Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 513: : Mercenary King Order [1]

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Chapter 513: Mercenary King Order [1]

The song touched too many people, waiting for Aria to sing a song, quiet around, let this girl squint and blindly look at anyone, and then a moment, thunderous applause will ring!

Aria's heart trembled, her eyelashes shook a little, and she wanted to open her eyes. Suddenly, Huang Beiyue strode over from her seat, grabbed her shoulder and rubbed her hair on her head, laughing: " Sing too well!"

Aria opened her eyes. I didn't know whether it was moving or excited. The tears flowed down, my face was red, and my head was shyly lowered, but the corner of my mouth was faintly smiling.

Asare looked at her sister with a sigh of relief and never saw the introverted Aria as brave and so happy.

The king of the night, you really have magical power!

"This time, our Hearnah warriors will follow the ambition of the night king to go outside, let us cheer for the warriors!"

The aged Helana raised his glass and still spoke loudly and excitedly, not losing to young people at all!

The people in the tribe stood up and raised their glasses and shouted: "Cheers for the King of the Night! Cheers for the Warriors!"

Huang Beiyue took Aria's shoulder and handed her a glass of wine and said, "Drink!"

Aria quickly picked it up, and she did not dare to disobey the command of the Night King. She closed her eyes and drank it in one bite. Then, the body fell down tenderly.

Everyone laughed.

Tonight is a thorough carnival night, to be hunted to celebrate the threat of homes! To celebrate the king of the night, return to the Horde! In order to bid farewell to the warrior who is about to travel! The people of the Hellara tribe are not drunk tonight!

In the middle of the night, everyone was drunk, lying down in the east, the only awake in the entire tribe, only the Hela patriarch.

Huang Beiyue is also a very good drinker. No matter what kind of entertainment, no one can drunk her. So at this moment, she just stumbles on her seat and smiles and says: "The patriarch, I have never asked you to cover the night. Wang, who is it?"

"This incident, the old man also wanted to tell you." The genus of Genara stood up and took a torch and said: "Cover the night king, please go here."

Huang Beiyue stood up and followed the patriarch and walked slowly along the quiet tribal path. There was very little wind in the forest, but the sun was not seen all the year round. The environment here was cool and pleasant.

"In those days, our Helanahs were people who lived in a border town between the northern and the western countries. At that time, the world was chaotic, wars were everywhere, people were not living, and our Helanahs were in the blood of generations. The blood of the summoner became the object of the plundering of the Beibei and Xiqiao countries. They took our people to fight. The people in the original city gradually left only the old, the weak, the sick and the children. They still refused to give up. Even children should be caught."

When the lord of Genara said this, he sighed: "In that year, I was only a child. When I was six years old, I was recruited into the army of Xiqiao. The sorcerer of Xiqiao used us to confuse us with illusion, to obey us, and to use special The drugs, in an attempt to let us grow ahead of time, for their lives. But after using the drugs, people will become monsters. I watched my companions turn into bloodless monsters one by one. I was very Fear, escape when you find the opportunity."

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