Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 948: : Thousands of miles to kill [4]

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Chapter 948: Thousands of miles to kill [4]

She is seriously injured now, which is not conducive to long-term circulation, otherwise it will only be her!

"Go!" The hand fell and slashed the shadow of the fight with the thousand generations of winter children. Huang Beiyue grabbed her and jumped on the back of the ice magical bird. The hands were printed and countless ice blades gathered in an instant. Attack on those shadows! She also took the opportunity to fly high!

"She ran! Don't let her run! Chasing!" Seeing her leave, there are still a lot of black shadows that ignore the sharpness of the ice blade, and they catch up and get stabbed and not retreat!

Really a group of difficult people!

The phoenix moon eyebrows flashed through the flame moiré, and one hand stretched out. The red hex shield appeared in the hands, the fire was shining, the light was shining, and the flames danced back!

The huge hexagonal star was in front of those shadows, and the burning flame burned them back, and the splashing Mars suddenly provoked a scream.

The red candle that was fighting with the shadows turned back and looked at her with concern, muttering: "Master"

The red hex shield needs a strong support, and now the injured owner will be countered by red inflammation.

Seeing the ice magical bird has already flown into the distance, the red candle is no longer polite, and the body of the dragon becomes a **** splash, killing a **** road, and she immediately chases to the north of the moon, no longer in love!

On the back of the ice magical bird, the thousand generations of winter children hold the phoenix moon on one knee, and "there is a serious injury and you must be stubborn!"

Huang Beiyue smiled bitterly: "Now I can only talk to you about the West, and I am afraid that it is still not safe on the road. It depends on you."

Looking back, the floating forest is already far away, and the vast and boundless forest seems to never see the end. In the morning sun, the forest still emits a chill of horror.

In what direction is Beibei?

Her mind was a little dizzy, but she had already been unclear, but only vaguely saw the far north, and there seemed to be a shadow of the faint city.

She thought to herself: This time, she has to lose another appointment.


Within a day, I was stunned twice in a row, and this taste was absolutely uncomfortable.

When I woke up again, the ice magical bird had landed and reached the land of Xiqiao, which was a little safer.

Chiyoda was immediately contacted by the people of the Holy Blood Palace. Not long after, the members of the Holy Blood Palace who stayed on the border sent high-ranking people to protect them to the capital of Xiqiao.

In the bumpy carriage, Huang Beiyue woke up, and the sound of rain was heard in the ear, and the wheel made a difficult walking sound on the muddy road.

It was raining, and the cold air came in from the window of the car. It was vaguely accompanied by a feeling of coldness and coldness. It did not seem to belong to the world.

When she saw her wake up, the red candle immediately said happily: "Master! You finally woke up!"

Huang Beiyue’s throat was dry and couldn’t speak. The red candle quickly took out the dewdrops of the Bijing tree that had been collected before, and gave it to her to ease the dryness of the smoke in the throat. She slowly asked: “ Why do you have to take a carriage?"

The ice magical bird is flying faster in the air. It can reach Liyang in a short time. The ancient transportation of the carriage is not only slow, but also bumpy. They are running away. How can they choose to ride a carriage?

I heard the sound of the red candle in the thousands of winter children who had been fighting. I whispered.

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