Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 464: : The first battle of Honglian [2]

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Chapter 464: The First Battle of Honglian [2]

After the ice shield, a weak girl looked at her with horror!

"Small...sister?" Dongling snorted.

Honglian slightly biased: "Miss?"

The little tiger licked his teeth and sent out a series of fierce roars, but unfortunately the body was too small and too cute, and the momentum could not come out.

Then he timidly squatted on Dongling's shoulder and was shivering.

Seeing the reaction of Xiaohu, Dongling almost immediately confirmed that this beautiful girl is not Phoenix North, the appearance is so similar, but it is obvious that the temperament is not the same!

Dongling picked up the tiger and took a step back. "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" Red Lotus screamed wildly. "Do you know?"

When it comes to arrogance, Honglian and Huangbei are indeed somewhat similar.

Dongling is pale, who is this person? Why do you look like Miss?

She knows that 吱吱 is a dream animal, has a special ability, can make people create a fantasy, killing invisible! But when these people approached, they started to compile the illusion, but only the nine birds entered the illusion, but those who came later did not react!

So she will be so scared, Miss let her wait here, and give her both the tiger and the donkey, of course she must protect them!

The eyes of Hong Lian turned around in Dongling, frowning: "There is nothing remarkable, the guy who is red, is getting more and more!"

At this time, Meng Haotian came over and stood behind her, and also took a look at Dongling. It was no big deal, but when he saw the shackles on Dongling’s shoulders, he slammed.

"Weaving dreams?"

Hong Lian looked at him, Meng Haotian smiled and said: "I don't think of anyone who actually met Shura City here. It is really narrow!"

"You said that she is a man from Shura City?" Red Lotus once again looked at Dongling. Whatever it looks like, it is just a very common gimmick. It doesn't matter to the relationship with Shura City.

Meng Haotian is also unbelievable, his fingers gently rubbing his chin, saying: "Weaving dream beast is the thing of Shura City, who can control in addition to Shura City?"

"Hey! That's really a narrow road, but she looks very weak." Red Lotus began to be interested, and took a few steps away from Dongling, still did not see anything special.

"Although her strength is very weak, she has a dream animal, plus a beggar, a beast." Meng Haotian's eyes stayed on the little tiger, and exclaimed, "Red gold holy tiger, fourth-order beast!"

When the red lotus was heard, the eyes began to shine. "Is it really a beast?"

“Will I read it wrong?” Meng Xiaotian said with a smile. “It’s just a beast in the early days of the beast. It’s no wonder that you just swallowed the sky and didn’t dare to come. It’s a beast here.”

"I looked at the tiger very ordinary." Honglian looked at it several times. Dongling was holding the tiger tightly. Xiaohu was also screaming at her, but how could Honglian be afraid?

"I am afraid that someone with a powerful remedy suppresses the breath and appearance of his beast, making him look like a normal tiger, but the characteristics of the beast can't escape my eyes."

Honglian smiled and looked at Meng Haotian, saying: "Meng Haotian, your most powerful place is your eyes!"

"Over the prize, Honglian respects." Meng Haotian said with a smile.

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