Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1443: : Look back and smile [2]

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Chapter 1443: Looking back and laughing [2]

Wind and wing also smiled and nodded: "I did exactly that."

The group no longer said anything more, but also left quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, it was still a fierce battle, but at the moment it was quiet like a grave!


Because of the wedding of the North Moon County, the ministers of various countries have already entered Linhuai City. Many traders also took the opportunity to enter the city, taking all the goods and preparing for a big profit.

In addition to traders, in recent days, entering the city of Linhuai, there are talented people from all over the world, among which refining pharmacists and physicians are the most.

Linhuai City is several times more lively than before. Every day, there are crowds on the street, bustling.

The emperor attaches great importance to this wedding. He is more valued than his own. He is not only screaming at the world, but also prepares copper coins and silver coins. As long as he congratulates the people who are married to the county, they can all receive red envelopes.

Therefore, in the past few days of the wedding, the curfew was abolished. Sometimes, the Huaiyin City was carnival all night, and the Lantern Festival was more lively than the festival.

Moonlight always doesn't like the excitement, so I just stay quietly in the lock-up building and concentrate on cultivation.

After reshaping the spirit, her appearance is very different from that of the past, so naturally no one knows who she is. The people in the museum only know that there is always a black, cold and indifferent person, because there is no Deliberately concealed, talking about the ordinary things, so they all guessed that it was the old friend of Beibei Wang, and did not think much.

This evening, the moonlight night was just finished, and it was a bit awkward, so I came to the pavilion to find the wind.

There are many people on the street. For the sake of convenience, she barely walks the main entrance, walks in the back lane of the remote, and enters the hall from the back door.

Ordinary wind and wing are free in the squatting hall, always cuddling the piano, and knowing when she will come back, every time she arrives, she can hear the sound of the piano.

But today, until the yard where he lived, he did not hear the sound of the piano.

It was curious in the moonlight night. When I took care of the clothes, I turned in from the wall. I didn’t have a red heart and didn’t jump. I didn’t feel like a guilty guilty.

Just turned in, I heard the voice of someone talking, listening to the voice, a little familiar, moonlit night.

"There is a lot of work in this matter. If it can really cure the eyes of the North Moon, both my father and I are grateful." This slightly low voice is a battlefield.

I have never seen him since I last let him take the turtle shell of the Millennium Black Turtle.

After reshaping the spirit, the appearance is different. I want to find him several times a month, but I don’t know how to meet it. Secondly, she is not willing to disturb the calm life of the battlefield.

Let him think that she has disappeared from now on, no longer appears, it is also a good thing.

Just like Lolo.

I thought that my heart was cold enough, and I had already been very comfortable with this kind of thing, and I wouldn’t feel sad.

But I accidentally saw Lolotzema on the street that day, and the cold-looking and noble boy suddenly made her heart uncomfortable.

Now I hear the voice of the battlefield, and I feel even more sad and heartbroken.

She stood for a while, her mind was upset, she didn't hear what was said inside, and when she looked up, she suddenly went wrong.

The battlefield turned from the cloister and was coming towards her yard.

I wanted to come to him to avoid the excitement on the street ahead, so I wanted to leave from the back door, but I didn't expect that two people would bump into it.

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