Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 127: Arriving at Alabasta

"Brother Katakuri, are we the only ones going to catch that kid this time?"

Smoothie asked while looking at the silent Katakuri on the dock.

"Mom has Snag's life sheet. If Snag is dead, won't mom take action?"

"Mom can't come to the first half of the Grand Line."

Katakuri shook his head: "Don't underestimate the dominance of the navy. If mother acts with us, then I'm afraid we won't be the only ones facing Mari's group."


Katakuri crossed his arms and said in an elusive tone:

"Mom has more important things."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. Anyway, as long as you are here, brother, I won't be able to catch it this time."

Cracker said, letting out a strange and unpleasant laugh.

Hearing this, Katakuri's face turned slightly cold.

"Don't underestimate your opponent, Cracker."

His eyes narrowed and his eyes became fierce.

"We misjudged each other's abilities before. We thought it was a weak cub, but it turned out to be a grinning tiger?"

"Although Snag's strength is indeed insufficient compared to the two of you, I heard from Meng Geer that Snag's life paper only took less than half of it from starting to burning to completely burning out. Hour."

"The life papers of other brothers and sisters disappeared in just an instant."

"Do you understand what this means?"

"Half an hour?"

Smoothie's pupils shrank.

"Yeah, half an hour."

"In just half an hour, Snag was defeated, completely defeated."

"A guy who can completely defeat Snag in half an hour and seems to be doing it with ease is probably not that easy to deal with."

Katakuri's eyes shone coldly.

"Don't take it lightly. The three of us will act together this time, don't be left alone."

"If we fail this time... all of us will die to apologize."

Listening to Katakuri's murderous tone, Smoothie and Cracker looked at each other, and both of them swallowed with pale faces.

On the coast of Wano Country, a plump figure fell from the sky driving dark clouds that covered the sky and landed on the coast.

At this moment, the terrifying overlord-colored domineering energy burst out, sweeping across the entire coast and radiating inland.

In countless villages, villagers fell down one after another, and many low-level members of the Beast Pirates also fainted.

The plump woman grinned, revealing a bloody smile.

Not long after, a pteranodon wearing a black leather coat flew from the sky.

There was a fire burning at his back, and he looked sharply and cautiously toward the beach.

"BIG MOM!" Jhin shouted loudly, "Why do you come to Wano alone?"

"Want to seek death!?"

"Don't be too presumptuous, Firebird." Auntie licked her lips, "Speaking of which, I still don't know what pterosaur meat tastes like!"

Jhin's eyes hardened, and his aura became dangerous.


All the muscles in his body tensed up.

The aunt seemed to be interested too. She raised the Napoleon high in her hand, and the luster of the overlord color shone on the Napoleon.

When the situation became extremely dangerous, a dragon roar suddenly came from the sky.

"Fire Breath!

! "

The high-temperature red heat spurted out from Kaido's mouth, mixed with the sky's majesty, and hit Big Mom in the air. The orange fire light illuminated the gloomy sky of Wano Country.

"Haha, long time no see, Kaido, is this your meeting gift!?"

Big Mom put aside Jhin and laughed loudly. Prometheus held the end of the sword in his mouth, and the top of the sword passed through Zeus, forming an energy ring.

"Light cannon!"

Big Mom swings her sword, and the energy ring fires a high-density laser, which collides fiercely with the heat!


! "

The shock wave spread out, and even Jhin was inevitably a little unsteady on his feet.

"Is this the battle of the four emperors?"

Looking at the sea that was pushed back dozens of meters by the aftermath, and the large beach next to Aunt that was burned to the point of being completely glassed by the high temperature, Jhin couldn't help but swallow.

"The gap is still too big... Lord Kaido and I..."

"You've regressed, Kaido."

After Wu Shang received the blow, Auntie pushed Napoleon to the ground and twisted her finger joints.

Kaido's huge body also descended from the clouds, transformed into a human form, and stood in front of Big Mom.

"Haha, what a shameless statement. It's clear that what's coming next is not going to be easy, but you still have to be tough-talking. It's really not your style."

Kaido snorted coldly and asked his aunt:

"So, Lingling, what do you want to do this time when you come to my territory alone without saying hello?"

"Do you want to come and fight with me to determine who is the strongest creature in the world?"

"If you want to kill me, I'll be happy to accompany you."

Having said this, Kaido picked up his huge mace and showed a wild and uninhibited smile.

The aunt also laughed when she heard this, and then shook her head.

His expression instantly became extremely fierce.

"If there is a chance, I do have this idea. Unfortunately, now is not the time."

"Kaido! Do you want to do something big?"

Big Mom stared into Kaido's eyes, and the unusual calmness in her eyes made Kaido stop smiling.

"Oh? Big deal?"

Kaido narrowed his eyes: "You want to form an alliance with me?"


The aunt nodded cheerfully.

Hearing this, Kaido couldn't help but frown and asked:

"What do you want to do? What kind of big thing requires an alliance with me to achieve it?"

The aunt spoke word by word:

"Destroy Impel Down!"


Kaido's expression changed and he whispered: "Impel City? That is one of the three major positions of the World Government. Are you crazy to attack Impel City?"

Although Kaido is rough, he has a very delicate mind. He knew that it was easy to conquer Impel Down, but the World Government behind Impel Down was not easy to mess with.

Once Impel Down is destroyed by the two of them, the two Yonko who destroyed one of the symbols of the World Government will immediately become a thorn in the side of the World Government. If the World Government exerts all its strength, even if it does not use the capabilities of the Navy Headquarters, the gang of CPs in the Holy Land and the old men of Wulaoxing alone can be enough for two people.

Kaido is also an old man. Having participated in the Battle of the Valley of Gods, he knows the abilities of the five old men who stand at the top of the World Government. It is no exaggeration to say that each of these five old men is not inferior to him in the Valley of Gods back then. Although he is far from his opponent now, after so many years, those old men don't know how far their strength has improved.

He was not willing to take this risk for no reason.

The aunt showed a look of understanding, then smiled coldly and said:

"Don't worry, it's not just the two of us fighting this time."

"I've asked other people."

"?Could it be that……"

Kaido thought of a certain possibility, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

Auntie nodded.

"The old man with the white beard and the brat with the red hair will also attack the navy this time to attract attention."

"The four emperors gathered together to destroy an impelling city. Isn't it a big deal?"

"Hey, is it true?"

Even a man like Kaido who has seen the world can't help but exclaim: "White beard and red hair? What reason do they have to help you?"

"They are not here to help me. Whitebeard has a last resort, and the clever red-haired one probably has his own agenda."

The aunt sat cross-legged on the ground and twisted her neck.

"However, the ultimate goal is not much different from mine. Kaido, do you know what this means?"

Kaido took a deep breath when he heard this.

"The four emperors...union?"

“The process is different, but in terms of the results — it is.”

Auntie looked at Kaido confidently. She knew Kaido's character well and was sure that the trip would be successful.

As expected, after hearing this, Kaido roared excitedly:

"The four emperors and three generals who rule the sea today are Buddha's Warring States, Garp, Zefa, Tsuru, Shichibukai, and the World Government!"

"Comparable to the peak battle in the Valley of Gods!"

Kaido felt as if something was burning in his heart. After a while, he laughed wildly and stretched out his hand to Big Mom.

"Let me join in this crazy plan!"

"It's been a long time since I had such a serious fight!"

"I'm very interested in this matter."

The aunt nodded, smiling wildly and extending her hand.

"It seems that we can fight side by side again!"

At this moment, the sea near Baldigo.

"Hey, hey, Edweed, are you really planning to discuss things properly?"

Saint Magik lay bored on the railing and yelled weakly.

Saint Edved looked at the diary in his hand and slowly turned the pages.

"What's wrong? What do you think I'm going to do?"

"Are you really not going to duel with a dragon?"

Saint Magik turned around and looked at Saint Edved with a half-smile:

"The catastrophe ten years ago had dragons everywhere behind it."

"Are you really not here to settle a score with him?"


Saint Edwide smiled and slowly closed the diary in his hand, looking at Saint Magik gently.

"After so many years, I have figured out a lot, McGick. What caused what happened back then was the catastrophe of this distorted social structure. In the final analysis, it was the evil deeds caused by the laws of the world. The dragon is just a follower of the trend. He’s just a strategist.”

"But he is the swordsman."

Magik Saint was still watching the excitement and was not too upset about it.

Saint Edved shook his head and looked at Saint Magik seriously.

"Magick, I read a sentence in this diary. This sentence gave me a lot of inspiration. Now I will tell you this sentence."

His eyes were piercing and he said clearly every word:

"'Never hate a specific person or group for personal reasons. It is wrong to hate any labeled specific person, regardless of the reason, whether it is an individual or a group.'"

"'Society's evil deeds can only be changed by changes in the social structure, and will not be shaken in the slightest by hatred. Hatred for private evil deeds has no noble significance, but just continues to repeat historical mistakes.'"

"Magick, I don't allow me to harbor that kind of irrational behavior."

"Stop, stop, stop..."

Saint Magik quickly interrupted Saint Edved’s eloquent narration.

"Okay, okay, I know the truth and you know more than me. Anyway, I only know a little about these things. Just tell me what you want to do and I will do it. Don't explain so many fancy things to me."

Saint Magik waved his hand in disgust, then changed the subject, pointed at the diary in Saint Edved's hand and asked curiously:

"The words you just said were read from this diary, right? I often see you flipping through that diary. In my impression, you seem to have been reading this diary since I met you. ”

"So who wrote this diary? I've never asked before."

"This diary?"

Saint Edwin raised his eyebrows, and his hand holding the diary became tighter.

"This diary was left by a Lunarian pioneer eight hundred years ago."

“I have benefited a lot from many of the ideas in it.”

"Speaking of which, this pioneer also learned this knowledge from a sage named Nika."

"Huh? Pioneer? What's your name? By the way, isn't the Lunaria an ancient race that has been extinct for a long time?"

"So this is the diary from eight hundred years ago. The pioneer's name was Agnesta D. Christie (the author's official emphasis)."

"Clan D?"

Saint Magik's expression changed: "That demon clan?"

"Devil..." Saint Edwin touched his chin, "Who knows?"

"...Oh, forget it, anyway, what we are doing now is no different from this bunch of devils."

Saint Magik sighed, shook his head, and then looked up at Saint Edved:

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked you the last question yet."


"Edward, if, I mean if..."

Saint Magik straightened his expression and asked seriously: "What if Vinicius regains his memory, then hates the dragon so much that he wants to wipe out the revolutionary army?"

"I'll beat Baldigo before she does."

Saint Edved smiled and said this without hesitation or thought.

Magik's expression collapsed.

"So what you said before were all bullshit?"

"No, it's just..."

Saint Edwin shook his head: "From the very beginning, my ideals have been lofty and simple."

"...Forget it, I can't understand you."

Magik Sheng sighed, shook his head and walked into the cabin to rest.

Saint Edved stood alone on the bow of the boat, facing the sea breeze, his eyes slightly narrowed.

He sighed softly and said softly in a voice that no one could hear:

"I just need a world that can accommodate her freedom, and I want nothing else..."

A few days later, looking at the khaki dust flying in the distance, Mary sighed deeply.

"Looks like we're out of luck."

She shook her head, her tone a little complicated.

A big question mark appeared above Coleman's head next to him.

Didn't our voyage during this period of time go smoothly, with almost no accidents, and we even arrived in Alabasta a few days earlier than expected? Is this... bad luck?

Mary looked at Coleman's puzzled expression, sighed, and said nothing.

Even Kuhlman couldn't understand what he said.

Without encountering the rising sea current, I can't reach the empty island, I can't collect gold, I can't beat Enel, I can't even get the Ark Proverbs...

In short, I missed a lot of things, which can only be said to be Shiya Miya. According to the timeline of the original work, Enel is probably on the moon now. If nothing else, Mary will hardly have a chance to make up for this shortcoming in this life.

Forget it, if you miss it, just miss it.

Mary took a deep breath and braced herself.

Now that you have missed Sky Island, get ready to face Alabasta now. It won't be long before she will face the top figures in the world today.


When she met Long this time, besides discussing the issue of guiding ideology, she also had another thing to do.

As a condition for giving Long a guiding thought, Mary planned to ask Long to do something.

She didn't forget that in her milestone mission, she took on a mission to prevent the City University from escaping from prison.

She might be able to handle Blackbeard, but the scary guys on the sixth floor, such as Barrett, Redfield and the gang of monsters from the past era, are still a bit too difficult for Mary to deal with now.

Therefore, she planned to, in exchange, ask Long to guard the vicinity of Impel City for a period of time.

She didn't ask him to enter Impel Town to guard - in fact, she didn't dare to let Long break into Impel City. If that were the case, it wouldn't be Dragon who stopped the big prison break, but Dragon who caused the big prison break.

As long as the dragon can stop those who want to rob the prison in the outer sea or the super strong people who cannot be stopped by Mary and others, it will be fine.

As for the group of revolutionary troops imprisoned in the city...

Isn't there still a Magellan here?

Both sides take it all. The dragon will definitely see Mary's idea. It depends on whether the dragon is willing to suffer this loss.

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