Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 560: : Shura City [8]

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Chapter 560: The City of Shura [8]

******************North Moon Dynasty ******************

The haze of the sky, the gray clouds have been shrouded in the sky above the smoldering forest. The suffocating gas from the forest is very poisonous. A rabbit accidentally ran over and the body passed through the suffocation. Immediately fell to the ground and died, seven holes bleed, and the hair on his body quickly withered.

For a while, the wind didn't know where to blow it. He passed the human body and only felt the coldness of the cockroaches.

In the yellow grass in front of the Xunqi forest, the mercenary coalition stood there, looking at the front with a dignified look, and the body of the rabbit on the ground seemed particularly shocking!

Is this the entrance to Shura City? It’s so chilling just because the entrance is gone, after that...

From here, you can see a path of dry grass that stretches in and out, leading to a very deep place. The path is surrounded by black swamps. There are many dead bodies of animals in the middle of the dense grass. A large tree growing up in the west grows inside, and the branches are twisted and swayed, and there is a stench.

When Honglian saw this scene, she frowned and said disgustingly: "The really disgusting place! Sure enough for the group of monsters in Shura City to live!"

Meng Haotian said: "Don't be picky, let's not come to play, and there will be more dangerous waiting for us in a while."

Although Hong Lian complains, how can he not understand? I snorted and wanted to talk to Merlin. I turned around and found that he had gone to the suffocating forest!

"Mr. Moline!" Yu Wenqi shouted, but Mo Lian did not hear it at all. In a few steps, he walked into the suffocating air that was as dangerous as a mist. The figure faintly went away.

"There is no need to worry about anyone who can't see anything! It really is that the eyes are not seen as net!" The mercenary whispered.

Hong Lian cold and cold eyes swept away, those people immediately shut up, no one dare to speak a word!

"Monday night, are you not refining a hundred poisonous Dans? Why are you not sending them to everyone?" Honglian looked uncomfortably to Phoenix North, and Moline had already entered, according to his personality, which he did not know, in it. They must be lost, they are better to hurry up.

Huang Beiyue raised his head slightly, his finger flicked, and a palm-sized kit was thrown into the hands of Honglian. The red lotus was just picked up, and a stench smell came out!

The stink was really irritating, and Honglian immediately threw the kit and angered: "Do you dare to play me? What is this?"

Huang Beiyue looked at her lazily, took a look at the kit, and turned to walk in the suffocating forest. Jike and Asare followed, and Zongnan led another person to see them into the suffocating There is nothing to do, so I am bold enough to follow up.

Red Lotus stupidly turned to look at Canghe Dean and Yu Wenzhao and others. "What happened to her?"

Dean Canghe has always disliked this arrogant woman, and she is a man of Guangyao Temple. It is not a good thing like the people of Shura City. Therefore, it is only a faint sacredness: "This kit is a special medicine for the moonlight night. It can prevent all poisonous insects from invading the body, and the taste of this medicine can make the suffocation also retreat."

"Is this disgusting thing?" Hong Lian dismissed. "She is not fooling people, isn't it a hundred poisonous Dan?"

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