Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 102: Battle of Shampoo Land (End)


The heavy bloody knife struck his head, and Armand, who had only one hand left, resisted with difficulty and was knocked away.

Although the Yao Shi Pagoda was huge, it did not look bloated, and it clung to it immediately.

He grabbed Armand with one hand, and raised the knife with the other hand to strike.


Armand's anger surged and he slashed out with a sword energy. However, the bloody hand he grabbed immediately spread out to avoid the slashing blow, and then hit Armand with all its strength.

"damn it……"

She gritted her teeth and growled, tapping her toes on the ground and twisting her body as hard as she could, and then she managed to avoid Mary's heavy knife.

Mary, who was standing high above the demon statue, sat cross-legged, with Dusk standing next to her, looking at Armand who was dodging in embarrassment without any expression.

Just as Shanks thought at the time, after learning the weapon color, Mary's demon world changed qualitatively.

The armed color filled with every inch of blood, its domineering power is enough to make people despair.

This kind of fully armed giant is almost invincible when its combat power is not much different, not to mention that at first Armand thought he underestimated the enemy and had one of his hands cut off.

Although the fight proceeds step by step, Armand, who has lost his arm, may not be able to beat Mary. But Mary also wanted to try out the strength of this skill that she developed among the first batch.

Now it seems that the results are gratifying.

The huge strength, rapid speed, surging ghost energy, black fire from hell, and abundant armament allowed Mary to suppress Armand in all aspects without any pressure.

The only drawback may be that it consumes a lot of life force, but it doesn't matter, it's like sucking a Neptune-like thing back.

"Madman, madman..." Armand kept muttering something in his mouth. While waving the white fish, he racked his brains to think about how to escape.

The capabilities of this navy have exceeded expectations, and this terrible sense of oppression is not what a newcomer should have at all.

"Get away!"

Once again, Armand slashed away the approaching bloody knife, turned around and ran towards the boat where he and others came to Shampoo.

There is a phone bug on the ship to contact her mother. She wants to use this phone bug to call the pirate group in the nearby sea for support, and by the way, let her mother come and talk to this crazy navy.

At this time, she felt a familiar breath.

She had just felt this breath from another person.

"Wait, that's..."

Armand's eyes narrowed, and he captured what he saw and heard.

She discovered something.

Is that... the man that Garrett took away just now?

Wait, she brought this man back... What about Garrett?

Armand was startled, changed his direction, and quickly rushed towards Ashe and Kuhlman.

"What did you do to my sister!?"

Armand roared angrily as he ran.

Ai Xi glanced at Armand, who was speeding towards him, dragging Kuhlman and ran over thinking of Mary.

Armand's blood pressure skyrocketed, and just as he was about to slash out with a knife, a shadow fell above his head.



"You dare to be distracted while fighting me. It seems that the knife just now was not harsh enough."

Mary said sadly.

The knife covered in armed colors hit Armand's crest on the back, almost cutting her in half.

Anxiety leads to chaos.

With his attention and knowledge focused on Ai Xi, Armand was almost unprepared for the knife, and by the time he reacted, it was already too late to avoid it.

Even though he used all his weapons to harden his body for defense, Armand's body was still easily smashed into the ground under the golem's terrifying huge weight and avalanche-like power.

After a while, he couldn't calm down. And the black fire attached to her body was burning her flesh and blood all the time.

"Uh ah ah..."

Falling into the pit, she let out a miserable roar.

After taking a look at Ash, who quickly went to meet Paul, and the unconscious Coleman on her back, the anger in Mary's heart was slightly extinguished.

But looking at Armand who fell to the ground, although her clothes were burned by the flames, Mary's eyes did not change.

The murderous aura was still unabated, and it was cold to the bone.

"it's over……"

"It's time to finish."

She stood up and picked up the dusk beside her.

"Speaking of which, there is one more trick I haven't shown you."

"Let's experiment a little bit."


Mary pulled out the knife fiercely, and the Demon World Pagoda collapsed in an instant, forming a flaming blade that filled the sky.

The dense fire knives almost covered the sky within a few hundred meters. The flames burned and even the sky turned red.

"Blood Shower·Rain Shuttle·Destruction Born."

For a moment, all the fire knives turned and pointed at Armand.

The fire knife slowly rotated, bringing up a stream of heat, and a strange burning smell spread throughout the air.

The Blood Shuttle move was first used when he killed Mr. 5 in Whiskey Peak, and his strength was very different from that time.

The originally small blood shuttles were enlarged into blood knives the size of a person, burning black fire with a temperature exceeding that of magma. Thousands of countless fire knives floated in the air, aiming at a target from different locations. Attacking from an angle is [Born to Exterminate].

However, the real place where this move should be used should be when facing an opponent who is also a giant. Now, hitting Armand, who has almost lost the ability to resist, is suspected of hitting a mosquito with a cannon.

However, Mary, who now has the vitality to spend freely, doesn't care about this at all. It would be good to find someone who can test the power of this move in a legitimate way.

In the firelight, Mary's figure looked like a devil. Luo, who had not yet regained his composure, stared blankly at the red figure in the blood and flames. For a moment, he couldn't tell who was the real villain.

"This guy...is Mary?"

Luo murmured blankly.

He knew now why Paul said that and all he could do was tell Mary not to kill him.

Luo was watching from the sidelines with this kind of pressure, his heart pounding.

Law was not sure whether his enemy Doflamingo was so scary back then.

"Go to hell."

Mary raised Dusk high and waved it downward.

For a moment, many blood knives burst out at Armand with incredible speed, so fast that they almost formed a line, leaving dark traces in the air, which looked spectacular.


Armand's eyes widened, blood spilled from her mouth, and she struggled to stand up and say something, but when she forced herself to stand up, the fire knife was already in front of her!


Armand stared blankly at Chi Chijian's fire knife, his mind going blank.

How could...encounter such a thing?

Damn it, I shouldn't have kidnapped that navy...

Almost everything was caused by the kidnapping of the navy. That guy Garrett... made a wrong decision.

But what happens to Garrett now?

Armand half raised his body with difficulty, stood tenaciously on the ground, and tried to forcefully swing the knife.

In fact, it is just preparation for the coming death.

Success or defeat, the people she killed before didn't know how they felt.



Just when Armand closed her eyes, a golden figure appeared next to her.

Then, before anyone could react, he slapped her hard on the head!

The huge impact made her faint, but this kick also made her directly out of Mary's strike range!


Looking at the figure that suddenly appeared under the attack, Mary shrank, and all the blood knives suddenly stopped.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk, it's so scary, little Mary."

Kizaru stood smiling playfully at Mary, while the nearest fire knife was only an inch away from him.

There were even wrinkles on his cheeks caused by the heat of the flames.

"General Kizaru, why are you here? And...what do you mean?"

Mary said with a frown.

She closed her eyes slightly, and all the flames were extinguished at the same time. Then, a large amount of blood fell from the sky and merged into the earth.

Looking at the ground that was gradually stained red with blood and Mary falling slowly, Kizaru spread his hands.

"Kulman asked me to come. As for why, you can ask him when he wakes up."

"Ms. Ghost was one of the top leaders of the Big Mom Pirates. It would be such a waste to die like this."

"Marshal of the Warring States Period told me to come to Shampoo to arrest someone. The person I want to arrest probably won't be captured. Then you can arrest someone else to deal with the marshal. This Armand is pretty good."

"Little Mary, you have to be considerate of me~"

Kizaru narrowed his eyes and smiled, and his rude tone made Mary's eyelids twitch wildly.

Looking back at Paul, Paul slowly shook his head at her.

Although Coleman was unconscious, his breathing was steady and his body was obviously fine.

Taking a deep breath, Mary looked back at Kizaru, who was smiling half-heartedly.

"...Help me fight a Neptune type later."

Mary said expressionlessly.


"make a deal."

After the simple PY deal was concluded, Mary stopped looking at the unconscious Armand and turned around to run to Paul.

She didn't forget that Paul had a broken arm.

Kizaru looked at Mary who was walking away thoughtfully, then glanced at the mangrove area No. 13, mentioned Armand, and turned into light and escaped.

Dasqi had arrived belatedly at this time and was squatting next to Paul, bandaging Paul nervously.


Mary rushed over, shouted, quickly ran to Paul, and held Paul's hand.

Dasqi sat aside obediently and didn't ask why. Paul and Ashe also looked at Mary silently, not doubting her actions.

After a while, Mary sighed and let go of Paul.

"No, I can't treat you."

Although it was not shown, Mary already understood at this time that Paul was not a "pure soul".

Her life force could not flow into Paul's body.

"……Feel sorry."

Mary pressed her hat slightly.

"I'm a little late."

"No, Mary, it's not your fault."

Paul said with a stiff face and shook his head.

Mary obviously didn't want to say anything more on this topic, but ran to the side to check on Kuhlman.

Dasqi was about to bandage it again, but suddenly, her movement was interrupted again.


This was an unfamiliar voice, and everyone was stunned for a moment and turned to look.

Luo ran over panting.

"...I can treat him, I'm a doctor."

Seeing Mary's cold expression, as if she might choose someone for her at any time, he swallowed and quickly raised his hands to show his identity.

Perhaps he felt that this was not convincing enough, so he pointed at Paul and said:

"I am not your enemy! You can ask Paul. I have not done anything harmful. I have been fighting with him just now."

"He's right."

Paul nodded weakly.

"...Dasqi, let him try." Mary closed her eyes and twisted her neck irritably.

"He's right, he is indeed a doctor."

"oh oh……"

Dasqi vaguely dodged away from Paul, and Luo followed him to his side and took Paul's broken arm.

After looking at it carefully several times, Luo let out a sigh of relief.

"You're lucky."

As soon as these words came out, Luo himself couldn't help but shake his head.

He was lucky enough to have his arm cut off, but he really couldn't speak.

"Ahem, in short, when the white woman cut off your arm, maybe she was trying to take advantage of it, and she cut it off along your joints."

"The bones are not damaged, I can help you put them back together."

"It's just that your meridians may be affected and your arm movements will be stuck in the future. Of course, this is possible, but it doesn't necessarily happen."

"If you are worried that this will affect your future fighting, my suggestion is not to attach the arm. It may be more convenient to use a mechanical prosthesis in the future."

After Luo finished speaking, he stared at Paul to get his answer.

He could treat Paul, but there were pros and cons to this treatment, so he asked Paul for his opinion.


Paul’s answer was also straightforward.

Luo nodded, lowered his head and began to perform his own surgery.

Although the environment is very harsh, I can't care too much at this time.

After checking Kullman's condition and confirming that he was only unconscious due to serious injuries and dehydration, Mary breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and walked back.

Looking at Luo who was attentive, he was silent for a moment, then standing behind him, Mary said:

"You must be a pirate, right? Why don't you choose to escape now after seeing what happened just now?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will catch you?"

Luo didn't even raise his head and continued his operation.

He couldn't tell the specific reason, but thinking about the scene where Paul risked his life to save himself just now, it was hard for him to harden his heart.

Seeing Paul's broken arm without trying treatment, he felt a little stuck in his heart.

Perhaps, he saw a little bit of Corazon in Paul. Although the two are completely different.

After a long time, Mary shook her head.

"After the operation, I won't hunt you down for one day."

"If you let me meet you again after one day, you will be unlucky."

Because Luo has been helping Paul and risking arrest and death to treat Paul, Mary is not a completely cold-blooded guy.

Just like she let go of the Straw Hats in Alabasta, Mary could also let go of pirates like Luo who had no background.

As long as Luo is not an idiot, this is equivalent to letting him live.

Luo remained unresponsive, as if completely absorbed in the operation.


Mary seemed to suddenly remember something and patted Luo's shoulder.

"Doflamingo, do you know this person?"

The movements in Luo's hands stopped.

"What do you mean?"

He asked awkwardly.

"...He is my enemy."

"If you want to cause trouble for him one day in the future, you can come to me."

"As Paul's medical expenses."


Mary said thoughtfully.

Luo's expression also became incomprehensible.

Both of them have their own little plans in their hearts.

"Has Your Majesty's strength grown to this point?"

Gabriel, who was in the distance, slowly withdrew his emotions and looked into the distance with emotion.

A lot of things have indeed happened over the years.

As soon as I thought about it, another group of desperate pirates who tried to make some extra money by approaching the No. 13 mangrove area were chewed into bones by insects.

"It seems that I can go back to find my master and revive him..."

She stood up and murmured softly.

Suddenly, a strange sound of breaking wind came from the distance.

Then a golden figure appeared behind Gabriel, carrying Armand.


Gabriel's penis shrank, and although he didn't make any movement, his whole body became tense.

"Oh, oh, oh, isn't this symbol CP0?"

An incoherent voice came from behind her, but it was full of oppression.

"General Kizaru, I have nothing to do with this incident."

Gabriel said calmly: "I'm just observing the situation."

"That's impossible to say."

"A circle of small things surrounding the No. 13 mangrove area is quite densely arranged."

"You have some ability."

The greasy uncle's sinister tone was still harsh in Gabriel's ears.

"I didn't come to Shampooland this time just for those little guys."

"If I remember correctly, um, 'Pluto' should be here, right?"

"It seems there is something strange happening, little girl, can you explain it to me?"

Gabrielle looked back at Kizaru.

So...are you here for Pluto?

She narrowed her eyes slightly.

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