Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 546: : Contest vs. [4]

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Chapter 546: Contest vs. [4]

Yu Wenzhan on the jury's seat slammed his voice and just wanted to stop it. This downfall is not a place where they can compete casually.

The thousand generations of confusion raised their hands and said: "The patriarch of Yu Wen, occasionally making an exception, is nothing, let them compare."

"How is this going?" Yu Wenzhan frowned. How strange are these people in Xiqiao?

The thousand generations of winter children below are the apprentices of this thousand generations of fascination. At this time, the thousands of generations of illusions do not stop even if they are, they still swear them to try!

"Someone challenges, if we don't dare to pick up the Holy Blood Palace, how can we stand on the mainland of Calta in the future?" The voice of the thousand generations is cold and very strong. "Winter, Master taught you, no matter who the opponent is, absolutely. You can't be merciless! Be sure to scribble the roots! Can you remember the prison?"

"Remember!" Qiandai Donger nodded firmly.

Huang Beiyue frowned, what is this master? How can Master teach such an apprentice? No wonder the character of this thousand-generation winter child is so extreme. It seems that the teaching of the Holy Blood Palace to the disciples has always been the case!

In this case, she does not have to give face, beaten her chances of not fighting back, suppressing their arrogance!

With the permission of Master, the thousand generations of winter children did not care, and raised the sword against the North Moon!

The phoenix moon quickly turned around, and the light flashed through the flames. The flame condensed the shape of a sword and moved backwards to block the attack of the thousand generations of winter children.

Thousands of winter children's arms were shaken for a while, and my heart was secretly surprised. This ghost face, strong strength!

But who can compare with her compared to strength defense and strength?

Chiyoda winter sneer, "The giant rhinoceros dragon, the thousand hammers!"

A roar, the giant rhinoceros dragon raised his neck, screamed in the sky, the front paws lifted up, and a huge hammer split in the hard shell, when it was empty.

The fierce momentum seemed to compress the air, and the clothes of the North Moon were blown up, the clothes were flying, and the hair flew slightly.

"Wang!" Aria worriedly pressed her chest tightly, and her eyes were red. Although she believed in the strength of the king, she couldn't help but worry about seeing such a situation!

"Don't worry." Jike smiled. He has absolute confidence. He is also a powerful master. The last time he played against Phoenix North, he was so impressed that the current king, even the strength of one has not come out!

The hammer squatted, and the phoenix moon did not move. When he saw the hammer, he would squat on his head. She gently lifted her hand. The thousand-year-old winter squatted, and then the face changed greatly, and it took a moment. Huang Beiyue, who was still standing there, suddenly... disappeared!

Disappeared? How did it disappear?

I still haven't figured it out. Just a blink of an eye, there will be a fierce wind on the back. Come, mixed with the burning flame.

A storm bursting from the flames of the flames, the giant rhinoceros dragon wants to turn around and fight, but the body is huge, the defense is very strong, but the ability to move is slightly slow, and there is a kind of wind The terrible pressure, it is very difficult for him to move together!

Unable to move, the thousand generations of winter children turned around, the pupils expanded, and I saw a strong flame coming towards her door!

The flame burned to the front, and the black scarf on the face was suddenly swept down by the wind, and a small, delicate face was revealed.

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