Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 119: The art of violet blue and white wax figures

"74th Street of the Third Island..."

Mary asked nearby passers-by and followed the flow of people. After almost an hour of stumbling, Mary found the location of the exhibition.

Looking at the celebrities wearing designer brands, Mary couldn't help but be speechless.

"It seems like this group is really famous. So many people come here to see it?"

The faces of people coming in and out were full of excitement and admiration, and these expressions inevitably aroused Mary's curiosity.

Artists from the One Piece world are quite curious.

This exhibition is free and can be entered without a ticket. After fumbling to find the entrance, Mary entered the wax museum behind an aristocratic couple.

As soon as she entered the wax museum, Mary's attention was immediately attracted by the many wax figures displayed on both sides of the corridor.

"This is...Whitebeard?"

"Marshal of the Warring States Period?"

"Hawkeye Mihawk?"


Mary looked around in surprise, and familiar faces came into view.

Hearing the exclamations of tourists, Mary also felt a sense of admiration.

Every wax statue she saw was lifelike, and she could even see the sparkle in the eyes of these wax statues, making the whole statue come alive.

These are not statues, they are clearly living people!

With this mood, Mary became more and more curious about the creators of these statues and went deeper.

"Moonlight Moria, Bartholomew Bear..."

They looked over one by one, and as they were walking, suddenly, an extremely familiar appearance appeared in front of Mary's eyes.

The movement of her feet stagnated, and the name she silently muttered also stopped.

"This is...no way..."

She lowered her head and looked at the introduction under the statue.

[Zzisław Kuhlman "Zimu\

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