Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 108: Intelligence Analysis

Mary returned to the Dandelion feeling refreshed.

This is the effect of replenishing vitality. It is normal to have a rosy complexion and a clear mind.

Kizaru is still very powerful, just a single laser was enough to subdue a slightly smaller Neptune. Although the size is slightly smaller, that is relative. At least it would be okay to let Mary suck her full life force.

"Hey, you're back?"

In the conference room, Kuhlman was the only one still sitting there, studying the documents.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he looked up, said hello, and then lowered his head again.

"Ah, go find someone to collect your debt, and come back when you're done."

As Mary spoke, she took off her military cap and put it aside.

Naturally, she sat on the main seat and picked up the latest issue of the newspaper to read.

"Hey, this guy Morgans has a special style of writing in Spring and Autumn Period."

Looking at the headline report on the news, Mary couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and said.

"It's just a basic public opinion propaganda method. The government should have contributed to the recent headlines. Almost all of them are positive news."

Kuhlman said in a nonchalant manner.

Purchasing channels, occupying the position of public opinion?

It doesn't feel like something the Warring Society would do.

Mary thought so in her heart.

"Is this Ms. Crane's idea?"

"I don't know, maybe. Anyway, if it were me, I would do the same."

Kuhlman said, closing the document in his hand.

"Whether it's true or not, it's necessary to praise a few of us. The great pirate era has had a great impact on the atmosphere of the entire world. The navy is now eager to set an example, and we are their chosen target. "

"I see, is this a role model effect?"

Mary shrugged and put down the newspaper.

"Forget it, no matter what they think, we just have to be ourselves."

“No matter what circumstances I find myself in, I will always be me.”

After saying that, she looked at Kullman who was flipping through the documents again and asked:

"Speaking of the others? I didn't seem to see them on the boat after I came back."

"Dasqi and Ai Xi accompanied Paul to the island to find a doctor. Enxia is currently enjoying the autumn breeze on the island. Anyway, we have to rest for a while, so we will just let her go."

"Are you fighting the autumn breeze..."

Enxia's work is to do his own business.

"As a navy, the heads of pirates she hunted can't be exchanged for money now, right?"

"Who knows, she probably has her own way."

"Hoho, is it a black world?"

Mary shook her head and was silent for a moment.

The only sound in my ears was the sound of Kuhlman flipping through books.

"Hey, Kuhlman," Mary leaned on the table and looked at Kuhlman: "Speaking of which, you have been reading the documents since the beginning. What happened?"

"It's nothing, but you still have to watch." Coleman said in a deep voice, "You are responsible for fighting and I am responsible for directing. Isn't this the position we set from the beginning? I was careless this time. The situation with Armand and Garrett I didn’t expect it, and it was still lacking.”

"Well, I honestly don't think it's your problem."

Mary wiped her sweat secretly. Although Mary knew that Coleman didn't mean anything else, these words still made her a little embarrassed as she had been fishy throughout the whole process.

"Only by knowing the movements of all known people can we predict things that have already happened. Such as this."

Kuhlman said, taking out a copy from the thick document and handing it to Mary.

"have a look."

Mary took the file and opened it to read. As she was flipping through the pages, Kuhlman's voice came from her ears.

"From the information in this document, the dragon has appeared frequently in the first half of the Grand Line recently, and has appeared on Drum Island and Upside Down Mountain. Although I don't know his purpose, I suspect that he may appear in Alabasta. body."

"The reason is very simple. Alabasta has recently changed to a new king. It is said that the new king's political skills and conduct are remarkable. As the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, for this new king who can make the former rebel army belong, I’m sure you’ll be a little curious too.”

"The land was nationalized and the means of capital production were made public... There are many similarities between this king's approach and that of the dragon."

"Speaking of which, Mary, judging from this document, this new king should have a close relationship with you, right?"

Having said this, Kuhlman took out another document and handed it to Mary.

This time Mary did not take it, but looked at Kuhlman with a straight look, as if she had seen a ghost.

"Where did you get these documents?"

"I asked Vice Admiral He to fax me all the public information collected by the Naval Intelligence Office in the past six months. This is only a part of it. I have just read almost one-tenth of it."

"Speaking of which, the Naval Intelligence Department is really good. It can even detect signs of dragons."

Looking at Kuhlman, who spoke in a calm tone while taking back the documents, Mary felt uncomfortable.

...You're not a bad guy either.

I can actually guess the dragon's current location based on this bit of information and my own intuition. Is this luck?

Or is it true strength?

"Speaking of which... I don't think I've heard much about the past from you."

Mary suddenly remembered something.

Kuhlman continued to look at the document without raising his head, and just said casually:

"Just a general, no big deal."

"All right……"

Mary sighed and stood up.

"I'm still not good at doing these things. Just take your time. I'll take the first step."

"Huh? Where are you going?"


Coleman twitched the corners of his mouth, a dark line on his face.

"...I remember it hasn't been three hours since you got out of the bathtub, right?"

"That's the joy of my life. It's just boring stuff."

"But I love it."

Mary said this, picked up her hat and put it back on her head.

"Only when I'm in the water can I feel my reality."

"...No, I'm almost so weak that I lose consciousness. How can I still feel my reality?"

"A person can only understand what kind of person he is when he is about to die. The same goes for taking a bath!"

"No, no, no, I don't understand it at all."

Coleman suddenly felt a headache. Compared with the mountains of information in front of him, this colleague of his made him feel even more elusive.

Although her power made people feel safe and reliable, and she didn't have many flaws in her character, the way she acted was always beyond his expectations, especially since this guy would say some confusing words from time to time.

He held his forehead and raised his hand.

"Forget it, go take a shower quickly and stop tormenting me."

Mary snorted softly, turned around and pushed open the door of the conference room to leave.

Coleman sighed and subconsciously touched around him, but came up empty.

"Hey, it's over, I've finished the coffee."

Looking at the empty teacups and bottles, Kuhlman felt the deep malice of the world.

"...Call Dasqi and ask them to bring a bottle with them when they come back."

Kuhlman thought this, shook his head, stood up, and walked to the deck.

He also needs to have some air and relax now.

However, Mary who walked out did not go to the bathhouse, but went straight to the training room.

She was just joking. Although she liked taking baths, she didn't mean to want to soak in the water all day long.

At least, she has other things to do now, so she won't rest first.

Taking off her military uniform and putting on a suitable training uniform, Mary released her armed domineering energy.

Then, I picked up the dusk.

Armed domineering energy wrapped around the blade.

Looking at the twilight with hints of darkness, Mary was thoughtful.

"I see, this is armed color entanglement..."

As she spoke, she took the initiative to wave the blade in her hand.

The sharp sound of breaking wind coming from the air was clearer than before.

Under Kizaru's guidance just now, Mary clearly felt some progress and found the right direction. She is now confident that she can take her sex scenes to the next level.

In comparison, the armed color cannot be put down. Although there are armed color enhancement elements, the efficiency is too low and it is troublesome to redeem them. It is best to use them for breakthroughs in the later stage when there is no way to advance, or to keep them as trump cards.

It is better for me to rely on my own practice to make progress as much as possible.

Mary knew that although she was the strongest among the six, her talent was actually the worst among the six. It's just that the system's various bonuses have allowed her to progress faster than everyone else.

But once she started to practice seriously, she could clearly feel the difference between herself and others.

It is no exaggeration to say that Mary's progress in dual-color domineering is almost the slowest among everyone.

Therefore, since your talent is not as good as others, you should work harder than others.

Now that she has obtained the weapon-colored domineering plug-in, she has to adapt to the sudden increase in power.

"The gas-like armed color is entangled outside the body, and then the next stage is to release the armed color domineering energy directly out."

"The difference..."

Mary tried to wave the dusk, and the haki flew out, but within a few feet, the armed haki dissipated in the air.

"Sure enough... it's not that simple."

Mary felt a little chilled in her heart.

Directly turning the armed domineering energy wrapped around an object into substance and flying it away may seem like just one step, but in fact it is a world of difference.

Armed Haki is the Qi born out of flesh and blood. The strengthening that is poured between flesh and blood and the sword is essentially an ultimate filling, but the difficulty of actually condensing it into hardening is completely different. This is the first hurdle. .

Moreover, how to keep the aura born of flesh and blood from dissipating in the air is the second hurdle.

Only by overcoming these two difficulties can Mary break through to the next stage.

Of course, simply and crudely stacking attributes is also possible, but the power gained in that way feels a bit unstable after all.

"Hmm...should I go pick up Kizaru's wool now?"

This ridiculous thought came to Mary's mind.

But it was just a fleeting moment.

If you think about it carefully, Kizaru must have left Shampoo Land at this time, right? Even if we can delay the delay at the headquarters, it probably won't be too long. After all, Kizaru came to Shampoo Land this time because he had a mission, and he would definitely have to go back to do it.

In the distant naval base, Kizaru, who had just finished arguing with Sengoku on the grounds that he was injured in the battle with Rayleigh and could not return home, sneezed hard.

"Hey...well, who is plotting against me?"

"Master, what should we do now?"

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Gabriel looked at the rough sea in the distance and asked Saint Edved.

"Rayley's done it, there are others."

Saint Edwin smiled, looking confident.

"We still need a lot, in all aspects."

"Rayleigh, the Lord, plus our three imperial ministers and numerous CP0s, even if we face the Four Emperors, we will not be worse than them. What else do we need?"

Gabriel couldn't help but wonder.

"Not even close. Gabriel, the world needs more than strength."

"As for intelligence, I can also be responsible for it." Gabriel added.

"It's still not enough." Saint Edved smiled mysteriously.

"..." Gabriel was confused.

"Gabriel, let me ask you, where does the wealth in this world come from?"

Saint Edved asked her.


This question really stumped Gabrielle, and after a while, she couldn't even answer it.

Saint Edwin shook his head with a smile and turned to look at the Chambord Islands.

The bustling crowd was reflected in his eyes.

"Gabriel, think about who created what we have now."

"Clothes, food, our weapons, our ships, where do they all come from?"

Gabriel followed Saint Edved's gaze and said thoughtfully:


"Yes, civilians are everything."

“What we have now is ultimately brought about by the people.”

Saint Edved nodded and said.

Gabriel was even more confused when he heard this: "Does this have anything to do with what we just said?"

"Don't you understand yet, Gabriel?" Saint Edved raised his hand slightly and pointed to the crowd: "We still need them."


Gabrielle's eyes widened slightly.

"The hearts and minds of the people are the most powerful weapon. We want our power to be justified, and for this, they are the most important and critical step."

"When the person the whole world supports is me, everything has just begun."

Having said this, Saint Edved turned to look at Gabriel, seemingly in possession of his wisdom.

"I have asked the Black Knight to find Morgans. The birdman is an indispensable part of our plan later. He controls the mouthpiece of this world."

"Water Dragon and Hades will protect Vinicius secretly, so that I can do my thing with peace of mind."

"...What about us?"

Gabriel couldn't help but ask.

Saint Edved smiled slightly and took out a permanent pointer from his arms.

"This is……"

Saint Edwin looked at Gabriel and said something in a calm tone that shocked Gabriel to the extreme.

"Let's go to Baldigo."


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