Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 482: : Fengqi Linhuai [10]

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Chapter 482: Fengqi Linhuai [10]

The man’s gaze glimmered at the battlefield, and the sharp-edged lips were slightly hooked.

"Not everyone can get her. She will eventually fight the eagle in the sky and will not stay on the ground for too long."


"Molian, you don't want to be faster, you have to lose it!"

On the periphery of the snorkeling forest, the red lotus that did not catch the phoenix moon was very uncomfortable. Meng Haotian urged them to hurry back to Guangyao Temple, and Honglian was even less happy!

Looking back, I saw that Moline did not follow up, but instead stood on the boulder outside the forest, facing away from them, not knowing where to look.

Red lotus is in my heart: people who can't see their eyes clearly, stand there and see nothing.

However, she is absolutely afraid to say this, the first is because the strength of Mo Lilian is much more than her. The second is because she is so flattered to say his eyes in person?

She shouted, and Moline did not hear, standing alone, stubborn, as if she did not intend to go with them.

"Molian, we have to go, the Holy King is still waiting for us, it will take a long time to pass through the forest of light."

Honglian had to say it while walking to the side of the ink lotus, jumping on the huge stone, standing with him, learning how he looked, but only seeing the far side, Lin Huai In the direction of the city, there are some lights on.

Only a few days after he came to Huaicheng, did he have any feelings for Linhuai City?

"Merlen...." She just wanted to talk. Molin suddenly turned her head and looked at her with no gods. The voice asked lowly: "Your face."

After a red lotus, and then want to understand his words, his face was red and the voice was soft: "What happened to my face?"


The red lotus face is redder, and some girls are shy and blushing on their faces. "Why do you suddenly ask this? What kind of face does it look like? You don't know it when you touch it with your hand...."

Although she said so, she can only talk about it. The lotus temper is a strange temper. Don’t touch her face. He won’t even touch her.

He is a born and lonely person, never approaching anyone, always silently, not talking, doing nothing, so nothing can be learned, like a child.

She never thought that Moline would touch his face, so when he raised his hand, Honglian was really shocked, and the heart slammed, and stood there and did not move.

Moline's hand is very ice, her fingertips are slender, the bones are slender, and she glides from her face, from the forehead to the eyebrows, to the bridge of the nose, to the cheeks, and then slowly to the lips.

The heart of Honglian jumped like a drum, and his face was hot and hot, and even his cold hands were hot.

"This is the case." Moline muttered, his fingertips still reluctantly stayed on the cheek of Honglian. "It turns out."

The same face, she and Honglian.

Red lotus heart beats, and stuttered: "I, I am a little uncomfortable!" Then immediately jumped off the big stone and ran away.

Moline's hand stopped in midair and then slowly hanged down.

"Meng Yutian, you know everything, tell me, how is Molian? Is he open, suddenly to me..." Red Lotus blushes and whispers.

Meng Haotian leaned on a tree trunk and said coldly: "I know the truth, but the only thing I don't know."

The second volume of "Feng against the world" [Wind up Lin Huai] finished -

Please look forward to the third volume [killing the world]

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