Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 895: : Love is heard [13]

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Chapter 895: The Voice of Love [13]

No, the source of this luck is the ghost face who is forced by him to be retired behind him!

Wei Yanran's hands trembled, taking out the white jade from her arms. She had just never returned from the Yang Palace. This can bring her all the jade, she has always been close, not afraid to let it leave.

At the moment of taking out the jade, the wind and the wings looked at her eyes, and it changed obviously. The deep purple seemed to shake, like a broken star.

Huang Beiyue also stunned, and did not know why, suddenly flashed a strange feeling.

When the sorrowful tune rang in the air, the murderous murder that had been permeated by the wind and the wings slowly dissipated.

The voice plunged into my heart and seemed to really solve everything.

"That jade..." Sakura Night Princess saw Wei Yanran take out the jade, and he was a little bit stunned. When he saw the jade carefully, he wanted to speak loudly.

However, if the words were not finished, they were stopped by a North Moon eye and prevented her from continuing.

Sakura Night Princess does not understand why, but the North Moon does not let say, she will not say.

However, she shouted, but Wei Weiran was shocked. When the hand trembled, the tune changed and could not continue to play.

The wind and the wing of the wing smothered, and some of them looked at Wei Weiran intricately. Then they raised their hands and gently swung them. The Shura City masters surrounded by them began to quit.

"You, one day, will fall into the hands of you. The next time you meet, you won't have such good luck." The wind stared at her sly mask, and the voice was low and cold.

"In front of my majesty, my luck seems to have been good all the time." Phoenix North smiled and smiled, the first time there was the help of Flame World of Warcraft, the second time Wei Weiran hostage.

Every time I turned the risk, it seems that God did not treat her badly.

The face of the wind and the wing will be gloomy in an instant, so the face of the beautiful city, even if it shows the murderous enthusiasm, can still confuse people.

I am afraid that even if he wants to kill a person now, someone will be willing to wait for him to kill a knife!

Huang Beiyue withdrew the enchantment around the Sakura Night Princess and let her walk to her side, then continued to hold Wei Weiran and slowly left.

The wind is staring at them, the ghost face, he will never let her go!

Suddenly, the wind blew, and the heavy snow that had been swelled from the sky, so the big snow, even the line of sight was blurred.

The figure of Huang Beiyue and others slowly disappeared into the heavy snow.

However, very quickly, the heavy snow stopped. There was no Sakura Night princess and the ghost face on the open space in front of him. Only Wei Weiran shivered in the snow like a little beast that was injured.

The wind winger glanced at her and turned around. He told the people of Shura City: "The whole city searched, she was injured and could not run!"

"Yes!" The flame lion saw that this was a good opportunity for revenge and revenge, and he immediately led the people.

"Northern month, you have been seriously injured, take a break for a while!" The whistling wind blew in the ear, and the ice magical bird flew in the sky, no one could see it.

Already escaped, Huang Beiyue is still alert around, not willing to deal with wounds.

"No, let's go back immediately." She said stubbornly, after taking off the mask, she licked her lips. "He must have sent someone to chase us now. If he stops, he will definitely be caught!"

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