Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 556: : Shura City [4]

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Chapter 556: The City of Shura [4]

Luo Wei and Huang Beiyue's seats are far apart, so Huang Beiyue just nodded in a faint spot. Anyway, people who are cold and lonely are used to it. She is too lazy to succumb to these people.

"Everyone, this is the entrance to Shura City, located in the smog forest on the north side of the Floating Forest." Yu Wenxi spoke up, and his men hung a topographic map on the wall, marking the location of the entrance to Shura City in red. .

This is the Chamber of the Qi Wangfu of Beibei, the space is very large, dozens of people sitting inside is not crowded, everyone looked at the map, and then whispered.

Helium forest, as the name suggests, is because it is full of poisonous suffocation, and it is a very dangerous swamp, full of all kinds of poisons, some poisons are still quite powerful spirits, spirits and the like, than float Those high-ranking spirit beasts in the light forest are even more difficult to deal with!

There is almost a dead zone, dangerous, and there are no good things. Many mercenaries are not willing to take risks in the past. Sometimes they hurt themselves and they don't get any benefits. Why are you going to join in this fun?

"His Royal Highness, this suffocating forest is quite dangerous. Those poisons are the most difficult to prevent. How should we deal with it?" Someone asked.

That suffocating forest is a nightmare for anyone!

Yu Wenzhao frowned slightly. He couldn't do anything about it because he had never been to Shura City. Only the map of Shura City left by the wind wing allowed him to take advantage of it.

It is also based on this map, so these high gestures on the mainland of Calta are willing to participate in this action. The mystery of the mysterious Shura City has been so crazy for generations, and I can see the city of Shura in the eyes of the world. It is a desire that anyone who wants to be a hero will have!

Yu Wenzhao can only frown: "This time everyone is here to discuss this issue, how can we successfully enter Shura City?"

There were a few female masters who looked at him with admiration and a shy blush on his face. He said: "His Royal Highness, is there any anti-insect remedy?"

" Among the medicinal herbs, there is a kind of ‘Baidu Dan’, maybe you can try it.” Luo Wei of the Four Seas Mercenary Corps proposed.

"Baidu Dan does have the effect of solving a hundred poisons, but it does not necessarily work for the poisonous insects in the Xenon forest, and Baidu Dan is a fourth-order medicinal herb. There is no master of refining medicine here. Dan medicine." Yu Wenxi said somewhat helplessly.

The refining pharmacist is really a scarce talent. On the mainland of Calta, the refining pharmacist has almost become a sacred profession, and every country or family will deliberately draw some.

The refining pharmacists are divided into four levels: heaven, earth, black and yellow. Each level is divided into one product, two products, three products, and four products. The difficulty of breaking through each product is very difficult. It is even more difficult to break through each level. .

Baidudan is a fourth-order medicinal herb. Generally, there is no refining level at the prefecture level. It is almost impossible to refine it successfully, and it is even more difficult for so many people to refine a large number of refining.

So everyone is silent. There are some refining pharmacists here, but there are none of the prefecture-level refining pharmacists. How could it be? The prefecture-level refining pharmacists, but only a few on the entire Carta continent.

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