Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 470: : The first battle of Honglian [8]

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Chapter 470: The First Battle of Honglian [8]

Huang Beiyue’s heart trembled, and suddenly remembered the dream that was made under the seventh tower on the same day, after the poisoning, the dream swallowed the sky and really swallowed the sky!

When I heard the command of Honglian, I swallowed a huge mouth and swallowed a huge mouth. The bright red snake spit out, and then the lower abdomen suddenly slammed it, swallowing the sky and starting to swallow everything around it!

The air, the vitality, the flames, and even a tree in the foggy forest below, all uprooted and sucked into his stomach!

Huang Beiyue drove the ice magical bird, and supported it in the strong suction. He saw that he was being sucked into the swallowing belly in a step by step, and the red lotus stood on the head of the swallowing red dragonfly. On, watching her laugh.

Surviving in adversity, she never loses! The same is true this time!

"Ice Shield! Open!"

When the twelve huge ice shields came out, they were sucked up by the swallowing red, and the ice shield was huge, blocking the mouth of the swallowing red, and the strong suction was slightly weakened for a moment.

Huang Beiyue took advantage of this moment and immediately drove the ice magical bird to the forest below, and continued to display four or five times of ice shields along the way!

After a battle with Honglian and the frequent use of the ice shield, the body that she could not cohesively can be said to be the end of the strong.

Can not support, the studio is not good for himself, the strength of her and Honglian's strength is too big, hard to support in the end will only let himself die! She is not so stupid!

It’s not too late for a gentleman to revenge! She is defeated today, but one day, Honglian, you are waiting!

Quickly entering the forest, the ice magical bird was also injured in that battle, and said with pride: "Master, I am useless."

"This war strength gap is too big, you don't have to blame yourself." Huang Beiyue licked his chest, and his body seemed to be exhausted, and she felt that she could not continue fighting for the first time.

After the blocking of her dozens of ice shields, Honglian immediately chased it down, swallowing the sky and continuing to **** everything in front of her belly with the power to swallow everything!

The red lotus long sword waved, with a thick fire to the back of the Phoenix North Moon!

The ice spirit of the magical bird body is biased, so that the north of the moon is staggered, and his wings are half-killed!

Huang Beiyue with red eyes, whispered a curse: "Mom|!" Then he took the beast without a border, and took a deep breath.

The last time, it is the last time that you can use the power to play the power of the beasts.

The ice of the ice condenses in the hands, a trace of black is slowly flowing in the ice, the snow-colored sword slowly lifts up, the phoenix moon closes his eyes, then opens, the body suddenly turns, hands hold the sword to the back Hey!

When Honglian saw the black energy condensed in her sword, she immediately swallowed it with a swallow of red. This strange black gas she had just taught, very powerful, is a power she did not know!

Even if she is, she will feel the blood in her chest when she takes such a move!

They quickly flashed away, but this move is the last blow of the phoenix moon, which can make them so easy to avoid?

The black gas carried the cold air on the sword, and the body that swallowed the red sky quickly passed, and the mouth of the red lotus rose slightly, but it was safe to avoid.

However, her smile has not fully developed, and suddenly there is a sound of breaking through the air!

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