelligence, Mary was almost certain that a war was about to break out - maybe Ace had arrived at the Navy headquarters by now, and Whitebeard's fleet had already been coated.

In this case, it would be impossible to take a former crew member of One Piece to Impel Down, which was only half a day away from the Navy Headquarters, unless there was something wrong with Mary's brain.

In other words, going to Impel Down City alone now is the best choice.

"No need, go back and tell Saint Edved that I don't need his protection."

Mary shook her head and refused Lauren's request.

Then, no matter what the expression on Clarence's face was, he used his remaining life force to activate blood destruction, accelerated to the speed of sound in an instant, and left the two of them in the blink of an eye.

Mary really couldn't see through Saint Edved. Although Saint Edwine certainly couldn't have any bad intentions towards him, the strength of his men could no longer keep up with Mary's.

And now Mary is still vaguely threatened by the Celestial Dragons, so contact with Saint Edwin may also cause her to come into the sight of the Celestial Dragons too much.

To be on the safe side, Mary still refused the asylum of Saint Edwide - this asylum was harmful but useless, and it was better to use this power for his own planning. Mary knew that Saint Edwin must have some deep thoughts, otherwise it would not be possible for him to go and cooperate with Reilly.

In this case, Saint Edvid also has good intentions for himself, so he should also sell him a favor and let Saint Edvid do his own thing without caring about her.

Moreover, when word of the battle in Alabasta spreads, I am afraid that Saint Edwyd will no longer protect him, needless to say.

Watching Mary leave in a hurry, the black knight and the water dragon looked at each other with wry smiles.

"Can you catch up at this speed?"

"Spare me, I still want to live a few more years with this old bone."

The Black Knight shook his head and asked, "What about the things here?"

"I'll report to the master later, and then wait for the master's instructions..." After hesitating, Shuilong looked at Weiwei in the distance.

"Now maybe we can help our ally recover after the war..."

"makes sense."

Rayleigh walked alone among the ruins and picked up a charred block.

Then, without even exerting any force, the pitch-black thing turned into fly ash.

"Completely burned..."

Rayleigh looked thoughtfully at the completely razed city. It was soaked in blood and the ground was still smelling of blood. He could even squeeze out a little blood when he stepped on it.

However, compared to the moist soil, the cracked earth and charred remains illustrate the terrible high temperatures that this place once suffered.

Recalling the photo of Mary in the report, Reilly naturally thought of Mary's ability to control blood and her unique extreme high temperature.

The little girl who once had to fight so hard to defeat Armand on the Shampoo Islands is now able to defeat Katakuri in a single fight...

Moreover, judging from the last wave of glutinous rice, Katakuri seems to have made a breakthrough. Reilly, who has always been aware of the current situation in the sea, understands very well what is happening now.

"The navy is really about to rise...Roger, the era of great pirates that you started will probably be ended by this little girl."

"Who is the person you are expecting?"

"Whose judgment should I trust, you or Edved?"

Crackle and Smoothie fled in panic.

No one noticed that Katakuri's final counterattack before his death was not only a blow to kill Weiwei and others, but also a blow to send away his two younger brothers and sisters.

Huangliu Nuomi was not blocked and sent the two of them far and far until they turned into rocks.

The two people who are well aware of the characteristics of the superhuman fruit know exactly what this means.

The two of them kept speeding away in the sea of ​​sand, not daring to look back.

They were even a little confused now. They didn't know what was happening, so they could only flee into the depths of the desert.

This piece of yellow sand will become a lingering nightmare in their hearts for the rest of their lives.

This incubus devoured their soldiers, devoured their families, and devoured their invincible brother.

"it is finally over……"

Sabo looked at Mary walking away and looked around. The battle was finally over.

At this time, the scarred Jaka walked past him.

"This is not the end, it shouldn't end here..."

Jaka's low murmur reached Sabo's ears. Sabo was stunned, looked in the direction that Jaka walked, and suddenly fell silent.

After everything finally calmed down, the scattered people slowly gathered together to look for their families.

Some people stood alone in a daze, while more people burst into tears.

There were many people with broken limbs, blind eyes, and injuries all over their bodies. A cloud of sadness and uncertainty lingered over the crowd.

Weiwei stood on a high place, looking at her people, silent.

She took a deep breath and flexed her fingers.

"Dancing fans, Baroque Studio, Crocodile, Natural Disaster, Katakuri..."

She counted every disaster in Alabasta, and all of these disasters had happened in the past few years alone.

The country she loved had suffered so much.

However, this is finally coming to an end.

After this final disaster is over, Alabasta will take off.

The establishment of the Desert Alliance meant that she had greater room for maneuver, and her plan could finally come to light.

in the future……

To all enemies who dare to invade Alabasta——

This country will mercilessly devour all enemies, and no one will be able to leave this island country alive.

Impel the city.

The sixth floor.

Sugar liquid flows out from the cracks in the four walls and gathers into a human shape.

And this movement attracted the attention of all the prisoners on the sixth floor.


Perospero looked at everyone in the prison with a low smile.

The criminals locked up here are all monster pirates who were erased from history because they were too vicious. The prisoners on this floor are all near-legendary figures. Their fate is either the death penalty or life imprisonment. Because the prisoners on this floor have done many evil things, they have committed some Incidents beyond the level of cruelty were covered up by the government, even from newspapers.

Now, their hope for freedom rests in their own hands.

"Everyone, let's work together a little bit."

He held out a hand, the syrup shaping in his palm.

"I can provide you with the keys to unlock the door, and I can also provide you with food supplies. How about you help us attack Impel Down City?"

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