Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 124: The River Styx has arrived, the delusion of the Infinite Demon Star

"Reseg Kil..."

Carrying Marianu on her back, Mary wandered around the Third Islands.

Before leaving, Mary learned from Galtino that most of the boatmen on the island worked in the Third Islands.

Therefore, she went to the Third Island to find someone behind Marianu's back.

By the way, after seeing her "reputation" among ordinary people, in order to avoid causing confusion, she changed into her daily clothes again.

"Hey, uncle, do you know where Mauricino's store is?"

Mary inquired about the surrounding shops and finally found Mauricino's shop on the street.

"The Mauricino family has a great cause."

Looking at the exquisitely decorated store in front of her and taking a look at the "Northland United" sign, Mary couldn't help but be speechless.

Then he walked in boldly.

"Hello, what services do you need?"

Seeing Mary walking forward, a handsome-looking male waiter quickly stepped forward.

"Do you need to buy ships, repair ships, hire a fleet..."

The waiter's tone of voice gradually weakened. Looking at Marianu lying unconscious on Mary's back, his expression brightened:

"Still need help calling the police?"

"..." Mary's mouth twitched, "Call Mauricino."

"Maurisino?" The waiter was stunned for a moment, "You mean our company's material director?"

"Hey, this guy is quite a big official."

Mary said calmly.

The waiter was a little embarrassed, but judging from Mary's tone, it was obvious that her identity was not simple.

Therefore, the waiter's attitude became somewhat respectful.

"Please come with me."

We walked to a private room with the waiter, who was slightly possessed by Mary.

"Please wait here for a moment, I will go find Mr. Director for you."

"With all due respect, what is your name?"

"Mary Vinicius." After a pause, Mary added: "Or say 'Young Captain' to him, he should know who it is."

"Young Captain..." Upon hearing this name, the waiter's expression became a little weird, but he still nodded and said, "No problem, I'll go right away."

After that, he walked backwards out of the room and closed the door.

“The service level is pretty good.”

Mary watched the waiter leave, and while saying this, she sat on the sofa and placed Marianu next to her.

"Speaking of which, I can now naturally accept my identity as a young daughter..."

Mary murmured, looking at the ceiling.

"Bah, bah, bah..."

She felt cold all over and quickly changed the subject.

Open the character panel...


When she was brutally torturing Snag just now, Mary felt the throbbing in her heart.

At that time, the feeling of numbness all over her body and a blank moment in her mind made Mary temporarily stunned. Since she was still fighting, Mary just glanced at the panel and continued to wreak havoc.

Now that the things were taken care of and she had some free time, Mary took a closer look at the changes on her dashboard.

However, she probably guessed something.

The battle just now can be said to be a battle in which Mary unleashed the darkest side of her heart, killing without any scruples and using the craziest means to execute the pirates.

Extreme personalities always correspond to extreme personalities.

From the very beginning, it was clear that Mary's splitting of the three personalities was a masterpiece of the side effects of Blood Slaughter Heart. One of the personalities was the epitome of the completely unconstrained manic personality produced during the Blood Slaughter Heart shielding period.

The so-called resonance - or attunement, that is, Mary independently developed feelings that were completely consistent with her personality without interference.

That is to say——

"Sure enough, I guessed right, my abilities have evolved."

[Inherent Barrier·The Place of Justice·The River Styx has arrived, the delusion of the Infinite Demon Star]

[Level: A~EX]

[Type: Anti-army Noble Phantasm]

[Maximum capture: none]


[Use your own blood to build the position, create the environment "Styx Naraku", and use your own vitality to construct black soldiers. Basically, the black soldiers will have the strength of a major at the Navy Headquarters. 】

[The strength of the black soldier will increase as the vitality infused increases. In addition, Black Soldiers will gain immortality when fighting in Stygian Naraku. 】

[When the enemy is in the Blood Sea Naraku, he will be burned based on the degree of his sin. At the same time, Marie will take the sum of the Burn damage taken by all enemies. 】


[Due to the tide, this inherent barrier will not be realized in the way of thinking about the scenery. As a correction, the inherent barrier will be engraved into the host's body in the form of a magic base plate. When the host activates this inherent barrier, it only needs to increase the magic output in its own magic circuit. 】

[Equivalent to increasing the release of vitality. 】

[If this inherent enchantment is activated, its effect will be directly projected in the world, and the desired scenery will no longer be projected. 】

[Inherent barrier evolution level: 1/3]

"The River Styx has arrived, the delusion of the Infernal Demon Star...this name is so long."

"And even the spell has completely changed."

Mary touched her chin and studied the ability introduction carefully.

"Is using blood to build a position similar to the blood sea I created before? The ability of this inherent barrier is quite suitable for the ability I have now - that's right, after all, it was created by my own mental image."

"The effect of Stygian Naraku is to apply a negative buff to the opponent depending on the opponent's degree of sin. It's a good ability, but how is the degree of sin determined in the first place? Is it all up to me?"

"Furthermore, I want to be burned at the same level...the reason for this..."

"So that's it. Anyone who kills will always be killed?"

Mary scoffed, disdainful of this.

During the previous battle with Snag, Mary said that those who kill will always be killed, so Mary appreciates the death of the pirate and also appreciates her own death. She could not be happy about the death of innocent people and good people.

As a result, this effect also brought a negative buff to her own inherent barrier - but so what, for this kind of cost, Mary just wanted to say that you can do whatever you want, and I will lose if I frown.

"Then, this black soldier... turns his life force into a soldier and creates life? This is the power of God."

"First of all, will this black soldier continue to exist after he cancels the inherent barrier? Then, does this black soldier have his own consciousness? Finally, they have immortality in the Styx Naraku... What is this immortality? Like?"

"Most of these cannot be determined without actual combat..."

As for the strength of the Black Soldiers, which will increase as the vitality infusion increases, Mary has no doubt about this. After all, Mary understood the principle of equivalent exchange.

And if you guessed it correctly, the vitality required to create a black soldier should have a lower limit. If it is lower than that value, you cannot create a black soldier.

Well... this thing is mainly used as a special tactic for forming an army with one person and destroying the opposing army alone. With this ability, it can play an absolute role on the battlefield.

Just imagine, on the battlefield of a war, once this ability is used in the early stage, it will definitely not be a problem to reverse the navy's disadvantage in an instant.

Of course, after several backstabs in the late game, Whitebeard's side will become a natural disadvantage without having to do any other work.

But even with this kind of ability against the army, if the buff on the judgment of sin is too outrageous... it may have miraculous effects against certain characters.

For example, Doflamingo, Mary can be sure that that guy's sin index is definitely second to none.

It doesn't matter even if Mary will receive the same negative buff. The Kiss of Silas ensures that Mary will not be mentally affected. The severe pain will not bring too strong side effects. At most, it will cause a greater loss of vitality.

Vitality, vitality, this thing is the core of your battle. Snag had squandered almost one-tenth of his life force in the first battle, but he could replenish it at will. But if you use this ability, you don't need to guess to know that the consumption of life force must be astronomical.

The upper limit of vitality storage is determined based on one's own physical fitness. Mary also understands that now that her physical fitness has reached the upper limit of regular exercise, she still has to find a way to enhance her physical fitness.

At least, Mary needs to be strengthened to the point where she can still use this inherent barrier after using the Demonic Sword Forbidden Technique. After all, the Demonic Sword Forbidden Technique deducts vitality based on a percentage deduction. Deducting about 90% of the vitality is a huge loss at any time. harm.

at last……

"It cannot be achieved by projecting the world in your mind. You can only project the effect directly into reality."

"In human terms, do you mean to directly embody this ability in reality, instead of first creating a barrier to pull people in and then using the ability?"

“No wonder there’s no catch cap.”

"There are pros and cons."

Mary narrowed her eyes.

"It will be more flexible to use if it is directly reproduced in reality. However, in this way, the advantage of the inherent barrier to restrain those with natural fruit abilities will be lost."

"Wait a minute, if that's the case, can this inherent enchantment ability be used in conjunction with other inherent enchantments?"

Mary frowned, feeling like she had found a bright spot.

It just so happens that I still have the nascent state of inherent barrier, so I can give it a try later when I have a lot of free time.

There is another problem.

"The reason why this inherent barrier has such an abnormal situation is because Xi..."

"I see."

Mary nodded understandingly.

In her free time, Mary would also go back to the scenery from time to time.

After my mental landscape awakened in Alabasta, it turned into a breathtakingly beautiful place. It's also nice to relax there during your free time.

And every time she enters the mental landscape, Mary will also communicate with Xi.

Now Mary can no longer see Xi, because now Xi has become one with her own mental world, turning into a will similar to the world with self-awareness.

Her form has disappeared. Therefore, even in the world of her mind, Mary could not see Xi.

Mary once promised Xi that she would make the place where she lives beautiful. As far as the current situation is concerned, Mary did it.

"So this mental landscape is disliked by Xi?"

Mary thought a little dumbfounded.

Also, Xi is kind-hearted and pure by nature. It was expected that she didn't like this bloody scene, but it was a bit surprising for Mary to show it in this form.

Speaking of which, if there is a chance, maybe we can find some way to get Xi out of the world of thoughts, or let some other people live in the world of thoughts.

After all, Mary can't stay in the world of her thoughts all the time - in fact, she doesn't enter the world of her thoughts very often, so Zi Xi will definitely feel lonely.

Speaking of which, Xi had helped her a lot, and Mary wanted to find an opportunity to repay her.

"Perhaps we can focus on soul abilities in the future."

Mary thought silently.


While Mary was thinking deeply, the door to the room opened.

Mary also immediately closed the character panel and raised her head to look at the person coming.

"Afternoon—no, good evening, Lady Mary."

The person coming was none other than Mauricino. At this time, he was dressed in a slim suit and wearing a fedora. He completely lost the embarrassing feeling he had when he was shipwrecked before.

Very full of superior temperament.

"You seem to be recovering well, Mauricino."

Mary also straightened her expression. She was here to do business this time.

"Thank you, Your Excellency." Mauricino agreed and sat on the sofa opposite Mary, "Do you want something to drink?"

"No need, I won't stay here too long."

Mary shook her head.

"Maurisino, what do you think of our invitation?"

"Well..." Mauricino showed a hint of embarrassment, and after a while, he replied: "You are my savior. Logically speaking, I shouldn't refuse your invitation, but..."

"No need to continue, I understand."

Before Mauricino could finish speaking, Mary interrupted him directly.

"That's good." Mauricino nodded, looking ashamed: "I will try my best to help you find a suitable candidate."

"You don't have to look for me anymore, I already have someone."

Mary smiled and said, "That's why I came to you. The person who introduced me to the job said he works under you."


Mauricino was slightly startled when he heard this, and quickly asked: "Who is it?"

"Reseg Kil."

Mary said.


Mauricino exclaimed: "It's actually him?"

"Any questions?"

"No, it's just that the lonely guy actually had other people he knew, which shocked me."

Mauricino shook his head.

"Then please invite him here to meet me now." After a pause, Mary added: "Or tell me where he is and I can go find him."

"I'm afraid that's not possible, Your Excellency Mary." Mauricino shook his head regretfully, "He is quite arbitrary. Even I can't figure out where he is. He seems to only come to work in the company when he is short of money. , to be honest, if his skills were not good enough, I would have fired him long ago."

"Of course, Lord Mary, the mooring position of your ship should not have changed, right?"

"No change." Mary shook her head.

"That's good, let's do it, Your Excellency Mary, you can first tell me your requirements for your ship, and I will send someone to do the work. It's free, just consider it my gratitude for saving my life."

"As for Rhyseg Kil, I will ask him to find you when he comes back."

"Okay, deal."

Mary nodded in approval, took out a business card from her pleated pocket, and handed it to Mauricino.

"When you meet Rhyseg Kiel, handing him this business card might get twice the result with half the effort."

Mauricino took the business card and took a look.

"Gal Tino".

Who is this?

With such doubts in his mind, Mauricino still put away the business card without hesitation.


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