Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 117: The Capital of Seven Waters

"Woohoo~ Finally landed."

Enxia jumped from the deck first, and it was not difficult to see how hard she was being held on the ship.

Mary and others followed closely and got off the boat one after another, and Paul also followed after he finally set the boat.

All of them were now wearing regular clothes.

Mary is still wearing the classic little white dress. Coupled with her young figure and her appearance that becomes more and more charming when passive, it is extremely deceptive and can easily arouse the protective desire of others.

When she first put on this outfit and walked out, Paul felt like he had seen a ghost.

Enxia said directly and directly:

"Mary, you look really beautiful today."


Nshia succeeded in going further and further down the road of seeking death.

By the way, Enxia put on a dark red male suit. With her slightly slender face and a pair of shark teeth, she looked weird.

"We're here, Mauricino." Mary nodded to Mauricino.

"Ah, thank you, Captain Mary."

Mauricino bowed respectfully to Mary.

"I will consider your invitation, but now please allow me to go back to my store and have a look."

"It's okay. I'm not forcing you to come. But if you don't want to come, I'd like to ask you to help us find a suitable boatman."

Mary waved her hand indifferently.

"You are my savior, and you should be so." After Mauricino was out of danger, his original gentlemanly temperament gradually emerged: "Then I will leave first."



Coleman walked to Mary and looked at Mauricino who was walking away.

"I feel like you are quite fond of this boatman. Why, is there anything special about him?"



"Well...if I have to say it," Mary said seriously, "I'm just doing it for convenience."

"...Okay." Coleman's mouth twitched slightly, "You really have your style."

"Okay, okay, let's go and play by yourself. Seeing that Enxia has disappeared, it's time for you to relax."

Mary waved her hand in disgust, signaling him to go away quickly.

Coleman sighed and smiled: "Forget it, I'll just take a good look at the boat here, and I'm not used to playing on the island."

"But it seems that the Capital of Seven Waters is not peaceful now either."

"How can I see it?"


Kuhlman pointed to the buildings near the port and said: "These buildings have been temporarily repaired, I can see this. This shows that these buildings have been attacked on a large scale in the recent period. Such a large-scale battle It’s affected, I think something happened in the Capital of Seven Waters recently.”

After hearing this, Mary's expression became a little... weird.

"Well, Kuhlman..." she asked hesitantly, "is it possible that we are not the only ones suffering from the violent celestial phenomena we encountered?"

"..." Coleman's expression changed. After thinking for a moment, his expression became a little subtle.

"You said it was caused by a tsunami? Hiss...it seems that it is indeed possible."

For a moment, the two fell into an eerie silence.

The sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds in the sky.

"...Well, forget it, no matter what happened before, there is no problem now."

Mary decisively changed the subject.

She always had a bad association - prying off the stone by herself -\u003e natural disasters all over the world -\u003e great destruction in the Seven Waters Capital. Thinking about it like this, she always felt an inexplicable feeling of guilt if she continued to talk about this topic.

Although she was just making unwarranted associations, she didn't know why she felt that she should have guessed it pretty well.

"Anyway, I'm going to the island to have some fun. I'll also look for a suitable repair shop that can help us strengthen the ship."

Mary patted Coleman on the shoulder.

"Since you don't plan to go to the island, then you should keep an eye on our ship. You should be able to stay on the ship while I'm away, right?"

"Believe me."

Kuhlman's answer was succinct and to the point.

"OK, then I'm relieved. Oh, yes, I have the phone bug with me this time. Remember to call me if you encounter something you can't handle. Bye."

Mary said hello casually, turned around and left quickly, disappearing into the crowd in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, wait..."

Coleman's hands froze in mid-air in embarrassment.

"...What does call mean?"

After wandering for a while on the streets of the Capital of Seven Waters and buying a tour guide map from a black tour guide, Mary rejected his offer and searched for her destination on the map alone.

But, after a while...

"Sure enough, I'm not suitable for traveling in big cities."

Mary leaned on the street, looking at the tourists coming and going with a smile on her face, and sighed deeply.

He raised the map in his hand and looked at it again.

She had no idea what was interesting or worth visiting. She had no idea what the characteristics of each place were and what its main attractions were.

But she doesn't like to follow tour groups or tour guides. She always feels that traveling like that is boring. Therefore, when she traveled in her previous life, she usually went to places with beautiful natural scenery like Patagonia.

How pleasant it is to have a travel day where you don’t have to worry about too much planning in advance and can just pack your daily necessities.

"Forget it, just find a shop and ask. It's hard to get to the island once. Find a place to play first, and then think about finding a boatman."

Mary straightened up, stretched, and looked around.

Chat with the locals... just sit in a shop with few people.

Thinking like this, Mary fixed her eyes on a small storefront with few doors on the street.

Honey Cat House.

Hmm...the name...

After looking carefully for a moment and confirming that it was a serious business, she walked in.


As soon as he entered the door, a very cheerful sound of greeting reached his ears.

Looking around, I saw a girl with gray hair and gray eyes carefully cleaning the store.

The store was indeed very deserted. Except for the girl who looked like the boss and the waiter, there was only Mary. But it was obvious that the girl was very concerned about this store. Everything she looked at was wiped clean, and the counter was spotless.

Of course, having a spotlessly clean counter might not be a good thing for a store.

Seeing Mary entering the store, the gray-haired girl quickly put down her broom, clapped her hands and said hello.

Mary nodded, then looked around and found a place to sit down near the counter.

The gray-haired girl hurried to the counter, pulled out a menu, and handed it to Mary.

"Guest, look at what you want to eat."

After saying this, the gray-haired girl stood obediently in front of the table and looked at Mary expectantly.

As a result, Mary stared blankly at the menu. After a while, she raised her head and looked at the gray-haired girl:

"Is this a restaurant?"



The two looked at each other in silence. The gray-haired girl didn't realize what Mary said for a while, while Mary glanced at the name on the shop sign again, and then at the menu.

"Is this really a restaurant?"


The gray-haired girl's smile became a little stiff.

"Are you cooking cats here for others to eat?"


"Oh hahaha, that's it. Sorry, I made a mistake."

A few minutes later, Mary smiled awkwardly and apologized to the girl in front of her who looked a little angry.

"Um...it's nothing." The gray-haired girl shook her head, and then looked at her sign with a blank look.

"Is it because of the name? No wonder no one comes to my store."

Looking at the gray-haired girl who was feeling a little depressed, Mary couldn't help but smile.

During the brief chat just now, Mary found out that this girl's name was Lilia Arthur and she was a chef. She once accidentally ate an animal-type Devil Fruit, Cat Fruit, Shorthair Cat Fruit, by chance. She is a cat person, so she named her shop such a name.


"As soon as the name of this store sounds like it's a cattery, how can people who travel here think about buying cats?"

Mary said this, waking up Lilia.

Looking at Lilia who was in a state of severe self-denial, Mary coughed twice in embarrassment.

"Uh... let's do this. Serve me these two dishes."


Looking at the weird dish names on the menu, Mary raised her head solemnly.

"I suggest you even change the names of the dishes on your menu."


"Your order of 'Cat Tail Bamboo Sun' and 'Honey Cat Meat' are ready."

"It's Zhusun fried pork and honey braised pork!"

"Hey, but I obviously think this name is cute~"

"Who with a normal name like you would know what kind of dish this is, keso!"

Mary rolled her eyes at Lilia and watched her serve the two steaming dishes.

Coincidentally, it was already noon. Due to her fruit power, Mary had not eaten for a long time. Today is considered a fate, so I should comfort myself with something good.

Looking at the two dishes, Mary's brows jumped slightly.

Originally, because of these unreliable names, Mary thought that Lilia's cooking skills were not very high, but the dishes she cooked turned out to be surprisingly good... not bad?

Looking at the two pieces of meat that were both delicious and delicious, Mary hesitated for a moment, then started with the translucent meat braised in honey.

This is a taste of sweet meat.

When you dig it in with a spoon, the meat is soft and glutinous, like glutinous rice, a little sticky, but you can easily dig out a piece.

The lights in the store were relatively dim, but this piece of meat was inexplicably crystal clear under the light. The brown honey continued to release a stimulating sweet fragrance on the tip of Mary's nose.


Mary swallowed subconsciously and ate the piece of meat.


Looking at Mary who was suddenly stunned, Lilia asked cautiously:

"Well...how does it feel?"

It won't taste bad...

This is an experimental dish...

Lilia couldn't help but drum in her heart.

After a while, Mary exhaled a long breath, bringing with it a stimulating sense of meaty and sweet aroma.

Then, she immediately turned to look at Lilia.


"Eh, eh, is that so?" Looking at Mary's serious expression, Lilia waved her hand a little flattered: "Eh, hey, that's good, as long as the guests like it."

Mary nodded and looked at the two dishes on the table.



"Bring me the menu, I'm going to order some more."

"Ah, ah?"

"I am hungry."

This is the truth.

The moment the piece of meat entered her mouth, Mary found the feeling of her previous life.

In the world of One Piece, I have never eaten a few serious meals. When sailing on the sea, everything is kept simple. The principle is to eat as much as possible. The meals at the base are nutritionally balanced, high in energy, and don’t care much about the taste.

When sailing with Luffy and others, the food cooked by Sanji was indeed delicious, but the style of the pirates was strong, usually with heavy seasoning and very strong cooking methods, giving the dishes a strong [ A sense of heroism].

Or to make a simple analogy, the food Sanji cooks is more like Russian food and German food in his previous life.

At the banquet hosted by Weiwei after the Battle of Alabasta, the dishes featured juicy and juicy dishes. The exquisite tableware and picturesque dishes satisfied the eyes, the tangy aroma of wine satisfied the sense of smell, and the delicious food in the mouth satisfied the taste. , wine glasses and knives and forks are intertwined in a quiet and peaceful space, reflecting considerable elegance and sophistication.

By analogy, it is close to the French food in the previous life.

However, the dishes prepared by Lilia today are different.

That mouthful of braised meat, all the technicalism that serves the taste, almost maximizes the original properties of a piece of meat. On this basis, it is processed to create a sticky texture and a smooth taste like honey that it does not have at all.

This rather high-end technical flow gameplay was what Chinese food in the previous life was best at.

With this bite, Mary found the feeling of eating home-cooked food in her previous life, and it also aroused her long-lost appetite.

Not because of the taste of the food itself, but because of the memories these foods hold.

"Um, is there rice here?"

"Ah...only flour...do you want a staple food? Do you want noodles?"

"Yes! I want another ten pounds of golden cartilage, and I also want to chop it finely to make sauerkraut and sprinkle it on the noodles."


"Ahem, cough, just kidding."

Mary said with a rare playful smile: "Just give me a bowl of tomato and egg noodles - you know what I mean when I say that."

Lilia nodded.

After ordering the dishes she wanted to try, Mary smiled happily when she saw Lilia happily running to the kitchen to prepare.

Ha, it’s interesting that you can still taste this kind of taste...

After scooping up another spoonful of meat and putting it in her mouth, Mary looked up at the ceiling.

Speaking of which, the ship still lacks a professional cook. Lilia is also a person with fruit abilities, so she should be able to protect herself... Should we try to recruit her to the ship?

It's not impossible.

Uh, wait...

Mary sat up suddenly and stared at the plate of meat on the table.

Hmm... What did you originally come to this store for?

Forget it, let’s talk about it after we’re full.

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