Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1438: : Great wreck [7]

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Chapter 1438: Great Destruction [7]

"Insidious and deceitful woman."

The two men's eyes glanced at each other, cold and faint, but there were countless electric light flints that were provoked.

Watching two people bickering, like a child, the wind sighed helplessly, raising his hand and pointing at the sky: "Look over there, something is wrong."

Moonlight and night, this will take your eyes off the other side, and follow the wind and fingers to look into the sky.

I saw one of the huge cracks, blood flowing, but at the moment it seemed to be opened, and suddenly expanded!

Moonlight stood up and smiled softly: "Come on!"

"Who are you leaving outside?" Seeing the sullen smile on her face, the wind and the wing smiled and asked.

I smiled at the moonlight night and said: "Before I came, I let the red candle go to Shura City, look for evil, tell him that you are left here."

The wind and the wing are helpless: "It is also a big trouble to find him."

"Can go out and say." The moonlight stepped forward and stood on the edge of the cliff. Although there was no movement, the hands were slowly condensed with black energy.

The original black hair was gradually replaced by a dazzling fire red.

Looking at the familiar red hair, the smile in the wind and the wing is slowly gentle, and the slap is cold and over the head. "It really is a gimmick!"

In addition to killing the land, the two huge elements of ice and fire swept the entire forest violently. In a moment, the lush forests were not born, and the trees and flowers were all turned into ashes!

A loud bang, a deep pit fell into the ground, the fire flashed past, and the water vapor filled the entire deep pit.

In a huge pit like a football field, the water vapor gradually dissipated, slowly revealing a black and white shadow.

"Sure enough, it is a super-level Warcraft battle, this momentum is terrible!"

Lurking in a distant tree, the red candle looked at the scene of the battle, could not help but be surprised, murmured.

With the spread of water vapor, the gaze gradually looks at the black, black-haired man who dances. Where is the fantasy he created? Let the evil spirits go out, can you really break the border?

As far as she knows, in addition to killing the medium that creates the illusion, it is impossible to break the killing.

Do you want to kill? With the ability of the evil spirits, although just a short stroke, showing his terrible strength, but the red candle is very clear, want to kill, it is almost impossible!

At the moment, she is not aware of the plan for the moonlit night, so she can only watch the battle silently in the distance and dare not act.

In the deep pit, the water vapor finally dissipated, and the figures of the two strong players gradually appeared.

Face to face, separated by a few dozen feet, but the strong atmosphere of the body, but the whole forest, all silent, no spirits dare to approach

The silvery white hair fluttered in front of the eyes, and the lilac scorpion lifted slightly, and the evil spirits looked at the black robe man who was calm and calm from the beginning.

I didn’t expect it to disappear in a short period of one year. The strength of this separation has become so powerful and unfathomable!

Compared with him, this kind of horrible strength is afraid of turning over countless times?

The breath that came out between the black robes was faintly familiar.

Li Ei thought quietly, suddenly full of totem's face, look condensed: it is him! !

No, this breath is not him! !

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