Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 476: : Fengqi Linhuai [4]

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Chapter 476: Fengqi Linhuai [4]

"Hey, the prince of the wing doesn't know where to go, and the king of power will probably do it."

Phoenix North is hidden in a dense green vine with a small path outside, often with mercenaries and adventurers passing by.

At this time, just a few free mercenaries outside, watching costumes, not the people of the South Wing country, should come from a foreign country, listening to the accent of speaking, I seem to be very similar to the people of Beibei.

Huang Beiyue didn't care, but when they heard the ‘Wing Prince, they couldn’t help but listen.

"The Northern Kingdom is also a turbulent dynasty. Since the emperor's death, the country has no Prince, and several powerful princes have begun to compete for the throne, and their hands and feet are cruel and chilling!"

"But this time, the nine emperors and the eleven emperors born to the emperor of Yalong also have many people to support, but unfortunately the nine emperors have done a decade of protons in the southern wing country. Otherwise, this time the throne battle, I am afraid there is no suspense. ""

"It is precisely because the Nine Emperors are in the South Wing country, there are so many forces to support, the Queen of the Queen is worried! This time the ministers played the request and exchanged protons with the South Wing, and welcomed the Nine Emperors, the Queen is very upset. It is."

"All she was born, the nine emperors and the eleven emperors who made the emperor, she is a queen!"

"Ling brother, you don't know this. The eleven emperors are the queens of the emperor and the kings of the kings. Under the birth of the king, the empress of the empress is very heavy. Now the king of power is in charge of the DPRK. Naturally, he must support his son. God's place."

"That said, this time the king of power came to welcome the nine emperors, is to"

"Yes, I am afraid that it has already started, and the king of power comes in person, that is, with full confidence!"

"Hey, the Nine Emperor is also a fateful person. When he was a child, he was sent to the South Wing country to be a proton. Now he can return to the country, but he walks into a trap and even his own mother will harm him. It is pitiful. what"

"These things, we ordinary people can't control, just ask the king of power to send compassion, don't do it in the southern wing country, and then blame the southern wing country, so that the two countries can finally calm down, there is a beginning of turmoil."

The voices of those people are gradually gone.

Phoenix North is leaning against a vine, and the face with blood and sludge is a bit stunned.

Wind and wing, what is your face to return to the country?

She slowly walked out of the vines, took out a black cloak and put it on her body. She turned and just wanted to go. The vines heard that there was a sound from the sorrow, and she curiously looked back.

I saw a pale blond little head drilled out of the vines, trying to break away from the green plants wrapped around her body and looking up at her ‘呜呜呜’.

"Little Tiger!" Huang Beiyue quickly went over and pulled away the vines on her body. The tiger suddenly jumped into her arms and rubbed her shoulders with her head. "呜呜" seems to be crying.

Behind him, the weaving dream beast climbed out of the vines, and the small petals on the body were removed a few pieces. The face was dirty, and her mouth was looking at her with tears.

"Hey." Huang Beiyue touched his head, and the mood at this moment was a bit complicated.

Xiaohu and Yu are safe and sound, but Dongling?

The two little guys have been taking care of Dongling, and now they have lost Dongling. They are very sad. ,

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