Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 538: : Counterfeit Qi Wang [6]

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Chapter 538: Counterfeiting Qi Wang [6]

Asare and others stunned and then collectively reacted.

correct! Their king of the night, such a chest and discouragement, how can the Queen's throne squat?

Although there is no precedent for a woman to dominate the king, it does not mean that a woman cannot be kingd!

These groups of men admire the night king, and in the future she is king, they are absolutely supportive!

"It’s still obvious to Jack’s big brother!” Asare raised his thumbs.

Jike haha ​​laughed loudly: "No matter what, I absolutely support the night king! I will follow the death, never give up!"

"We are also, swear to follow, never give up!"

The young people in the tents have sworn.

Huang Beiyue smiled at them and said: "It seems that for you, I will work hard in the future."

Asaray said: "Wang, in fact, you are a good queen. If you are tired, you will be the emperor and you will be the boss!"

"Yes! Hahaha!"

Huang Beiyue also had a bad mood. After laughing with them, after laughing for a while, he stood up and said, "If you have eaten, let us go to the city. Aria will follow me, others will stay, remember Nothing is allowed."

"Wang, I will follow you too!" said Jike quickly.

"Why, I still worry that I will not be?"

"No..." Jick grabbed the back of the head. For the strength of the Phoenix North, no one can doubt it. The sixth-order beast can deal with it. Is there any worry about Huijing?

"I heard that the people of Guangyao Temple are in the city, and Wang is more careful."

Huang Bei nodded, and asked Aria for a hand: "Go."

The two went together in the city, a black-faced ghost face, a strange, a pretty green girl, walking together there is a strong contrast.

It seems that one is in the dark, one is in the sun, and this combination is very strange.

A lot of people turned around and looked at them along the way. Aria was going out for the first time. She was afraid of being stared at by so many people, and some of them were born.

Phoenix North Moon Road: "If you are afraid of other people's eyes, how can you become a strong player?"

Aria's chest undulating, biting her lip and nodding her head: "Yes!"

Then he raised his head and followed her with his chest, no longer looking around.

Into the city, the prosperity of Huijing is no less than that of Linhuai City. The streets are wide and the shops are full. There have been many mercenaries in these two days, and the city is more lively than the festival.

At this time, it was already dark, and every household had a light. Many children also came out to play with lanterns.

Huang Beiyue looked for a bustling restaurant and sat down. The restaurant was full of mercenaries from various countries. Some people talked loudly about the two-day competition.

Many masters have been taken out to discuss and the group is fierce.

Aria listened, although it was very exciting, but it was said that the masters of other families, their people have not been mentioned, she did not understand, Wang is very interested in other masters?

It seems that she is seeing her doubts. Huang Beiyue whispered: "Listen well, the people they said may be your opponent in the ring."

Aria was sitting in danger and nodding her head. The original intention of Wang was like this!

Each mercenary group will get the corresponding number of places according to the number of people. The team of such a dozen people has only three or four places, so it is necessary to inquire about the situation of the opponent.

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