Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 871: : Ice Curse [3]

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Chapter 871: The Curse of Ice [3]

It is a pity that the son of the son can only be exiled in the gentle township and drowned in the heap of fat powder.


After going back, I was worried about the Princess Sakura Night, and I was able to return to the room with the phoenix and the red candle to study the ‘冰寒冰蝎’.

This scorpion really is a treasure that has only been seen in the millennium. If the box is not opened, there will be a cold feeling that breaks into the bone marrow. This kind of thick ice is really rare in the world.

The red candle: "There are no such high-quality ice elements in the high-end ice properties. This ‘blue ice scorpion’ is a pure ice-making furnace.”

"This is Wei Wuchen's baby. He will give pain to the wind and wing. It is obvious how much he values ​​this son-in-law and the future allies in his heart." Huang Beiyue gently opened the box, and the dazzling blood color will be reflected. The faint green light also permeated.

It was only recently that the two scorpions were not only moving, but also very cute. They had big eyes and small mouths. The tail of the scorpion behind them was sharp and pointed, and the transparent brilliance was dazzling. When I saw the box opened, a beautiful face. When they came together, the two nephews happily shook their tails and climbed up and down in the box.

"Master, it seems that compared to the stinky man like Wei Wuchen, they still prefer the beauty of the owner."

Huang Beihe smiled happily: "If this is what Wei Wuchen heard, he must not be mad, and he took a lot of effort to get the baby, so it is so cheap."

Red candle: "Fortunately, those real assassins came, otherwise, they almost could not get it!"

Speaking of the assassin, Huang Beiyue remembered their purpose and asked: "What was the expression of Yan and Princess and Wei Wuchen?"

"I asked Asare to follow the owner's instructions, wearing red hair, wearing a cloak and shaking it in our pretending assassin, Wei Wuchen was scared at the time, and the princess also said, "The red candle did not continue, she I know very well that the princess and the princess are the relatives of the master. I know that being betrayed by my loved ones will not be good.

Huang Beiyue knew in his heart that probably the princess and the princess were not too scared at the time.

"Master, don't be upset, maybe you don't have a collusion with the princess and Wei Wuchen, just a coincidence." The red candle comforted her awkwardly.

Huang Beiyue smiled and said: "I only believe in my eyes, and everything else does not believe."

She is a self-confident person and confident in her judgment.

She and the princess so many sneaky moves, she did not believe that these are just coincidences.

At this time, in the pavilion, the masters of the East are away from the country, and the drip is not leaking. Others simply want to get closer!

"Mixed! Why can't you see? You don't mean that as long as you have a place, is your eyes everywhere?"

The scream of anger came from Wei Wuchen’s room. The generals had always been scheming and had never seen him so angry. Those who did not dare to act rashly.

"The general, the man may be hiding in the palace, so the small can't see it." Xuanyin held the mirror and slammed it down.

"The palace? Hey! Useless things! You think of the way to the old man, even in the palace, you have to search for me again!" Wei Wuchen angered.

Xuanyin was crying and mourning: "The generals, the enchantment in the palace is under the cloth of Shura City, and it is incredibly powerful. Even if there is a small ability, you can't see it inside!"

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