Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 515: : Mercenary Wang Ling [3]

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Chapter 515: Mercenary King Order [3]

The Hela sigh sighed and said: "Speaking, even we don't know. When he left, he said that if he didn't come back after three years, then he died."

Huang Beiyue frowned. "Has he never returned since then?"

"Yeah." The genus Helana was very emotional. "I can't remember how old I am this year, but he has never been back."

Huang Beiyue could not help but be silent. He looked at the people in the portrait, went forward, picked up a scent of incense, and worshipped the tablet three times. He inserted the incense in the incense burner and said silently: "You may be The former master of the beastless, no matter what you or I are, I want to thank you. But you have passed away, then from then on, I can probably be free and unrestrained."

Looking at her move, the eyes of the genal genara were red, and after a moment of meditation, they twitched and went out, moving the portrait away, revealing a square hole, and he took out a pan from it. The token carved in yellow black wood, handed to the north of the moon.

"You are the new night king, please pick up the token!"

Huang Beiyue glanced at the token and said: "What is this?"

"The mercenary king!" The voice of the patriarch of Heirana screamed. "It is what he left. With this token, you can order any mercenary group on the mainland of Karta! As long as they have registered with the mercenary union. !"

Order any mercenary group on the mainland of Calta! ?

Rao is a well-informed person in the North of the Phoenix. Hearing such an imposing manner, he couldn’t help but take a breath.

"This is what the man left?"

"Yes." The Genara chief nodded. "The mercenary king is just a legend on the mainland of Calta. If you really have it, you are the third."

Huang Beiyue took the black wood token with both hands, and carefully looked at the quaint pattern above, some familiar, this pattern and the lines of the beasts seem to be somewhat similar.

I don't think much, as long as people on the mainland of Calta understand what this mercenary king ordered, which means that all the mercenary groups on the mainland will be her backing in the future!

This kind of luck that suddenly fell from the sky really made her feel unprepared.

"The patriarch, I promise you, have this token, never do evil, never abuse it!" Huang Beiyue said.

The Helanah’s chief is also saying something like this, but she hasn’t said anything yet. She has already said it first, which makes the old man very happy.

"When the king of the night is covered, please cover the night again and bring us light!" The chief of the Genara squats down. "We have been looking forward to it for generations. If there is one day in the world, there will be no more. War and killing, our people can go out."

Because there is a special blood flowing in the body, as long as it is in troubled times, the Helanahs will never have a peaceful day. They have avoided the countless years in the floating forest. In fact, everyone is looking forward to going out and really seeing the light. one day.

Huang Beiyue quickly reached out and helped him up. He firmly said: "The patriarch is assured that if I have the ability, I will give you a peaceful and prosperous life!"

The eyes of the Helana patriarch flashed and choked: "You are respected, we always believe in you!"

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