Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 508: : The king of the night [16]

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Chapter 508: King of the Nights [16]

Huang Beiyue smiled, licking this little guy, feelings rich, and people who have been with him for a long time, he will be involuntarily regarded as a family.

Even if it is usually so miserable by the little tiger, at the crucial moment, it is still a fear for the tiger.

And what is in his pocket bag?

She has seen him take out pocket dishes, pocket knives, pocket needles, pocket pots.... Now even the pockets of handkerchiefs are there, and I have to take his pocket bag to see what else is inside. child!

Xiaohu loves face and is a beast. He does not want to reveal a fragile side in front of him. Therefore, a tiger paw pushes him away and falls on his own wound.

He looked at him, opened his mouth and wowed, and the little tiger looked up and gave him a look. It was a bit speechless. It seemed like saying, "Cry, you are not hurting you!"

Huang Beiyue smiled and looked at the two guys, and then remembered that her hundred eyes had been killed. How did the people she brought out not cheer out?

Looking up, I saw the swamps around, and the young people slowly gathered around, staring in shock at the red-haired Phoenix North.

Everyone’s expression is dull, as if they don’t know how to react.

The expressions of those people were a bit strange, not at all like killing a strong enemy. Her eyes slowly turned to the nearest Jike.

Jike glanced, then suddenly put his hand across his chest, slammed down and shouted: "The king of the night! Our king of the night!"

He is embarrassed, and other people, like the domino effect, have squatted down, one-handedly across the chest, followed by shouting: "The king of the night!"

"The king of the night!"

Phoenix North blinked and covered the king of the night? It seems that just before the death of the hundred eyes, I also said what ‘the king of the night,’ but she didn’t care.

Now it seems that this king of night, referring to her?

"Jike, what's going on?" she asked.

Jacques had not spoken yet, and Asare was rushing to her in front of her, and stopped suddenly, with one hand on her chest, and said with respect: "The king of the night, this is our The patron saint of the Nara."

"I am not a god." Phoenix North Moon Road, she came to deal with hundreds of eyes, but also selfish, otherwise, she has not been so sympathetic.

"Of course you are not a god, the king of the night is not a god, but he has protected our ancestors, just like you do today." Asare talked to her, her voice full of awe, not humble, just right Her man is full of reverence.

Huang Beiyue smiled and said: "Have you forgotten? Everything today is not my own merit, you have a share."

Although she is arrogant, she also knows that today, without these young people, she has restrained the hundred eyes of the hundred eyes and she is not so easy to win.

"Without you, our entire tribe is in danger of dying, the king of the night, thank you!"

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

Thanks to the sound of the ups and downs, Huang Beiyue did not continue to be enthusiasm, and accepted these simple thanks.

Jike rushed down with people, and said with great excitement: "Cover the night king, let's go back to the tribe! Asare, you go back and bring this news to the patriarch!"

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