Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 130: Drum Country and Blackbeard

"The fruit's ability blends soul and body to create a second kind of demon?"

Mary was slightly startled.

"A mixture of soul and body...is it a soul fruit?"

"Homiz is the second kind of devil?"

"No, no, it's impossible for something like Homiz to be recorded in history in such a big way."

Mary was the first to deny this ridiculous idea.

"What are Soul Fruit and Homitz?"

Robin looked at Mary curiously.

Mary shook her head: "This is not a very important thing. It is related to Big Mom, one of the four emperors. If you are interested, you can ask Long."

After saying that, Mary tapped her knuckles on the table.

Relying on this fruit description without any explanation, Mary had no idea.

So from another angle, can we start with the "second kind of devil"?

What is the second kind of devil? There is another question - since it is the second kind of demon, what is the first kind of demon?

No clue.

Mary has always been able to establish an intelligence advantage and have foresight based on her understanding of the original work in her previous life. But when she faced off against Saint Edved, Mary had already realized the problem of her lack of intelligence.

Mary can react faster than anyone else to things that are covered in the original work, but once it comes to things that are not mentioned at all in the original work, and without her own intelligence network, Mary will be blinded.

This is Mary's biggest shortcoming now.

Fortunately, although she couldn't figure it out, there was an expert in this field right in front of her.

Robin, who grew up in O'Hara, has absolutely the best understanding of history in the world, and he may be able to think of more things in this regard than he has thought of.

Thinking of this, Mary looked at Robin.

"Robin, since we are talking about the 'second kind of evil' here, what do you think the first kind of evil is?"

Mary said attentively.

Robin thought for a moment, wrote and drew in his notebook, and muttered some words.

After a while, she looked up at Mary.

"The world government has been fearing a clan, which is called the devil clan in the world. That is D."

"D, Demon and Devil are both words starting with D. Maybe the devil in the historical text is related to D?"

"Is it related to D? Then will this be the second or the first..."

Mary murmured softly, recalling the details in the original work.

Regarding the characters of the D family, the ones currently known include Luffy, Dragon, Garp, Roger, Rujiu, Ace, Rocks, Law, Teach, and Sauro.

There is a doubt about Luffy. When he was first put on a bounty, the mayor of Windmill Town said: "Dream or Destiny". The two words, Dream and Destiny, both start with D. Does this mean D doesn't mean devil?

There was nothing suspicious about either Long or Garp.

Roger has the ability to listen to the sounds of all things. At the same time, Kozuki Oden and Luffy also have this ability. The origin of this ability is also explained.

It’s hard to say for Lujiu and Ace, whether Rocks has any clear information, and there’s nothing special about Luo.


Wait, Teach?

Mary was stunned for a moment, her eyes slightly focused.

Yes, Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach, this is Teach's real name. He brought D with him, but his character and behavior are completely different from other D's.

And...he is the only freak who can obtain multiple fruit abilities!

She had not noticed this before. Thinking of this, Mary suddenly felt a chill running down her spine.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that Blackbeard is not the only one who has the ability of multiple fruits at the same time.

Mary looked down at her palms.

I am also a person with multi-fruit abilities.

And the reason why I can have two kinds of fruit abilities is...

"The body and the soul are not of the same origin."

Mary murmured.


Robin was stunned for a moment, not understanding Mary's inexplicable words.

But Mary's brain was fully functioning at this time, and her thoughts were running rapidly.

If Blackbeard achieved multiple fruit abilities in the same way as me, how did he achieve it?

Soul seizing? Impossible, he has been a freak since childhood, unless he is also a time traveler, but this possibility is so low that it can be ignored.

Physical reasons?

The soul and the body are mixed...the soul fruit?

Or a shadow fruit?


Mary suddenly looked serious, and she found a very important point.

It is said in the original work that Blackbeard once went to the Drum Kingdom and made a big fuss there. King Valbo heard the news and fled.

But I didn't pay attention at first, but now that I think about it carefully, Blackbeard was being hunted by Ace at that time.

Although Ace could no longer defeat Blackbeard at that time, this was not the reason for Blackbeard to go to the Drum Country to cause trouble.

One thing that had no idea at first suddenly connected many things together in Mary's mind.

"Tomb the fruit..."

That’s right, it’s Tuntun Fruit!

The context in Mary's mind became clearer and clearer.

There are two demons, one is the demon of faith and the other is the demon of body.

Demons of faith, such as Luffy and Dragon, have brought about wave after wave of attacks on the rule of the world government.

The other kind is Tikki, a physical demon!

His ancestor may be an artificial human created by the Tuntun Fruit forcibly combining a soul with one or even several bodies. If this transformation can change the blood factor, then it is entirely possible for it to become a genetic trait. of.

And this characteristic that can be inherited is the disunity of soul and body. If possible, perhaps the bodies of these people themselves are not the same composition.

So, the ability to carry multiple fruits... can also be seen from Mary's body, it is completely feasible!

This bold guess made Mary break out in a cold sweat. If it was really what she guessed, then what was the reason why D like Teach was created? Does Teach have any other Ds of the same generation? Can the Tuntun fruit twist the soul and body together? What is the principle?

"Interesting, interesting..."

Mary felt herself getting excited.

Robin glanced at Mary and intuitively told her that Mary probably knew a lot of things that she didn't know.

Moreover, she is thinking further than herself now.

But honestly, she didn't particularly care. She has no interest in reasoning out of thin air, and the things she has sorted out now are all orthodox historical texts.

Robin smiled and said to Mary:

"Your Excellency Mary, if there is such a historical text in the future, please leave it to me to translate."

"In this field, I believe I will never disappoint you."

Hearing what Robin said, Mary came back to her senses and nodded.

"I see."

At the same time, on the empty island.

"God's sanction!"

A huge lightning column of thunder descended from the sky, smashing into the sea of ​​clouds with great force.

However, an old man with silver hair brushed aside the thunder with a carefree sword. Not only was he relaxed and happy, he was even smiling.

"The fruit's ability is very good, kid."

Rayleigh raised his sword slightly and looked at Enelu in the distance.

"Why are you from Lanhai again!"

Enilu obviously didn't have as good a mentality as Rayleigh, and his expression was even distorted and he yelled filial piety towards Rayleigh.

"30 million volts? Thunder beast!"

With a roar, Eniru struck the taiko drum on his left shoulder, and the thunder and lightning he created appeared from the taiko drum, and then transformed into a wolf-like thunder wolf and ran towards Rayleigh at high speed.

Rayleigh still struck lightly with his sword, brushing aside Enel's thunder.

At this time, Clauren walked up to Reilly and whispered in a low voice:

"Mr. Reilly, the entire island has been investigated, and there is no trace of Mary and others coming."

"In other words, we should be going the wrong way."

Clauren frowned as he spoke.

Ever since the storm in the Devil's Triangle, their group had lost their way on the sea. When they reluctantly arrived at the Seven Waters Capital, Mary and others had already left for a while, so they had no choice but to follow them.

As a result, on the way, they encountered an upwelling current. Clauren felt that Mary and others might have encountered this current. To be on the safe side, they came up to investigate.

As a result, he met a kid who claimed to be God. After investigating the entire island, Laurent did not find Mary.

"Error in judgment, Lauren."

Riley said with a smile.

Clauren replied in a deep voice: "Then the target should be in Alabasta now/"

"Understood. Let's go down in a moment."

Rayleigh smiled.


Enelu's tone was extremely gloomy, with anger contained in his depression.

“It’s disrespectful to do this to God!”

"Two hundred million volts? Thor!"

Enel releases all the "200 million volts of lightning" from his body, surrounds himself with all the released thunder and lightning, and transforms into the form of a giant thunder god.

The huge body was flashing with lightning, which was extremely oppressive. The whole person's body was so powerful that Lei Li couldn't help but be speechless.

"Haha, it looks good!"

He shook the sword violently, and the aura of armed domination wrapped around it.

"Let me have some fun with this little guy first, Lauren. After we deal with him, we can go down!"

"Please do as you wish."

Clauren had no problem with that.

Although Eneloo has great momentum, Clauren, who knows the details of Rayleigh, just wants to say that Enelu is still far from enough.

"Come on, boy, let me see how talented you are and how dare you call yourself a god!"

Somewhere in the waters of the New World, two large ships docked.

A ship, shaped like a white whale, huge, broad, and majestic.

On the other ship, the red dragon head showed its fierce light and was majestic.

A red-haired man boarded the white whale ship and slowly walked towards the white-bearded man sitting carelessly on the deck chair.

He dragged a huge wine gourd, making a scraping sound on the ground.

This time, he did not unleash his domineering demonstration. But no ordinary crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates dared to offend him in the slightest.

"Whitebeard, we meet again."

Shanks whispered.

"Yes, we meet again." Whitebeard took a deep breath, "It wasn't long ago when you asked me not to let Ace capture Teach..."

"So, are you here to laugh at me, an old guy?"

"No, Whitebeard, I'm here to cooperate with you."

The red-haired man shook his head and sat opposite Whitebeard.

"Do you want to rescue Ace, Whitebeard?"

When White Beard heard this, his movements froze, he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the red hair.

"...You would actually say such a thing? Red-haired brat, this is not your position."

"My position has never changed."

The redhead was noncommittal.

"Before the new Qiao Yin Boyin appears, the sea cannot lose balance. The new generation of the navy is too strong, and the relative strength of the pirates has become weak. Ace cannot die, so I will help you this time."

The redhead explained.

"Ha, that's it."

Whitebeard grinned: "You brat's thoughts are still so annoying. I don't know why Roger has such a terrible crew member like you."

"I just hope that the situation in this world will not be in chaos and out of control, that's all."

"It was the same reason we came to stop Ace from pursuing Teach."

The redhead took a deep breath and looked at Whitebeard.

"So, what do you think?"

Whitebeard stood up, his majestic figure covering the sky. Compared to the red-haired man with a normal human figure, he was simply a giant.

He was silent for a moment, and the atmosphere was a little suffocating for a while.

After a long time, he spoke:

"Although I am not afraid of this violent era, since you are willing to take action, I have no objection."

"Redhead, what's the price for helping me?"

"Only one, Whitebeard."

The red-haired man raised his head and looked at Whitebeard:

"In the next ten years, we will stick to our territory and wait for the changes of the times."

"Don't cause any more trouble!"

The red-haired man looked solemn: "This sea cannot withstand any more waves."

"Gu la la la la..." Whitebeard looked up to the sky and laughed, "When it comes to causing trouble, you are obviously better at it."

"Okay, I agree to this condition - the premise is to rescue Ace."

"Redhead, you should also know Ace's identity."

Whitebeard looked at the redhead seriously:

"Tell me, what do you think about Ace?"


The red-haired man closed his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"He is just a pirate, not much different from others. I only think that his talent can check the Golden Generation and balance the forces of both sides, that's all."

"What a heartless guy."

Whitebeard snorted coldly.

"So, since you want to rescue Ace, Redhead, what's your plan?"

Whitebeard asked intently:

"Ace is probably the most tightly held prisoner in the world right now. To rescue him, I'm afraid it won't be possible just by the bravery of you and me."

The red-haired man heard this and shook his head.

"I will handle this matter, Whitebeard, you can rest assured."

"As long as you believe in your own strength and the power of the Sea Emperor, there will be no problem."

"The power of the Sea Emperor..."

Hearing these words, Whitebeard was thoughtful.

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