Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 543: : Contest vs. [1]

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Chapter 543: Contest vs. [1]

Moline is the kind of person who seems to be simple, but actually can't see it at all.

"Molian, let's go eat it, okay? You like it very much!" Honglian said that he was not happy, he said.

Moline gently rubbed his eyebrow and said: "Don't!"

After that, one person walked forward quickly and ignored no one.

"Hey, you don't want another person to run, I find you very hard every day!" Red Lotus screamed, but Moline did not move, making her even more angry!

"You are used to it, he hates being with you." Meng Haotian laughed.

"You shut up! Who said that he hates me? He doesn't hate me!" Red Lotus glanced at him, and he quickly went up to chase the ink lotus.

Meng Haotian shook his head with a smile and slowly walked forward a few steps. He couldn't help but look back at the man with a ghost mask behind him.

Strange, why do you feel the power of two attributes from one person? Is she really the same genius as Mo Lilian?

If it is, such a person cannot be a person of Guangyao Temple, then it must be...killed!

"Moonlight Lord, thank you for this time." Lolo is very grateful to say that his strength is not up to Honglian, he knows, just a little impulsive, he is still not mature enough.

"No thanks." Huang Beiyue glanced at him and said: "If you can bear it, you can't stand it. If you are yin, don't let yourself suffer."

Lolo gave a sigh of relief, then he laughed happily: "The moonlight night is really good!"

"When the night road is gone, I am not afraid to meet ghosts." Huang Beiyue smiled casually. "It is not early, and Lord Lolo goes back."

"I am going to go back and come out to buy things for Sakura Night, Jinzhiyuye, wherever I go."

"She is a princess and a girl. You have to bear more."

The smile on Lolo’s face slowly converges. Some naively said: “Sakura Night doesn’t like you all the way. I didn’t expect you to care about her so much, haha.”

Huang Beiyue coughed a little and said: "The road to take care of you, it should be."

"Moonlight Lord is the first time to come to Huijing, what is inconvenient, although come to me." Lolo said enthusiastically.

"There is something to ask."

"what's up?"

Huangbei Yuedao: "I heard the alliance, a lot of big men, the national teacher of Xiqiao, the general of the East...."

"Wei Wuchen, the general of the East China National Congress, may not come. Today, the East is leaving the country and the embassy is coming. He said that the East is not going to participate in the operation of the Shura City."

Huang Beiyue frowns, and the East does not participate in the country? With such a big move, even some small countries on the mainland of Calta have sent people. If they don’t participate in the East, they will be accused of being criticized by others. Do they not care?

I was planning to come here this time, Wei Wuchen came, looking for him to count the general ledger, I can't think of this guy's luck so good, actually did not come!

"It turns out that it does not disturb Master Lolo, we have to rush out of the city, otherwise the gates will be closed."

"See you at the big stage!" Lolo waved his hand and left with someone.


Two days later, the Fujian-Taiwan Contest, Huang Beiyue sent three places to go up, Jike, Asare, Aria, as the head of the team, with the remaining twelve people watching the seats below.

The Fujian and Taiwan divided into three districts, each team member will be numbered, and then draw the exact order of the battle.

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