Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 810: : Extraordinary Soul [18]

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Chapter 810: Extraterrestrial Spirit [18]

"Do not worry, Master is very powerful!" Feng Yayu said proudly.

Fang Yanniang smiled and said: "These two days are not only the people who came to the palace, but also the Bujier family, the Anguo government, and the Princess Sakura Night came to the door personally. Oh, you can't miss it."

"These people, Master wants to see the natural meeting." Feng Yayu finished the last crystal shrimp dumplings, satisfied to lean on the chair.

"What do you mean, Master doesn't want to see me?"

I was sighing that life was beautiful. There was suddenly a clear young boy sounding outside. Soon, a noble and handsome boy came in.

Exquisite gray leather, a black snow mane from the shoulder to the waist, black leather boots on the ground stepping on the sound of a slap, holding a sword in the hand, a little safari national taste, as if just from Hunting back outside.

"You are?" Feng Yayu looked up at this extravagant teenager and seemed to feel where she had seen it.

"You?" The other party seemed to think that he was familiar, and the two looked at each other.

Feng Yayu’s brain was bright, and he remembered that this person was the young Lolo of the Bujier family! When he was in Huijing on the same day, Quan Wang personally met him. At that time, Feng Yayu was also present!

In order to avoid being recognized, Feng Yayu quickly stood up and coughed and said: "Master is retreating and practicing. I don't want anyone to bother, please come back tomorrow!"

Fortunately, at the beginning, he did not like to follow the power king to attend this kind of activity. All he just hurriedly showed up and left. He did not meet with the young Lolo, otherwise, today, don’t wear it?

Lolo also really couldn’t remember where he had seen him. He was provoked by his words. The sword eyebrowed: "Who is your master?"

"The North Moon County Lord is my master!" Seeing that he did not seem to recognize himself, Feng Yayu dared to speak boldly.

"Nonsense! Why don't I know?" Lolo was anxious, looking at the boy in front of him, his eyes were bright and eye-catching, his lips were red and white, and he was a spoiled and noble son. He must have never suffered from urinating. How could it be Master? apprentice?

He did not know that in the heart of Feng Yayu, he himself is such a person?

However, Feng Yayu is indeed weaker. Lolo grew up from a young age. Although he lived with the stars and the moon, he often secretly followed the mercenary groups to practice. In the Bujier family, because of his mind. Smart and flexible, and deeply praised by some elders.

Feng Yayu is completely a flower in the greenhouse. The excessive love of the Queen of Ya, makes him almost unable to see the world.

"My Master received the apprentice, why do you want to know?" Feng Yayu said dissatisfied.

Lolo immediately said, "I am the first apprentice of Master. Where did you run over?"

Feng Yayu looked at Lolo with his big eyes and was shocked. Lolo waited for an excuse to make up. After waiting for a long time, Feng Yayu was surprised and shouted and shouted: "Brother!"

Lolo’s face was immediately dark. “Who is your brother?”

"Master has said many times that his brothers are young and talented, smart and diligent, and they are hardworking and eager to learn. Today, I finally saw my brother, and I am really happy!"

"Oh? Did Master really say that?" Lolo’s black face suddenly spread out. He felt that the boy was suddenly very kind and asked with joy: "What did Master say?"

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