Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 487: : five years later [5]

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Chapter 487: Five years later [5]

The body of Lingzun is still only slightly shaken, and then sit firmly, like the highest mountain, no matter how powerful the power can not shake!

Huang Beiyue squinted a little, and suddenly he muttered a word in his mouth. After his eyes opened, he looked at the direction of the spirit, and smiled somewhat slyly.

The spirit of the deep scorpion turned a little, seemed to understand what, just want to stand up, but suddenly under the feet, the soil on the ground all stunned!

Even the stone bench where he was sitting was gone. He was always as stable as Taishan’s spirit, and his body was stunned. Fortunately, he was a real master, and his ability to adapt was abnormal. After a glimpse of his body, he turned around. The black clothes flew and stood on the other side steadily.

The white jade cup in his hand has been shaken several times, and the liquor inside has sprinkled a lot and wet his fingers.

Ling Zun glanced at the glass, smiled faintly, drank the remaining wine, and then three fingers flicked, the red whip disappeared out of thin air.

Huang Beiyue saw this, knowing that this time he won, excitedly laughed, and quickly took the wing of the flame, stood on the ground, and looked at the spirit.

"Master, I have finally let your wine out for so many years."

"When did you learn to use the spell without the character?" Ling Zun ignored her question, but asked faintly.

"If you use more times, you will learn." Phoenix North is not modest. After using the spell, you can omit the process of middle and chanting, saving time and allowing the enemy to have no chance to guard.

Listening to her saying that the dawn of the spirits flashed a slight singularity, but it was fleeting, and said plainly: "You can break through the heart, you have now broken through the realm of four yuan."

The technique of spells is divided from one yuan to nine yuan days. When one dollar is used, it must be based on the symbol of the paper, and only one element of the attribute can be used.

In the realm of the binary world, the two attributes will gradually merge in the body, and finally the source will be generated.

The symbol source is the basic point of the spell technique. The charm of the spell is not in the body, but by absorbing the external energy, it enters the source and is quenched to produce different attributes.

With Fuyuan, it means that you can cultivate five attributes together!

The ternary heaven realm can be separated from the paper, the character is drawn out of thin air, and the vitality of the five attributes is basically integrated in the body, creating a balance. This is the most critical state in the spell. The cultivation is not good, it is likely to be the yuan. Devouring.

Huang Beiyue has always been careful, and there is spiritual guidance. This difficult process has finally passed. Just yesterday, she felt that the color of the five attributes could gradually be seen in the body's symbol. I have already left the ternary world and entered the beginning of the four-day sky.

"Master, when I am in the four days, can I use the beast?" Huang Beiyue said happily.

Ling Zun nodded: "Basic."

"When did you teach me?" She couldn't wait to try the power of the beast!

"You learn by yourself." The spirit of the spirit is very light, there is no room for negotiation.

Huang Beiyue sighed and said: "You don't teach me?"

"You have already confessed to the Lord with the blood of the beasts. You can enter and explore the space inside. I will not teach you after four days."

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