Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 541: : Counterfeit Qi Wang [9]

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Chapter 541: Counterfeiting Qi Wang [9]

"Do you dare to order me? I want to say it!" Red Lotus said proudly, can catch a person's weakness, why not use it?

"Don't you call my master? You don't cry, this time, hahaha." Red Lotus burst into laughter.

Lolo was not very angry, and his face was heavy, and he reached out and held a sword with a blue light: "Sword: Lei Guang!"

"Want to fight?" Red Lotus frowned arrogantly, and a whip was in his hand.

She has never been afraid of fighting. Where will the average person be her opponent? This time the mercenary, including the director of the Southern Wing River, is not her opponent!

Not to mention this Lolo • Bugier, it was a waste five years ago!

"Play it! The woman like you is not worthy of being compared with my master!" Lolo's Royal Thunder Sword has already shot, and the sword has a larger sword with a ray of lightning! When the air is down!


The lashes in the hands of Honglian smashed out, and the sound of the bang in the air blew, and the sound of her laughter overshadowed the thunder of the slamming of the Lolo Royal Sword! When I whip out, the huge thunder is opened!

The strength of Honglian is now more strengthened. How could Lolo be her opponent?

The difference in level between summoners is the difference in strength, and the gap between each star is very huge!

Lolo has been diligently practicing in the past five years, but compared with Honglian, it is still not worth it!

Lei Guangyu was beaten by a red lotus whip. Lolo’s face was slightly surprised. He was trying to summon the spirit beast. The red lotus had already picked it up very quickly, and the whip came out again!

This time obviously wants to humiliate Lolo, the whip is coming towards Lolo's face!

"Master Lolo!" Aria exclaimed.

At this time there was no one on the street, and a group of their masters were here and no one could stop it.

The people of Guangyao Temple stood behind and watched the drama. The people brought by Lolo had not had time to come over and watched the noble young masters of their own family be humiliated!

Suddenly a strange black figure flashed over, as if everyone felt that there was only one flower in front of him, and there was a person blocking it in front of Lolo, and a fire vacated and stood up in front of them!


The whip was pumped over the flame barrier, and a burst of sound was heard. The flame barrier shook a bit, but it was still firmly in front!

Honglian was taken aback and could block her whip. It is definitely a master of more than nine stars!

Through a flame barrier, I only saw a tall figure in a vague, black dress, and a very annoying ghost mask on my face!

"Who are you?" Honglian asked angrily, dare to break her good deeds, this person she will never let go!

"Is it so strong that the people in Guangyao Temple are like this?" Zhang mouth talking, is a very magnetic voice, like a man is not a man, like a woman is not a woman, listening to some weird.

But with the ghost mask, it doesn't look strange!

There was no movement at all, and Merlin looked up. The godless gaze glanced over here, and there was no expression on the pale face.

Honglian frowned: "Do we dare to manage the light of the temple?"

"I can't control the things of Guangyao Temple, but the things of the League Assembly, Master Lolo can manage." Phoenix North said coldly, from the back of the mask, the red lotus was exactly the same face as her.

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