Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 122: A great victory


! "

The deck was smashed to pieces with great force, and Snag's bruised body was thrown out of the cabin like garbage and hit the deck.

A bloody figure followed closely behind, jumped up, landed, and stepped on Snag's body.

"What's wrong, Snag, let me see, it's only been ten minutes, why can't you move?"

Behind Mary, the bloody monster stretched out its sharp claws and stabbed into Snag's flesh.

Snag is indeed worthy of the title of General. His proficiency in armed Haki and his ability to foresee Haki are far beyond what normal Lieutenant Generals can match.

Mary's domineering power can only give her a 50-50 fight with the Lieutenant General, and she is no match for Snag.

In fact, even though Snag was in a panic just now, he still fought back and forth with Mary in a short period of time and even gained the upper hand many times.

It's a pity - Mary's strength is not in her domineering power.

Although it is difficult to break through Snag's armored defense when the armored haki is covered in blood, the hellfire enhanced by the fire spirit can easily burn through Snag's haki and pierce the soul.

And Mary was good at protracted battles. The high-intensity use of Armed Color Haki for more than ten consecutive minutes had exhausted Snag. By accident, Mary's blood penetrated the lung cavity.

The burning blood completely turned one of his lungs into charcoal, causing him to lose the ability to resist.

Snag, who was already exhausted, could not even use decent armed Haki at this time. Two bloody claws penetrated Snag's abdomen without any hindrance, and then opened a huge gap that could be fatal.


Snag spurted out a mouthful of blood, and was kicked away by Mary.

This kick was so heavy that it kicked Snag directly to the dock and flew dozens of meters away.

Snag fell on the dock with his intestines pierced and his stomach pierced, hunched over and twitching, his face turned pale.

Mary swayed slowly onto the railing, looked down at him, and clapped her hands slowly.



"How is it, Snag, do you feel it?"

"Delicacy of death."

Mary's cloak danced in the fierce sea breeze, and the blood on the deck slowly flowed into the sea, forming a strange scene like a waterfall of blood.

Snag struggled to raise his head, his vision gradually blurred, and the ghost-like figure also turned into a black and red mass.

The feeling of dying made his brain calm down at this moment, and the suffocation caused by the blood in his throat made Snag tremble.

"...Mary...you're going to die."

Snag coughed twice and said with a smile.

Looking at Snag, who was no longer afraid, and listening to what he said, a look of disappointment flashed in Mary's eyes.

"What's wrong? Do you want to threaten me with your mother like Armand?"

"Do all the pirates in your Big Mom Pirates have this kind of virtue?"

"Ahem, cough..." Snag licked his lips, "Sure enough, it was you who captured Armand, and you also killed Garrett... But don't look down upon the light general star too much, kid."

"I won't beg for mercy from you, it's just..."

"You still don't understand the terror of the Four Emperors!"

Mary raised her eyebrows and twisted her neck.

She waved her hand casually, and all the floating blood exploded, turning into blood mist and blending into the air.

"So what? No matter how scary she is, she can't save you now, can she?"

"No! I'm not threatening you, I'm stating a fact!"

Snag roared at the top of his lungs, letting out a hideous laugh.

"It doesn't matter if I die here, Mary, but you are dead, dead!"

"When the news of my death spreads to all nations, and when my brother knows about my loss of contact, my mother will come."

"She will ride the flames of the sky and the world-destroying thunder to come to you!"

"Then, all your friends will be turned into fish feed, your blood will be burned by her, and your immortal body will be imprisoned in the book forever!"

"No one can stop her, not you, not your partners, not even the generals!"

"You, this monster, will end up even more miserable than me!"


Snag laughed wildly and said: "Come on, kill me, kill me! I will appreciate your misery!"

"In hell!"

His tone sounded somewhat self-defeating and full of despair.

This was the rebound of fear to the extreme. He no longer even gave up the hope of living, but was just cursing and cursing the fate of this immortal girl.

However, it was obvious that the girl who had fallen into madness earlier than him was concerned about such a despicable curse——

There is no feeling.



Looking at Mary who was looking up to the sky and laughing wildly, Snag's expression gradually froze, and then became a little angry.

"Why...why...why can you still laugh!"

"You sow!"

He struggled and shouted filial piety, and hammered the ground with his hand, creating a large crack.

He is afraid of his mother - in fact this is the psychology of most aunt's children.

Big Mom is their protective umbrella and also their Sword of Damocles.

Hanging above their heads, it could take their lives at any time.

What's even more frightening is that the rope holding the sword is not strong.

If the children disobey the aunt's orders or bring shame on the aunt, she will kill them.

This terrible danger has always hung over all of Big Mom's children, and even Snag is no exception.

It is no exaggeration to say that Snag is threatening Mary with the ending and method of death that he fears most.

And now, Mary was—laughing.

Snag felt angry, frightened and at the same time felt a sense of absurdity.

"why why!"

"What's so funny!"

“Why ah ah!

! "

Snag asked, growling loudly, and Mary's laughter gradually stopped.

She lowered her head and her shoulders were shaking.

"It's getting more and more interesting..."

"Yonko, Yonko... things are getting more and more interesting..."

"Snagg, I'm so happy!"

Mary's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbed his head with one hand, lifted it up, and looked at him with her bright red eyes.

"It turns out there are such terrible things in the world, hahahaha..."



"The vicious pirate group led by Steel Balloon——"

"It seems that this world is still full of characters who should be eliminated by [Justice]!"

As Mary said this, she slowly stretched out her other hand.

Two hands slowly hugged Snag's head with a very gentle force.

Her tone suddenly became softer and gentle.

"Snag, do you smell it?"


Snag replied blankly.

"It's coming..."


"Death's Scythe."

"Death's black robe."

"I smell death."

"The smell comes from you!"

Mary's expression suddenly became ferocious, and a bloody hand was inserted from her abdomen, piercing Snag's abdomen.


Snag's whole body trembled as if he was struck by lightning. Before he could release his weapon, a heart-wrenching hot feeling swept across his waist.

His eyes moved downward, and his lower body was cut off directly and fell to the ground.

"Ho, ho..."

He made the sound of a lump in his throat before dying.

He felt that Mary's blood merged with his body and was slowly flowing backward from his blood vessels toward his heart and brain.

At this time, he no longer felt terror or pain.

Just looking at Mary with a blank mind.

Mary's disgusting smile.

The next moment, his vision went dark.



Mary's expression changed and she looked at the head exploding like a watermelon in front of her.

The red and white stuff splashed all over her.


Mary let go and Snag's headless upper body fell to the ground.

She held up a bullet that had fallen on the ground with an expressionless expression.

"Do you want a share of the pie?"

She crushed the bullet and twisted her wrist.

"In the end, it was robbed by someone. It was really disappointing."

On the high tower in the distance, Enxia chuckled and scanned the Seven Waters City with his sense of knowledge.

"All 19 people on the first archipelago were wiped out."

"All 21 people on the second archipelago were wiped out..."


After counting them one by one, Nxiya clapped happily.

“Very good, no stray fish left behind, another great day!”

"That guy with the three-word bun seems to be Mary's prey. Come on, if I grab another one, she'll probably tear me alive, right?"

She danced around and looked at the pale iceberg holding a telescope.

"Then, Mr. Bingshan, you will be responsible for the endgame."

"~On a dewy and stormy night~"

"~Through canyons, swamps and abyss~"


Enxia hummed a small tune and left briskly, leaving only Bingshan dripping in cold sweat after witnessing everything just now.

Just now, he saw with his own eyes that tall woman killed hundreds of people.

Whenever a gun is fired, the bullets are always fired.

Every shot can accurately hit a person's head. No one can resist her bullets.

Even someone who can't see clearly through his binoculars will burst into blood the moment the gunfire rings out.

This terrifying ability...

Bingshan swallowed.

Are all the top combat forces of the world government like this?

Or should I say - be stronger?

Beside the Dandelion, Charlotte Comper looked at the corpse that had been cut in half and fell in front of her. She was shocked, her eyes widened, and she stammered:


"Is this the name of the deceased?"

In front of him, Kuhlman slowly took a few steps forward, the sword in his hand still dripping blood.

Comper raised his head and looked at Kuhlman, who had no expression on his face.

Coleman slowly placed the sword on Comper's neck.

"You... you can even kill Nozette... you can even Moscato... you can even kill Raulin with a few swords..."

"What exactly are you? Marine?"

"No, monster, monster!"

Comper roared excitedly, but the next moment it stopped abruptly.


Yunqie made a clear sword sound, and Compo's head fell to the ground.

Coleman shook off the blood on his sword and slowly sheathed it.

"It seems you guarded the ship well."

Mary's teasing voice came from the street not far away.

Kuhlman said without raising his head: "They're just a bunch of fish."

"Haha, Big Mom's children can also be called miscellaneous fish."

Mary walked up to him and looked at the body on the ground.

"Well, these are indeed trash fish."

"What did you go to do?"

Coleman asked, looking at the blood on Mary's boots.

"Me? I killed another guy on the other dock."

Mary shrugged her shoulders: "If he comes to you, I'm afraid it will really be a bit difficult for you."

After hearing this, Kuhlman asked no more questions.

It doesn't matter who the person Mary killed is irrelevant. The fact that Mary appears here means that the person is probably cold now.

I just don’t know how much effort Mary put into this. Although Mary looked relaxed and content now, Coleman, who vaguely knew Mary's ability, understood that as long as Mary did not reach her limit, she would not be in a physical condition of exhaustion.

He moved on to another topic.

“Are these people from Big Mom?”

"Ah, yes."

Mary nodded and glanced briefly.

"It looks like there are several more of her children."

"..." Kuhlman shook his head, "This time I offended Big Mom to death."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Mary grinned, "It is impossible for the Four Emperors to leave the New World. If any of the Four Emperors wants to leave the New World, it is impossible for such movements not to be discovered by the navy."

"When the time comes, there will definitely be strong men at the level of generals who will confront her. We don't have to worry about facing Big Mom herself."

"At most, I'm afraid I'll just worry about Katakuri."

Mary said.

She was not completely crazy. She had already made plans when she tortured and killed Snag's children.

Even if they offend Big Mom to death, it is impossible for the group of them to actually meet Big Mom face to face. If nothing else, it was absolutely impossible for the Warring States Period to allow such a thing to happen. As long as the battle in the Seven Waters City is reported to the Navy Headquarters, any move of Big Mom will be closely monitored by the Navy Headquarters.

As for Katakuri, her target is smaller and more flexible, so she is very likely to go up against Mari.

However, Mary is still confident when it comes to dealing with Ka Er.

This is not to say that Mary has the confidence to face the imperial deputy. In fact, Mary knew very well that with her current hard power, it was basically impossible to win against Card 2. But it doesn't matter, even if it's possible that you can't beat Card 2, it's more than enough to hold off Card 2.

After all, Mary is a woman who cannot be killed in a short time even with the combined efforts of Garp, Zefa, and Sengoku.

Before Kaer exhausted Mary's life force, Kuhlman and others would have disappeared without a trace.

And Mary can guarantee that as long as she wants to run, Ka Er can't stop her.

After all, Nuomi can't prevent blood from escaping completely.

"It's not that I'm afraid," Kuhlman shook his head, "I just think it will cause trouble to Mr. Sengoku."

"It would be better to cause that old guy more trouble."

Mary pouted.

In the distance, Marine Fando, Sengoku sneezed without warning.

"Hey, Sengoku, you have a cold?"

Garp asked Sengoku curiously.

"Let's go, let's go." Warring States pushed Garp away in disgust and sniffed.

"It's probably that little brat Mary who wants to trick me again!"

In the Capital of Seven Waters, Kuhlman's mouth twitched.

Mary's character is still as bad as ever.

At this time, Kuhlman's phone rang.

He took the phone bug, and Nshia's voice came from the phone bug.

"Moses Moses—is that Kuhlman?"

"it's me."

Coleman nodded, but the next moment, the phone bug in his hand was snatched away by Mary.

"Enxia!" Mary said viciously, "If you dare to snatch my head, you will be dead when you come back!"

"Eh? Who is it? I'm sorry I called the wrong number. Bye."


The call is interrupted.

Coleman looked at the resting phone bug and looked at Mary speechlessly.

"What did Enxia do?"

"She took the cake from me!"


Coleman held his head with a headache and took the phone bug from Mary's hand.

A call back was made to Nshia.

Soon after, Kuhlman, who had completed the exchange of information, smiled and looked at Mary.

"How to say?"

Mary raised her eyebrows and looked at Kuhlman.


Kuhlman replied with a smile.

"All the pirates who landed on the island have been confirmed to have been killed by snipers. There are no pirates left within the Capital of Seven Waters."

"Did this guy wipe out the pirates from other pirate groups?"

Mary murmured.

"Where did she set up a sniper?"

"Mayor Iceberg's office."


Mary and Coleman looked at each other and smiled weirdly.


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