Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 491: : five years later [9]

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Chapter 491: Five years later [9]

Huang Beiyue did not show weakness at all. The sword danced and went forward, blocking the fierce sword of the spirit.

Her mouth spurted a blood almost immediately, and the sword stunned her internal organs and exploded!

She reacted quickly, between the electric and the flint, and the other hand pinched the print and photographed it on the snow shadow knife.


Suddenly, the thunder of the explosion flashed out from the snow shadow knives, blocking the sword of the spirit.

Huang Beiyue slipped backwards far away, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shouted: "Master!"

Ling Zun couldn’t hear it at all, and the blood-red eyes flashed like a **** abyss. When she saw her back, her fingertips would bounce, and the three red whip would smash to the North Moon!

In the past, the whip of the spirit will only hit her face, but this time, it is coming towards her body, clearly wanting to bind her!

The phoenix moon set up a snow shadow knives, and the thunder on the blade opened a thunder net in front of him, slamming the thunder and lightning, and the red whip of the spirit respect.

‘砰’! Huang Beiyue was once again hit and slid backwards. This time, the back came to the wall. She took a deep breath and breathed a few sighs and looked up at Ling Zun. ,

"kao! You old monster is taking the wrong medicine!"

The figure of the blood-red scorpion reflected her figure, and the **** light shook slightly.

"Why are you leaving me?" he asked quietly, the voice was different in peacetime. He usually talked coldly, but at this time, it was cold, like the Shura evil spirit of hell!

Huang Beiyue angered: "Don't you let me leave?"

"No one is allowed to leave! No one can get you, only I can!" Ling Zun gave a low voice, the black sword was lifted, and once again attacked!

Huang Beiyue also completely provoked Mao, this inexplicable beating made her mad!

The snow shadow knives were put away, and her two hands quickly twirled the print. The mouth calmly said: "Heavenly, authentic, humane, animal, hungry, Taolu! Six heavens!"

After the mouth was finished, the finale in the hand was also completed together. Her hands were folded together and suddenly separated. A sly six-pointed star flashed between the palms of her hand. Her palms pushed forward and the six-sided star flew to the foot of the spirit!

His footsteps, the six-pointed star shine, and surrounded him in an instant.

Ling Zun whispered, suddenly the sword supported the body, slowly smashed down, a black blood sprayed out of his mouth, the black sword in his hand slowly disappeared like a virtual shadow.

Huang Beiyue was pale and swallowed a slobber. Looking at the spirit of the statue, it seems to be back to normal.

"Master...." she tried to scream.

The spirit of the lost sword support fell to the ground and knocked over the screen made by the flashing bamboo.

Huang Beiyue ran to the ground and lifted him up from the ground. He saw that his face was full of sweat, but his eyes were no longer the horrible blood red.

The dark tweezers turned and looked at her: "Are you injured?"

"Small meaning." Speaking of a pain in the chest, the body is a little soft, her previous injuries have been many times more than this, there is nothing, this time, but the internal injuries are heavier.

"Overdrafting your ability to use six heavenly symbols is a great damage. You just broke through the four-day sky..."

"I'm fine, just try it out and find that the effect is good."

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