Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 960: : Fengyun gathering [6]

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Chapter 960: Fengyun Convergence [6]

"I can't manage that much." The Yin said with a sigh of relief, "Wu Wei, Wing, he didn't understand, was swallowed, turned into a monster like us, how painful, how can I watch him hurt? ?"

"You can just say," he still hesitated.

After the yin, he smiled and said: "He has broken love and love, and his feelings for one person will soon be forgotten. As long as Phoenix North does not appear, I bet that no more than a month, the wings will not have this. Strong."

After listening to it, he nodded and slowly retreated.

"Weiyang." After the yin seems to think of something, and once again called Weiyang, said: "You go to see the spirit, tell him, the mercenary Wang Ling appeared again, he did not always want to investigate the mercenary union thing? This may be a good opportunity."

"Yes." Weiyang took the lead and went down immediately.

Resting behind the back of the chair, faintly said: "The mercenary king ordered the day, this is your thing..."

Guangyao Temple

The birds pass by in the low air, and under the clouds of white clouds, there is a hint of peace and softness in the temple of light.


A stone fell into the fountain, inspiring countless golden flowers.

"Where is the red lotus statue so angry?" Meng Haotian, who came from a distance, just saw the red lotus on the side of the fountain holding the sacred spring water and throwing the stones one by one.

Honglian saw him, and there was no good face. He sat down to the fountain and raised his finger to the temple of light. He asked: "Meng Yutian said that you are a master of all things, you will say that Molian is in the temple of light. Three days, what is it?"

"I said, I know the world, but I don't know people's hearts. Besides, I am such a person as Merlin. How can I understand it?" Meng Haotian shook his head and smiled helplessly, but he looked at the temple and looked more. A layer of deep meaning.

Hong Lian could not see through the deep meaning of his eyes, only disdain to say: "Useless!"

Meng Haotian did not explain, just smiled and asked: "Honglian respects, I want to go in and see the Holy King, do you go together?"

"I won't go! I will see the ink lotus look like it!" Red Lotus snorted and jumped from the fountain and walked away from home.

Meng Haotian shook his head and went to the Temple of Light.

The Temple of Light is built in the highest place, towering into the sky, and looking from a distance, if it is in the clouds, it is especially sacred when it is illuminated by the sun.

Standing in front of the Temple of Light, the whole person seems to be a small ant, not enough.

Pushing open the tall temple door, the echo of the door opened in the silent temple, oh yeah, it is very empty feeling.

Meng Haotian walked in slowly. Along the way, the temple was lit with lights. All the way was a dazzling light, and the gold on the walls and the floor of the temple was especially brilliant.

The passage of the temple is long, long like life, and at the end, where the holy prince is, under the numerous brilliant lights, the sacred is impossible to look directly at.

At the moment, among the lights, there was a barely black figure, and it seemed to be one of the thousands of stone statues in the temple.

Sure enough, here.

Meng Haotian sighed softly, walked up quickly, bypassed the ink lotus, went to the depths of the temple, kneel down, bowed his head, did not dare to look up after the heavy gauze curtain.

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