Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 831: : 出出北曜[3]

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Chapter 831: Getting out of Beibei [3]

This time, her own one thousand horse guards, there is absolutely no need to worry about safety along the way, Cao Xiuzhi only happy.

When the team set off, Cao Xiu got on the gorgeous big carriage. When he sat in it, he smelled a fragrant woman's fragrance. He was so intoxicated that he was almost floating.

"What are you doing in? Go out!"

A squeaking sound, followed by a slap in the face, Cao Xiuzhi sighed and squatted on the carriage's brocade.

"Don't think that you will stay with the Princess, and you will be left behind. The name of Cao is the one who hates you like this!"

Cao Xiuzhi raised his head in silence and looked sadly at the beautiful beauty who spoke. The eyes became obsessively turned into a heart shape. "Princess, small willing to become a dog, sleeping at your feet every day."

‘ 哧 哧 一 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Sakura Night Princess, Liu Mei is upside down, and she is so angry that she pulls out the sword: "You give me a roll, believe it or not, I killed you!"

Cao Xiuzhi shrank his neck and pitifully curled up in the corner. "I, can't I stay close to you? If I go out, isn't that ruining my name, the world's first son?" How can I go horse riding alone?"

Sakura Night Princess looked at him disgustedly. If he could, he killed him with a sword and left it to only pollute the eyes!

"Forget it, he likes to stay, let him stay." Huang Beiyue leaned on the cushion, lazy to say, Alia was thoughtfully helping her with her back behind her, while watching Cao Xiuzhi The smile is straight.

In fact, if Cao Xiuzhi is not such a superb, it is really a beautiful son.

"Thank you for the county magistrate, or the county owner is the most considerate of me." Cao Xiuzhi's pleasing face immediately turned to Phoenix North, but when she touched her cold scorpion, she immediately closed her mouth and lowered her head.

This North Moon County Lord is terrible, he can't dare to provoke.

Sakura Night Princess simply turned around and couldn’t understand and said, “Why would you choose such a shameless person?”

"Cao Gongzi is not so useless, at least, from his appearance to the present, you are not too sad, right?" Huangbei Yue smiled.

Sakura Night Princess whispered and said, "What is this?"

"You really decided to go to Beibei with us? Did you hesitate yesterday?"

Sakura Night Princess turned her head and looked at the outside of the carriage. The voice was soft. "I thought about it. You are right. You have to ring the bell to solve the bell. I have to die completely, and I will not be sad."

Huang Beiyue smiled and thought it was a good thing. I hope that she went to Beibei and saw the current wind and wings. I can really give up.

"Isn't that aunt and aunt?" Sakura Night Princess looked outside, and suddenly she slammed her eyes and squinted her eyes several times before she determined that she was not mistaken.

In the eyes of Huang Beiyue, there was a slight disappointment in the eyes, but it was fleeting and smiled and said: "Do you want to go to Beibei?"

"Yes! The emperor has ordered that the princess and the princess brought a thousand people to the escorts, and like the ambassadors, they are all the envoys of the northern country!" Cao Xiuzhi saw that they had doubts, they could finally When I had the opportunity to speak, I quickly said.

"Shut up! Don't want to hear you!" Sakura Night Princess screamed.

Cao Xiuzhi silently shut up, watching the ten beautiful pictures on his fan secretly hurt.

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