Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 882: : Ice Curse [13]

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Chapter 882: The Curse of Ice [13]

After half a ring did not hear his response, Sakura Night Princess looked up very confusedly, trying to quietly look at his reaction, but looked up, but found that he had already gone far, the two blocked her Shura City Man, also silently retired to the darkness.

She was as uncomfortable as losing her heart, her eyes were red for a moment, and the tears of Yingying were turning around in her eyes, and she slipped down with a glance.

Wing brother, this maybe, maybe it was the last time I met this life.

Sucking the sour nose, she slowly turned around and shook her voice back, only to walk a few steps, and found a person standing in front of her eyes.

Looking up, the wind | Liu Gongxi, one of the sons of Liu Xiu, looked at her with a distressed look. She was blinded by her crying eyes and immediately said: "I, I haven't seen anything!"

"You have long wanted to see my jokes, right? Now I finally saw it, I am satisfied!" Sakura Night Princess did not wipe her eyes in an image, and she cried and ran away.

"I, I don't have it...." Cao Xiu looked at her innocently, and her heart was sour.

Although the emperor left the palace banquet tonight, but the queen was sitting in the town, the guests were also happy, until the middle of the night to disperse.

Sakura Night Princess also went back to the museum early. When she went back, she shut herself in the room and cried. Unparalleled and no joy was useless. In the end, she could only cry with her.

Her room was not far from the room of Huangbeiyue, and the crying came over. The phoenix moon with her eyes closed suddenly frowned, and the red candle quickly shouted: "The owner is careful!"

The voice just fell, and there was a glare of white light shining from the heart of the phoenix. The light flashed across the eyebrow and was immediately pierced by a hole. A drop of blood leaked out, and at the same time, a frosty pattern appeared in the eyebrow. A little flash, it sneaked away.

The tiny bloodshot blood flowed out from the corner of the phoenix moon. She leaned against the red candle and slowly opened the bloodshot eyes.

Red candle sighed: "Good insurance... How can the owner be distracted at this time?"

Huang Beiyue casually pulled the sleeves and dried the blood on the corner of his mouth. He palely smiled at the corner of his mouth: "I am not good."

“Is the owner worried about Sakura Night Princess?” The red candle slowly turned back to humans, holding her back on the cushion, and explored her pulse with concern.

Fortunately, at the crucial moment, the master can still suppress the ice energy that almost ran around with strong thoughts. Otherwise, it will be broken by the thick ice energy!

"Go and see what happened." Phoenix North took a rest and sat up.

The red candle knows that she can't stop her, she takes out the jade jade liquid and gently clicks on the wound of her eyebrows.

The character of the master is the same as that of the aunt. The outsiders are cold-blooded, and they can always have a caring for their own people. Is this a shortcoming or an advantage?

As soon as the North Moon went out, Asare and Jike, who had frozen into the ice, stood up. Both of them had ice on their eyebrows. How funny it would be to laugh.

"Lord, master, you, you go out, shut..." Asare has been unable to speak, and Jike can't speak at all.

"Red candle, help them thaw." Huang Beiyue smiled and shook his head. These guys, once they decided to be loyal, they put on their lives and people could not help but admire them.

The red candle smiled and took them both down, and Huang Beiyue went to the room of Princess Sakura Night.

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