Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 480: : Fengqi Linhuai [8]

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Chapter 480: Fengqi Linhuai [8]

After the event, the nine emperors returned to Beibei, what kind of **** hurricane would they set off?

The battle for the throne is ruined.

For the sake of the beastless, the Guangyao Temple and Shura City, which have been silent for many years, are also unable to withstand it. They have sent people out and maintained the balance of many years being broken. On the mainland of Calta, it will not be flat.

I don't know where the wind is blowing, and the black hair of the spirit is like ink.

Ling Zun hangs down and whispers: "Through the eyes of the mountains, the blame is like the old days. I still remember the dreams going all the way, Jiangnan Jiangbei. The people must carry the branches, can eliminate a few two flat oysters. Year is not, long is a guest.

Sore, southeast, heroic, sad and weeping; was blown away by the west wind, no dust. The Louguansi people have gone, and the flag has not been rolled up first. Sighing the sadness of life, looking for it, this is still the past. ”

The low voice was slowly blown away by the wind, blowing into the thousands of households in Linhuai City, and the swaying lights shook slightly in the wind.

The wind started in Linhuai City and slowly spread towards the mainland of Calta.

One song, Huang Beiyue put down the jade, looked at the back of the spirit, thinking about the words he just whispered, can not help but have a poetic sadness.

Ling Zun finally glanced at Linhuai City and turned around, recovering the usual indifference and alienation. He said: "Don't say goodbye to anyone?"

"There is no need to say goodbye." Huang Beiyue smiled and smiled. When she came out with Dongling, she did not think about bid farewell.

Ling Zun did not say anything, but suddenly his body flashed and disappeared from her eyes like a mist.

Huang Beiyue glimpsed, and immediately applied his body, chasing the path of the spirit, passing through the woods and reaching a wide river outside.

This is the largest water vein in the southern wing country, named Yushui, which runs all the year round and reaches the vicinity of Linhuai City, and the water gradually calms down.

The winds of the four wild winds blew, the weather just after the snow was very cold, and the north of the phoenix looked around, and there was no trace of the spirit, but there was a hoof coming from behind.

The back of the back was stiff, and some of them turned helplessly. The handsome young boy in the black robes slowly walked out of the woods behind him with a cold face.

Huang Beiyue gently licked his lips, and his heart was reluctant, but he still looked up and looked at the battlefield.

The battlefield jumped from the horseback and just wanted to walk towards her. Huangbei said coldly: "Don't go forward."

His footsteps stopped and looked at her from a distance, and his voice was awkward: "Where are you going?"

"The big land is big, you can go anywhere." Huang Beiyue said faintly, "Please go back to His Royal Highness, and the North Moon will not be over."

After that, she wants to turn and leave.

"Playing the sky!" screamed in the battlefield. "You said that no matter where you go, you will not forget me. Is this no longer counted?"

Huangbei looked up at the moon, she said this, but this was said when everything did not happen. At that time, she did not expect the result to be like this.

Taking a deep breath, Huang Beiyue said slowly: "From now on, there is no such thing as a play in the world, His Royal Highness, forget her."

"You have appeared, how can I forget?" The battlefield strode over.

Huang Beiyue turned around, and the snow-colored sword in his hand suddenly appeared. With a wave of power between them, a half-human ice ridge was erected -

I heard that today’s Tanabata, single, all come to see the roads of the road ~ split a pair is a pair, abuse for you to see!

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