Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 496: : The king of the night [4]

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Chapter 496: The King of the Night [4]

“Yes!” said Jike loudly.

Huang Beiyue’s mouth was slightly raised, and a hand was extended. “You will come when you have the courage.”

Under the glimpse of Jimmy, he also understood that Huang Beiyue was challenging him. Seeing her so calm and calm, and grasping the full look, she could not help but feel a little guilty.

However, he is a Heinara person, a natural brave man who will never fear in the face of any enemy!

A big bang, the thunder flashed in his hands, the left hand held the battle axe, the right hand held the warhammer, he was strong and strong, and the man was tall and big, this weapon is just right for him!

Huang Beiyue glanced softly, only to see that there was a mane lion slowly coming out behind him.

Twelve-order spirit beast, Tyrannosaurus lion!

Sure enough, it is a bit of strength, otherwise it can not survive in the floating forest.

"Ice!" Huang Beiyue also sighed low, summoning the ice magical bird, the huge snow white ice ostrich appeared, the person named Jike stunned. ,

The Hannah patriarch immediately said, "This is one of the 'five spirits' of the ice magical bird!"

Ice magical bird?

Everyone was at a glance, and Jike looked at the North Moon in a strange way. Huang Beiyue smiled and said: "Come, don't go away!"

After all, the figure jumped on the back of the ice magical bird, holding the sword in one hand, flying at low altitude, passing over the top of Jike’s head, and the sword was cut diagonally, and Jike was very brave enough to lift the battle axe to resist. The hammer of the other hand picked up and squatted on the back of her knife!

Powerful summoner!

This hammered down, if it is a person who is a little bit weaker, I am afraid that the knife will fly out!

But the person he faces is her Phoenix North! Will she be a person who can easily deal with it?

At the moment when the warhammer came up, the corner of the phoenix moon was slightly raised. The other hand who did not hold the sword gently pinched a finale. He whispered a sentence: "Yu Leifu, Lei Net!"

Then he quickly pulled back and the Jike just had to catch up. The companion behind him suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"

After a hundred battles, Jike immediately rolled on the ground and wanted to roll to the other side, but his body just fell to the ground, and the soil on the ground suddenly disappeared magically!

His body was trapped in a pit, and a thunderbolt thunder net was pressed down on his head! Cover him in it.

This is the end of a battle, just half a minute!

The patriarch of Helana has not reacted yet, and the other three big men are also sluggish. The Jike, who is trapped in the pit, has widened his eyes and completely does not know what happened.

Huang Beiyue sat on the back of the ice magical bird, holding a sword with one hand and a hand on the knee of the song, and asked: "How, served?"

Najik was dull, his eyes turned and he murmured: "Serve, take it"

The patriarch of Henala came forward quickly and respectfully said: "Thank you for your mercy."

Although the gap between the winners and the losers is so obvious, the patriarch of Henala still sees it very well. This little girl is under her mercy. Otherwise, the thunder net can completely kill Jike!

"Old patriarch, your people are very powerful." Huang Beiyue jumped from the back of the ice magical bird, let the ice magical bird return to the space of the beast, the sword was also closed, and it was restored to the black one. Indifferent girl.

"There is a prize." The Hirrah patriarch smiled proudly and quickly said, "Hello, please go to the tribe with the old man."

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