Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 504: : The king of the night [12]

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Chapter 504: The King of the Night [12]

During the time, one hundred eyes on the body were all closed. Only the one eye on the head flashed, and then the eyes suddenly expanded, forming a huge black hole in the head!

There is a black and white staggered line in the black hole, all of which are rotated and finally become a bottomless vortex!

His eyes turned, and the surrounding space seemed to turn around, and the energy fluctuated drastically.

"Space ability?" Huang Beiyue said, it turned out that his eyes can not only launch that terrible white light, but also another more terrifying ability!

If the space is really reversed by him, some of them will be sucked into the space of his eyes and will never come out!

It’s time for Huang Beiyue to think about his chin.

"Little tiger." Gently screamed, a golden light suddenly smashed out from her side, a tiger whistling, the body of the tiger quickly grew up, as big as the hundred eyes.

The color of the red gold is sacred and inviolable! The same is the beast, the pressure of the little tiger can make people feel fearful!

"The beast!"

"Really a beast!"

"Where did you come out of the beast? Ah! Is that the Lord? God!"

"That is the red gold tiger! Fire attribute, it seems that there is no adult, but it is already so powerful!"

The people around them pulled off the blindfolds on their eyes and watched the match between Chijin Shenghu and Hundreds of Eyes!

Two beasts are opposite, this scene is rare in the floating forest!

The little tiger is very powerful, like a general who is going out. When the peace is narrowing, the honest look is very different. At this time, he can feel angry and murderous!

The hundred eyes looked at him and said disdainfully: "Hey, the red gold tiger, I also killed a red gold tiger!"

The tiger screamed in a low voice, and the red flame flashed on his body. The huge claws were caught forward, and a golden flame became the shape of a sharp blade, and it rushed to the hundred eyes!

Hundreds of eyes are not hiding or flashing, but the enlarged eyes on the top of the head are rotated, and then the tiger's flame blade is swallowed in, nothing left!

The tiger was stunned, and the flames were even more blazing. He snorted and spit out countless flames in his mouth, burning the entire swamp!

How can ordinary water resist the flame of the beast, and it will be evaporated in an instant. Hundreds of eyes are afraid of fire and fear of heat. This red gold flame is endless, making him very uncomfortable, posing a huge body, suddenly bowing his head, The huge eyes on the top of the head opened against the tiger.

Phoenix North Moon Road: "Little Tiger, don't face the eye!"

After the words, Xiaohu’s red-golden body disappeared. Looking at it again, he was already like a golden lightning, and he rushed to the back of the hundred-eyed chill. He bit his mouth and bite the neck of the hundred eyes, tearing it hard, and a piece of flesh and blood. The students were bitten down!

Suddenly, a stinking smell spread around.

Hundreds of eyes screamed and angered, and a hoe, disappeared from the mouth of Xiaohu!

He took advantage of the power of space!

However, it is clear that Hundreds of Eyes is not very skillful in the use of this space. After a flash, the space is distorted. He appears behind the tiger and lifts his huge claws, thinking of a sneak attack!

However, although this tiger is usually lazy, it is absolutely unambiguous when Huang Beiyue is training.

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