Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 532: : The old man reunited [10]

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Chapter 532: Reunion of the old man [10]

Huang Beiyue slowly sat up from the stone, holding his hands behind his back, slightly leaning his head, looking at the back of the big stone, dressed in white, the young man.

The man also heard the movement of her getting up, immediately turned around, a faint purple scorpion staring at her, some sharp.

The beauty of the face is still so shocking.

"who are you?"

Huang Beiyue snorted, slightly narrowing his eyes, no disguise, just said faintly: "I am coming to the appointment."

The man’s eyebrows, obviously do not understand, are planning to think carefully, is there any place to meet this strange ghost face.

I still haven't figured out that a cold, cold air will hit him on his chest, fast and accurate!

The king’s body slammed back, and suddenly there was a sharp slap in the face. Some fierce, watching the ice can’t be evaded, he reached out and grabbed it. A crescent moon knife was caught in the hand, and the edge flashed, and it greeted that. A touch of ice!


A sound, the ice was blocked by the crescent moon knife, but the body of Qi Wang also slammed back, a few steps, very shocked to look up at this ghost face!

"Who are you?" He shouted coldly. This man is so powerful, which big mercenary group? Why have you never heard of such a strange master before?

"This question should be asked if you are right." After the North North Moon shot, he will not continue to move, just holding his hand, standing on the big rock, watching the so-called 'Qi Wang' condescendingly !

The king of Qi Qi looked awkward and said: "I am the king of the Northern Kingdom, who are you who dare to be rude to the king?"

"Don't be able to catch up with me, so it's really disappointing." The North Face has been a bit cold.

The man stunned, and some said unnaturally: "This king is weak from a small body, not good at martial arts, and the strength cannot be compared with a talented master!"

The dawn of the North Moon has been cold to the extreme, and the voice is full of murderous: "I warn you, you dare to pretend to be him, I immediately killed you."

For him, the man still has some fear. After all, after a single move, he has experienced the strength of this person is really unfathomable, very scary!

She said that to kill, it is definitely not a joke!

"Who is your lord? I don't want to ask questions about my Northern Kingdom!" In desperation, the man can only say this.

This has been admitted in disguise, he is not a wind wing!

The north of the phoenix moon is cold, and there is a violent temper in the heart. "I like to ask, what are you?"

"You--" The man was angry and threatened. "Lord, don't forget that this is in the North!"

"Threaten me? You are tired!" Phoenix North eyes flashed fierce light, suddenly reached out and held an ice feather, cold cold mans instantly reduced the surrounding air several degrees!

The man quickly retreated, and the color of fear appeared in his eyes. This expression appeared on the face that was exactly the same as the wind, and it was funny.

No matter whether it looks like an elegant and elegant image of a noble son, or a cold and mysterious image of the master of Shura City, it is a fascinating scene, and it is impossible to make a change in his expression.

This person is too different!

"You, why do you have..." The man just opened his mouth and asked, the ice feather in the hands of Huang Beiyue has become a snow shadow knife!

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