Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1445: : Look back and smile [4]

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Chapter 1445: Looking back and laughing [4]

She is always considerate and gentle, following her, accustomed to her, spoiling her, wanting to do what she does, he never asks, as long as she is happy.

Knife and sea, she wants to go up, no problem, accompany her to the end.

Smiling and turned away, looking at his back, the moon and night can not help but give birth to a grateful and embarrassed.

But the battlefield is here, not when she was thinking about it, so she sorted out the emotions a little, and she laughed: "Let's go together."

The battlefield did not speak, turned around, and the steps were not slow.

In the early spring, the peach blossom pears in the yard bent over the branches, and the petals fell down the wind and fell to the ground.

Stepping on the thin petals, the light footsteps are silent, silent, like no one behind them.

The battlefield frowned slightly, and suddenly turned around, but it was a smiley face.

The dark eyes are looking forward to life, quietly with a smile, the nose is small and beautiful, the lips are like peach blossoms on the branches, fresh and tender, the curvature of the lips is soft, and the pointed chin is exquisite and beautiful.

"When I saw this face for the first time, I felt very strange." Moonlight gently caressed the face and said that the silence of the battlefield is largely because of this strange face.

"In fact, what you become is good." The battlefield whispered.

Looking up at his eyes on the moonlight night, he said frankly: "Thanks to the turtle shell of the millennial black-skinned turtle that you sent, I left early because of something."

"I know." The battlefield was hard to smile, and the cool face was so soft, because of that smile, it showed a bit of softness. "Playing the sky, we always have no fate. Is this destined?"

A night of the moon, I did not expect the battlefield that has always been so indifferent, but I was sure to say it.

Flicking her brow, watching the smile on the face of the battlefield slowly become bitter, she opened her mouth slightly, her heart was sad, want to say something, but did not know where to start.

"Nothing to say." He shook his head gently, raised his hand, and pulled a black hair scattered on her cheek, his fingertips gently touching her face. He hesitated, still holding back his heart. Desire, remove your fingers.

"I don't want to see how sad you are, can you smile?" The voice was low and slightly dull.

Moonlight corners rise and try to squeeze a smile.

The battlefield whispered out, and the mood seemed to be more cheerful. He raised his hand and looked at the falling flowers. He was in the petals of flying and his expression was peaceful.

"I used to think that if I protect the North Moon from an early age and take care of the North Moon, then our ending will be different."

Said, he paused, and some laughed at himself.

"Now I understand, even if time goes back and let me go back, I can't change anything. The person I like is always far away from me..."

The battlefield has always been a silent person. From a small character, it is cold and inaccessible. Today, he suddenly said so much, letting the heart of the moon and night suddenly want to block something, a depression.

Looking at the battlefield from the back, his back is tall and slender, like a tall mountain, sheltering the wind and rain in front of her.

However, such a strong back, at this moment, she also felt a little fragile and lonely.

After losing the Sakura Night, the invincible Prince Warfield seems to have become vulnerable.

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