Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 152: Internal Sabotage


! "

Mary's body moved quickly, constantly impacting Katakuri, knocking Katakuri away repeatedly, leaving him nowhere to land.

Abandoning blood and fire, Mary was now colliding with Katakuri with sheer physical power.

The originally pale crimson texture on her body now turned vermilion, and her whole body exuded an inhuman aura.

Her speed had reached an incredible level, and even Katakuri, whose precision in seeing and hearing Haki had increased again, couldn't see Mary's movements this time.

In fact, compared to when I could see a little afterimage when I first fought, now I can't even see the afterimage anymore.

Mary's figure seemed to appear anywhere at any time, giving Katakuri a huge impact.

Moreover, Mary's strength has also been strangely improved. Although it has not reached such an exaggerated level, compared with the previous scraping force, if Katakuri does not use all his strength to activate the armed defense, Mary's sword can easily Cut off Katakuri's flesh and blood!

What exactly is going on……

Only Mary herself knew exactly what had changed.

The two-piece set of Blood Damage + Demon Sword is already a super model, but in order to avoid being unable to break the defense like before, Mary simply exchanged it for the strange power.

The previous PT was enough to exchange for strange power, but firstly, there was no immediate need, and secondly, I didn’t know whether the strange power could be used, so I didn’t exchange it. I originally planned to save it and see if I could come up with something better to use, but now it’s just the icing on the cake.

There is also an element of gambling in this. After all, she doesn't know whether life force can replace chakra.

In fact, her guess was correct. Pure vitality could not drive strange power.

However, it can only be said to be a coincidence of fate. Chakra is a product of an equal mixture of mental energy and physical energy. In this inherent barrier composed entirely of vitality, the unity of mental energy and vitality also gives Mary the power to activate strange powers. .

In other words, what Katakuri is facing now is Mary who has been buffed by the triple buff of Blood Bad + Demon Sword Forbidden Technique + Monster Power.

A mere 3,000 points of physique was transformed into a body that could compete with Katakuri. Although he still couldn't compete head-on with Katakuri in terms of strength, he completely crushed Katakuri in terms of speed. chestnut.

Even Mary was confident that even if the current Eniro and Kizaru were to fight, they might not be as fast as herself in actual combat.

After all, Mary's reflexes also improved along with her speed. Mary can completely control her own speed!

And the reason why Mary suddenly chose to go head-to-head and go all out to crush Katakuri with explosive force was also very simple.

Because of what Katakuri said before——

"When I return to Ten Thousand Kingdoms, and when my mother returns from Impel City, as long as you dare to step out of the naval base, just wait for the three generals and mother to join forces to encircle and suppress you!"

Waiting for mom to return from Impel Down...

She didn't know if this was the nonsense Katakuri said out of anger.

But many questions came to Mary's mind.

The carnage Katakuri caused along the way made Mary suspicious.

After all, in addition to attracting his own attention, such an extreme approach will definitely attract the attention of the Navy Headquarters. Moreover, knowing that the World Government is also involved in the Desert Alliance (Edward Saint's side), doing so will definitely shift the navy's center of gravity.

No matter how you look at it, it's a bloody business that does all the harm but no profit.

And with Katakuri's plan, it was impossible for him to make such a mistake. On the contrary, the aunt may make mistakes by being too cruel.

But now, a terrifying possibility emerged in Mary's mind.

Armand did not die, but was taken to Impel Down by the navy and imprisoned. At first, the BIGMOM pirates knew about the death of Armand and others, but now that I think about it, it was probably because of the paper of life.

And since there is life paper, it is not difficult for Auntie to know that Armand is in Impel Down.

And Mary has calculated that according to the time of the original work, the war on top broke out during this time, and Impel Down was robbed during this time.

Under normal circumstances, Impel Down City is not so prone to problems, but due to the special nature of the war on the top, a lot of attention is focused on the Navy Headquarters. This also results in the Navy not being able to respond immediately when Impel Down City is breached. support.


If the current timeline is similar to the original work, the war on the top is probably about to break out. At this time, the Navy's attention was extremely diverted.

Katakuri's atrocities made the Navy and the World Government focus their attention on Alabasta, so Impel Down, which was not much noticed at first, was almost ignored at this moment.

And Auntie doesn’t have any information now. Apart from staying in Wan Guo and standing still, the only possibility is...


! "

Mary slashed with her sword, and Katakuri crossed his hands to block it above his head.

Overlord-colored domineering energy wraps around his hands.


The armed color covered in twilight is obviously not the opponent of the overlord color, but the condescending oppression and the distance due to the bonus of strange power offset the gap between the two.

For a moment, the two of them were frozen in the air, and the fierce battle suddenly stopped.

"Are your atrocities in Alabasta just to provide cover for BIGMOM's attack on Impel Down City!?"

Mary demanded loudly.

"So what if it is, so what if it's not!?"

Katakuri responded coldly: "That's it now. If we count the time, I'm afraid Impel Down has become a ruin in the sea."

"You seem anxious, Mary?"

Katakuri said, pushing Mari's blade away with both hands.

This sentence undoubtedly acquiesces that what he just said is the truth.

I don’t know if he accidentally said this sentence when he was angry, or if he wanted to use this method to force Mary to confront her head-on. In short-BIGMOM was really in Impel Down at this moment.

Mary stared at Katakuri.

It's natural to be anxious. The mission requirements of her milestone mission (3)·Navy·Scarlet Dawn clearly stated that in [Preventing the Great Prison Break], now BIGMOM has come to Impel Down City in person. Impel Down City, which was originally thought to be as stable as Mount Tai, suddenly changed. Be precarious.

more importantly……

Six figures appeared in Mary's mind.

His five comrades-in-arms, and... the old teacher Zefa who is kind to him.

These people are still pushing forward the city, and... they were sent there by myself.

At this moment, they may all be under BIGMOM's blade.

When she thought of this, Mary felt her brain buzzing.

Both fell to the ground.

The sea of ​​​​blood had already receded during the first wave of impact. At this time, both of them were standing on the dry ground, with a thick layer of ash beneath their feet.


Both fell silent.

At this time, Katakuri also recovered from his extreme madness and regained his ability to analyze the battle situation.

Katakuri felt an aura from Mary's body that was exactly the same as his own.

He thought briefly for a moment and suddenly understood something.

"Where are your subordinates?"

Katakuri asked.

"I wanted to ask from the beginning. Whether it was in the Chambord Islands, the Capital of the Seven Waters, or even when we first landed in Alabasta, you all acted together."

"But I haven't seen those five people since I came to Alabasta."

"And now, you appear alone."

"——I just said that when you talked about mom in Impel Down, you went berserk."

"Could it be..."

Katakuri took a deep breath:

"Are they pushing forward the city?"


Mary didn't answer.


Katakuri suddenly shook his head and covered his forehead in disbelief.

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous."

"You killed mother's children, and mother killed your comrades."

Mary clenched her fists.

"What a ridiculous fate."

Mary put away the knife.

"In the end, you are just like me."

Mary looked up at Katakuri.

"He is also a person who can't protect anything, how sad!"


At this moment, Mary hit double A with great speed, punched countless times with her fists in an instant, and arrived in front of Katakuri in the blink of an eye.

“Hongshan sticky rice!”

Katakuri clapped his hands, and a huge glutinous rice wall rose in front of Katakuri, blocking Mary.

The armed color domineering energy penetrates into the inner core of the glutinous rice, and the surface layer is covered with the overlord color winding where Mary bombarded it.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom..."

There was a dense bombing sound on the Nuomi, but there was no sign of Hongshan Nuomi being broken.

Like an incompetent rage, all of Mary's attacks were like a mud cow entering the sea. Even if she tried her best, they only stirred up layers of ripples on the surface of the overlord color.

"It's no use, Mary Vinicius!"

Katakuri shouted coldly.

"The difference in domineering attainments between you and me is too great. You can't compete with me just by relying on strength."

"The overlord's color entanglement is a power that surpasses the armed color's domineering power. You who only use the overlord's color as a shock, how can you possibly defeat me who has been seeking a breakthrough for many years!"

“Feeling this powerlessness and frustration.”

"The feeling that one's comrades are in danger and are about to die, but there is nothing one can do about it!"

"This is what you deserve, Mary."

These words were what Mary had just said to anger Katakuri. But now, Katakuri returned those words intact.

However, Mary did not lose her mind like Katakuri just now.

This is not because he doesn't value his partner, but because the kiss between Xi and Xiela allows him to maintain his basic logical ability even if he is angry or sad.

At the beginning, she had the urge to kill Katakuri because of Katakuri's words, so after activating three layers of buffs at the same time, Mary suddenly thought of a question.

She remembered clearly the Scarlet Dawn mission, the mission punishment was a special character obtained by randomly repatriating the host. And Mary has only obtained one special role so far. In other words, as long as the mission fails, Xi will definitely be sent back.

However, Xi is still helping her control her mood, which means the mission has not failed yet. Impel Down has not yet been breached, the Great Prison Break has not been successful, and even Blackbeard may have been blocked.

And this means... what I was worried about before may not have happened yet.

Based on these thoughts, Mary did not lose her mind. Instead, she calmed down and began to feel the impact of a head-on confrontation.

Since nothing happened to them yet, she had to find a way to support them. To support them, Mary must defeat Katakuri in front of her.

Mary knew that there was a strength gap between herself and Katakuri, so to gain an advantage, Mary had to calm down and think about countermeasures.

The intensity of the overlord color entanglement is astonishingly high. In a head-on confrontation, Mary's armed color is no match for the overlord color entanglement.

But what if it’s not penetrated from the front?

Mary thought about this and had a thought in her mind.

When thinking about the degree of armed color before, Mary had guessed that the range of armed color domineering was divided into hardening, entangling, external release and internal destruction.

She had always believed that the training of armed domineering should be done step by step. Only when the foundation is laid can one become stronger naturally. But now, whether it's Katakuri's gorgeous half-step into the emperor level, or her performance after stacking three layers of BUFF, which is evenly matched with Katakuri's to some extent, it all proves that strength is something. Able to leap.

Nothing is impossible as long as you dare to think.

So is there a possibility that the realm of armed domineering can also be leaped into?

When Teacher Zefa and Mr. Karp first taught Mary, they said that armed color is some kind of Qi in the body.

In the theories of previous lives, the qi in the body generally refers to the nutritional basis of all organizational activities, such as essence qi, body qi, water and grain qi, breathing qi, etc. It is also the functional vitality of all tissues and organs, such as the qi of the internal organs, the qi of the meridians, etc.

From Mary's intuitive feeling, there is a great relationship between armament color domineering and vitality.

And this energy usually appears directly in the body, hardening and entangling. So, if you want to release it, according to the theory in the comics, you need to let the Qi flow.

The blood in Mary's body surged.

Mary has known for a long time that the Six Styles lay the foundation for Armed Color Haki to a certain extent. The iron block corresponds to the basic hardening of the armed color, while the lantern feet and finger guns should correspond to the domineering expression of the armed color.

As for the winding in the middle, it is likely that it is also included in the corresponding range of the iron block.

Then, being on top of the Six Postures and fully mastering the return of life to the body's tissues can theoretically be a move that can be applied to higher levels of Overlord Color.

When the blood surged completely, Mary felt the air inside her body move.

Armed color domineering, start flowing!

When the blood gradually began to flow to the body surface and swelled, Mary's skin turned blood red. The poison of the demon sword collided fiercely with my own life force, and the energy began to escape while being chaotic——

The armed color began to overflow from the body and flow outside.

When Mary began to consciously control the armed colors, a large amount of armed colors surged outward and wrapped around the surface of the fist, forming an invisible defense.

This is the prototype of the external display of armed colors.

As long as you understand the principles of the armed color realm, even if the foundation is not enough, you can still cross it through another way with some external means!

At this moment, facing the domineering entanglement in front of her, Mary knew what she was going to do.

She hammered the glutinous rice wall frantically, and the vibrations kept giving back.

[The domineering energy wrapped around the outside can be conveyed to the inside of the enemy, destroying it from the inside, forming a huge force].

This is how internal destruction works.

And how to convey domineering power to the enemy...

On Mary's fist, the armed color gradually began to be unable to match the hardness of the overlord color, the skin and flesh were broken, and coupled with the abnormal movements in Mary's body, there was an unknown amount of blood splashed out.

This blood has no offensive power and is naturally not defended by Katakuri. They splash onto the glutinous rice wall, and then slowly seep in due to the glutinous rice absorbing water...

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom..."

"It's just a temporary increase in power. Do you want to confront me head-on?"

"It's very impressive, but does your strength really allow you to do this?"

"Abandoning the high-temperature flames and weird blood control methods, how could your power be able to penetrate my glutinous rice..."

"I'm Katakuri!"

Katakuri said, increasing the power output in his hands.

The overlord color became more and more dense, and the size of the red mountain glutinous rice became larger and larger, almost crushing Mary.

At this time, Mary closed her eyes and began to feel her own blood.

Unknowingly, a large amount of blood seeped into the center of the red mountain glutinous rice, but Katakuri obviously didn't realize this.

To put it bluntly, Mary's armament skills shown previously were too poor, and Katakuri would not even think about internal destruction. Even if Hongshan glutinous rice is ignited, it can be squeezed in quickly.

However, Katakuri still underestimated Mary's knowledge and did not expect Mary's means of transcending the realm of domineering.

it's time……

Time seemed to have been pressed in slow motion. Mary withdrew her fist, turned her body sideways, exerted force on her waist, and punched out.

In the field of view that seemed to be slowed down at a speed of 0.01x, the fist slowly pressed towards Hongshan Nuomi.

Inside the Hongshan glutinous rice, the blood begins to turn black.


At this moment, Katakuri saw an incredible scene in his eyes.

"How can this be……"

On the East China Sea, Dasqi jumped up and pulled herself up from the sea.

The fist came into contact with the overlord-colored entangled surface, causing a huge recoil that almost shattered Mary's hand.

At the Navy Headquarters, Mary and Coleman practiced hard together under the sunset.

Mary's hand returned to its original state, and the blood-armed domineering energy inside Hongshan Nuomi emerged.

At the port of Malinfando, Zefa sat side by side with him under the sunset, his eyes filled with vicissitudes of life.

At this moment, Mary's life force was concentrated on her fist, concentrating on it. The inside of the Hongshan glutinous rice made a scratching sound.

On the Chambord Islands, Paul broke an arm and was still standing in front of Armand with blood dripping from his arm.

Mary put a slight distance between her fist and Hongshan Nuomi.

During the storm, Nxiya risked being swept away by the storm and shattered the flying rocks with one shot.

Mary's eyes widened suddenly.

Looking sharply at Hongshan Nuomi.

He looked at Katakuri behind it.

Selflessness to friends, trust in compatriots, hope in reserves, responsibility, and protection of the robe are all condensed in this fist.

at last--

It is the judgment of good and evil.

The domineering aura inside was suddenly released, and in an instant, a huge cavity appeared inside Hongshan Nuomi.

Before Katakuri could fill in the anticipation, Mary's fist, which was close to him, was packed with rich mixed power and hit the red mountain glutinous rice.

The so-called inch strength.

The huge internal cavity made the structure of Hongshan Nuomi suddenly become fragile, and this sudden external force caused the entire Hongshan Nuomi to collapse.


The cracks spread.


"I still underestimated you, Mary."

Katakuri said slowly.


! "

The red mountain glutinous rice shattered in response, and the collapse of the giant object caused strong winds. Katakuri's scarf was blown away, and his hair was dancing in the storm.

Mary's cloak and military cap also disappeared with the wind. She stood in front of Katakuri, with a pair of red demon children looking at him coldly and hollowly under her violent hair.

Her fist was still dripping with blood.

"Weird force·Liu Li Chong."

she said.

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